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Evil Neighbours Thread

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5 minutes ago, TxRover said:

If you are referring to the Amazon delivery points, lock box’s at a business location where you can elect to collect Amazon deliveries.

Otherwise, previously posted neighbor issues.

General Americanisms, I find it very irritating.

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Similar situation here but the hedge is mine, inherited from the last owner. The guy next door to me always trimmed his side an I did mine, until he suggested one day that it might be good if it was removed. I agreed - and together we ripped the whole thing up in about an hour. 

At the front I have three trees similarly. We each maintain our own sides. 

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2 hours ago, scottsdad said:

Similar situation here but the hedge is mine, inherited from the last owner. The guy next door to me always trimmed his side an I did mine, until he suggested one day that it might be good if it was removed. I agreed - and together we ripped the whole thing up in about an hour. 

At the front I have three trees similarly. We each maintain our own sides. 

Shouldn't destroy hedges. IMO, excellent habitat for small mammals, and birds.

Thank you.

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24 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Is Razzle still on the go? That was a good read. The 1980's were the best time. IMO.

Thank you.

honestly couldn’t tell you if it’s still on the go ,back in the day you couldn’t go into a cornershop without seeing  a few top shelves of porno mags ,but can imagine since the internet became popular the sales of jazz mags must have plummeted, also with less newsagents and more franchises of convenience stores which don’t want to sell them the high street sales of them must be about nothing now .  I stand to be corrected if anyone on p&b still buys one  regularly?

Edited by Arthur daley
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On 27/08/2021 at 23:25, Lex said:

Stopped taking parcels for a neighbour a couple of months ago. I live next to a couple in their 50’s who are nice enough.
But there’s three daughters who are prolific online shoppers who seem to move in and move out on a fairly regular basis, but keep their parents address as the delivery address.
Which would be fine if their parents were ever in during the day, but they aren’t.
It was getting to the stage during lockdown where I was taking in about five parcels a day while working from home. The sheepish dad would then come round in the evening to collect the days swag.
Got sick of that fairly quickly and now just give a ‘sorry don’t take parcels for them’ whenever i get one. Seem to be getting less rings now as well, the delivery guys must be learning.
Who knows who’s getting them now, but it’s never been mentioned during the occasional chats i have with them about the weather or the nights fair drawing in.

I don't even try neighbours anymore i just take the parcels to the drop off point if they are not in.

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Going back to my earlier rant and photos about idiots blocking people in, I lost the head a bit the other night. Had to take the wife to hospital,  went out at just after 11.30pm, to find i had been blocked in. Hammered f**k  out of the culprit's door, which they had the cheek to moan about.   I saw them the next day, I asked  the  what's more important,  them being lazy or someone's health. Couldn't look me in the eye, and it's never happened again since.

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On 28/08/2021 at 03:44, grumswall said:

8am-8pm is the correct answer for perfectly acceptable grass cutting hours. Anything before is general oftw behavior but anything after is a bit cuntish toward neighbours who do have kids. A good solid 12 hour period where there should be zero recourse or annoyance, bar the odd night shift type.

I work shifts, nightshift noise doesnt really bother me all that much, kids making noise in the street or grass cutting its just a part of living in a built up area. I do hate when fuckers blast music in the gardens til 1/2am. 

9 hours ago, Mr Waldo said:

My sister has a lovely high hedge running the length of my garden. Her neighbour benefits from the privacy it affords.

She likes to keep it neat.  Recently, a few weeks after a noisy party ( she don't mind this, live and let live), and whilst she was sunbathing, the neighbour launched a pile of cuttings over hedge into her garden. This was obviously very frightening for her.

Should I tell her to set her dog on him?


You should be careful, there are posters on this very thread who would try and shag that dog. 

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  • 4 months later...

I am done with my neighbours.  We had to call the cops yet again because of a disturbance, this time they were shouting and swearing at people from their balcony and the parties were throwing debris and bottles at each other.  This sort of shit is becoming a monthly occurrence and I am fed up

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There's a bit of aggro in the block of flats I'm currently living in, police are never away. Thankfully, it's nothing to do with us, it's the upstairs neighbours at absolute war. I don't know how it started, but basically, an old Italian woman and her daughter live in the flat above me and are very nice. They love cooking and it does tend to cause a wee bit of a smell in the close at dinner time but nothing major, just standard as you'd expect, but the other neighbours have taken to tying car air fresheners to all the upper floor door handles in response. They also reported the old dear for 'smoking' in the flat to the landlord company which is apparently against their tenancy agreement.

The tying of an air freshner to the door handle didn't go down well with my Brazillian neighbours who went to their door and threatened to kick their c**t in.

It's quite a nice area which has a lot of much more expensive houses on the other side and you can see them all curtain twitching every time the police come into the street. I'm convinced the culprit neighbours are a bit off on a wider scale though. I've had one interaction with them since they moved in around a year ago and that was a package that I took in as it had my address on it, and planned to just post it back with 'wrong address' written on it, but I received a hand written note through the door minutes later asking for the package.

Went upstairs and they cracked the door open an inch and it was this strange looking woman who just reached her hand out and shut the door again without any acknowledgement.

Bizarre all round, but thankfully no involvement in it.

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5 hours ago, senorsoupe said:

I am done with my neighbours.  We had to call the cops yet again because of a disturbance, this time they were shouting and swearing at people from their balcony and the parties were throwing debris and bottles at each other.  This sort of shit is becoming a monthly occurrence and I am fed up

In Canada? Surely they’ve just said sorry already.

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