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Evil Neighbours Thread

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Well, this thread certainly brought back plenty of traumatic memories. For what it's worth, if you can't live with your neighbours' behaviour, then move when you can. Unless you like conflict, and some folk do, the alternatives are always detrimental to your life.

Now for the obligatory anecdotes...

Used to live across from a couple with a baby, and the man would regularly kick the shit out of the wife. Police would be called out, only to be attacked by her, screaming abuse about them persecuting her poor innocent man :rolleyes: She was a well-known prostitute, which presumably was at the centre of most of his assaults. He was the type of belligerent drunk that would roll in without keys at 2am and proceed to kick the front door in. Got his doors mixed up once and started on ours, so we called the police, and he was drunk enough to fancy that he could treat them the same as his wife. The sound of a face hitting a brick wall has never sounded so good, and we particularly enjoyed the plaintive greeting for his mammy that followed.

Never saw the p***k again, and the wife later complained to us that the council had finally got sick of fixing their front door, so they were to be evicted if he ever entered the building.

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Same flat as above - the upstairs neighbour when we moved in was..."staunch", I suppose you'd say. Union flags draped out of the windows, pipe and drum music at full blast 24/7, the whole shebang. Spent his days hanging out the windows screaming the foulest sectarian abuse I've ever heard at anybody that happened to be passing. Did a nice line in aggressive racism too, as I discovered when I ended up on the same bus as him and a wee Pakistani gentleman. He hadn't previously made this guy's acquaintance, but felt quite comfortable singing songs about his negative views on Pakistanis and immigrants in general, before getting up and screaming abuse in the guys ear from about a foot away.

Three weeks later, he was gone. Apparently he'd been a problem for the council for so long that they had him shipped out to another council area. Who gave him a nice three-bedroom house :blink:

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When I was much younger, living in a flat in London, a couple with a toddler moved into the flat above us. Not sure what his problem was exactly, but the husband was one of the most terrifying people I've ever seen (managed to avoid talking to him, thankfully). The couple had horrible rows every day, full of foul invective from him, the gist of which was usually that he was on the verge of murdering the whole family, and anyone else he saw. The rows usually finished with a good half-hour of him running around the flat bellowing like a deranged animal, while battering the walls with what sounded like a sledgehammer. We'd then get peace for the rest of the day, presumably because everyone had passed out for one reason or another,

After a few weeks of this, we had a day of the sledgehammer being used on the floor (our ceiling), for no apparent reason; there hadn't been an argument that we'd heard. Then, suddenly, the argument kicks off, and the toddler starts crying. So, it sounds like he starts hammering the floor with the toddler instead, which is one of the most distressing things I've ever heard. Police called, and the abuse of the child went on until the police arrived.

It sounded like the wife and child were shoved into a back room before Mr Angry allowed the police in, and they spent ten minutes talking to the guy. Once finished, they came down to see us, and informed us of the following: the husband was perfectly lucid and reasonable, and everything seemed normal. The wife denied anything had happened, and they couldn't see the child because it was asleep in the back room. Because of this, we were wasting their time, and they'd arrest us if we called them out again.

Never called the police in London again, and thankfully the upstairs family moved out a week later. Not sure if they were moving out together, or even if the child was still alive as we certainly never heard it through the floor again :mellow:

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We have neigbours who moved in next door last year. Now deep in to the summer and this guy treats his garden like a bin. Full of black bags, broken beds, toys, the lot. He has a pile of toys outside in his back garden and his kids go and fetch them out to play with them, climbing over other toys to get to them.

My only response has been to garden like mad and keep my side looking tidy in the hopes it'll shame him in to cutting his grass at least.

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Luckily I don't have white people living next to me any more. One neighbour is Indian and the other is West African and everything is lovely, civilized and quiet.

Neighbours in the past have ranged from simply inconsiderate to bizarre or just pure scum.

I live in a flat and when I first moved here the downstairs people were 24 hour party people. I wouldn't have minded even if it was once in a while but it was literally every night. Not only that but loads of folk would buzz my buzzer, puke down the stairs and kick in the security door.

The next neighbours were even worse. It was a lesbian couple with a kid. As is often the case one of the lesbians was a nice lady and the other lesbian was like Ray Winstone in Scum. They also had a vicious pitbull and often left their front door open meaning I had to walk past going up the stairs. The dog attacked me twice. It literally ripped a pair of jeans off my leg!

Night after night Ray Winstone-Lesbo would batter the shit out the nice lesbian. You could hear it through the floor. It was awful. What made it intolerable was you could hear the kid, who was about 7 or 8, screaming the whole time. One time Ray Winstone-Lesbo chucked the other one out on to the landing and smashed her head in with a chair. There was blood splatter marks up the walls and everything. Eventually I had enough and phoned the police as I was genuinely concerned for the welfare of the kid.

After they went, I had a weird couple. I hardly ever saw the guy but he was obviously around as the woman was permanently pregnant although never seemed to have more than one child. There may be a few mummified corpses down there under the floor boards if you ask me. That lady was a strange one. She was always chain smoking and looked like she was on the edge of a nervous breakdown. One time she came to my door in tears cos she had locked her self out. That is not normal. She used to come to my door a lot. Looking for toilet paper or tea bags and stuff like that. I'd never let her cross the threshold, no way.

Now I have nice neighbours that are quiet and don't cos any trouble, ie, non Scottish people.

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This weekend I heard someone with power tools outside my flat, this was around midnight. I looked through my peep hole and there was some guy having a go at the door next door. I noticed though when he left he got into an Aberdeen City council van. However there seems to be someone new next door as they certainly don't look like the guy(s) I saw previously. They do have the same trait for coming and going at strange hours though, wouldn't bother me if it wasn't for the squeaky noise of their front door. Hopefully this new guy doesn't have folk round till the wee small hours and talk very loudly with them.

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Me and the mrs commented about how we hardly ever see any of our neighbours out and about in the hallways but then again we think how often during our average day are we outside/in the hallways/ bin store and think it will be on average 60 seconds per day so its no surprise that we hardly see anyone else. Our flat is very quiet, quite often i wonder if we're even staying in a city

You should sell the movie rights to that one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Neighbour had some mate shouting through his door at 11pm about having the painkiller but he wasn't able to open the door and was shouting about the wrong key. Now the police are there, fucking minks.

Interesting, now an ambulance is outside.

Edited by NorthernLights
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Neighbour had some mate shouting through his door at 11pm about having the painkiller but he wasn't able to open the door and was shouting about the wrong key. Now the police are there, fucking minks.

Interesting, now an ambulance is outside.

Did The ambulance have its sirens on??

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My neighbours are nice enough people but since they moved in last year the amount of dog shit has rapidly risen. There's a path behind our houses to a park - now covered in it. Not only that but there is one of those red bins for it right there (ironically, on the No Dogs Allowed sign).

Woke up this morning to find a couple of presents on my front grass.


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Luckily I don't have white people living next to me any more. One neighbour is Indian and the other is West African and everything is lovely, civilized and quiet.

:lol: Totally misread this the first time, but completely agree. We've got a Pakistani family living on the first floor of our building and they're absolutely stars. Appeared a bunch of times over Ramadan throwing food at us because their mosque had too much. My girlfriend is trying to sort out the mother with some English lessons as she's struggling a bit just now. Brand new. Pleasant change from the collection of bams we've had in the building.

Used to live in the West End of Dundee and our upstairs neighbour used to go absolutely fucking mental if she saw more than three people going into the house. Being 19-25, we fairly often had folk over for FIFA/Films/Football on the projector or that, nothing wild, or even loud, just half a dozen folk sitting around, she'd go absolutely scatty and came down screeching about ASBOs. Weirdo.

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:lol: Totally misread this the first time, but completely agree. We've got a Pakistani family living on the first floor of our building and they're absolutely stars. Appeared a bunch of times over Ramadan throwing food at us because their mosque had too much. My girlfriend is trying to sort out the mother with some English lessons as she's struggling a bit just now. Brand new. Pleasant change from the collection of bams we've had in the building.

Used to live in the West End of Dundee and our upstairs neighbour used to go absolutely fucking mental if she saw more than three people going into the house. Being 19-25, we fairly often had folk over for FIFA/Films/Football on the projector or that, nothing wild, or even loud, just half a dozen folk sitting around, she'd go absolutely scatty and came down screeching about ASBOs. Weirdo.

The best advice I (and probably every single P & B'er) can give you is 'kick her in the pie' :thumsup2

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  • 7 months later...

We have a persistent mouse problem in our kitchen. Cats patrol our back garden looking for them. Came home from work the other day and just about shat myself when one darted out from under my fridge.

I have poisoned and trapped for months but to no avail. I've bought those ultrasonic things and hope they work.

Why this thread? My neighbours treat their garden like a bin. Piled high with black bags, half of which have ripped open. My wife saw a mouse in their garden the other day. Utter minks. Aside from reporting them to the council, not sure what I can do.

I miss the bedridden old woman who was there before these folk.

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We have a persistent mouse problem in our kitchen. Cats patrol our back garden looking for them. Came home from work the other day and just about shat myself when one darted out from under my fridge.

I have poisoned and trapped for months but to no avail. I've bought those ultrasonic things and hope they work.

Why this thread? My neighbours treat their garden like a bin. Piled high with black bags, half of which have ripped open. My wife saw a mouse in their garden the other day. Utter minks. Aside from reporting them to the council, not sure what I can do.

I miss the bedridden old woman who was there before these folk.

Get a cat, problem solved and you have a cat.

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