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I just finished reading Gazza " My Story ", I'm not really a massive reader so tend to just read through football autobiography's. I have to say the Gazza one was class, some of the pranks and stuff he tells you about are funny and from his poor youth to being one of the highest paid footballers in the 90's is good to read.

It was also interesting reading about how he snubbed Man U and also his time at Lazio and Rangers, also when he battered his wife I never realised that he gave her a full heedbutt and snapped her pinky finger, madness!

It was published in 2004 so I'm sure you could add many a chapter onto it now.

If your like me and just enjoy reading about footballers then I would suggest you give it a bash, I got it in a charity shop for £1.50, money well spent :)

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On the subject of Stephen King film adaptions, Needful Things was on BBC1 last night. Generally it was true to the book and a good watch.

Back to the books, recently read Brookmyre's All Fun And Games Until Somebody Loses An Eye which went down very well. Now approaching the end of David Copperfield for a wee change of pace. Can't say I've read many of the 'classics' so I thought I'd better make an effort to address that.

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Finished last night 'The Dragon Reborn', the third of Robert Jordan's never-ending Wheel of Time series. They're good reads, but there are a few petty gripes - like for example, that he has now repeated about six times the idea that the three young men all think of theselves as useless in front of girls comapred to each other. FFS I picked that up the first time you said it. No more.

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The only Coetzee novel I've read is Disgrace, which I thought was something of a masterpiece. I've no idea why I haven't subsequently read any of his others, but that's something that I'll need to remedy.

Try The Life & Times of Michael K. Probably my favourite book of all time. It won the Booker Prize but don't let that put you off; Disgrace did as well. :D

I'm sure I asked you not to call me that? Maybe not. :D

Right y'are then, scarstomach.

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Try The Life & Times of Michael K. Probably my favourite book of all time. It won the Booker Prize but don't let that put you off; Disgrace did as well. :D

Thanks, it's now on my shopping list.

I'm currently reading The Bascombe Novels by Richard Ford, which is a rather nice hardback collection of his three novels concerning the character of Frank Bascombe; The Sportswriter, Independence Day and The Lay Of Land. I've read all of them before over the years, but I consider them such a great series of novels that it's been a real pleasure becoming reacquainted with them. Like slipping into my favourite pair of slippers.

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Maybe the physics bit - but definitely not the fake invite to the party. I don't think that would ever happen - why would a group of people want to spoil their mate's party by inviting a wee mink like Alvin around? Couldn't see it happening.

And the other thing I didn't get - why on earth did he move to the halls of residence at Stirling University if he's from Falkirk?

I did like the way it ended though - it was a nice touch that he didn;t get together with that Tyra burd. And the descrption of when he walked in on her and Connor "at it" was very well done too.

The way I read it was

Connor fake-invited Alvin so he could see Tyra sucking him off. Ultimate payback.

He moved to the halls to get away from his Dad's problems and because he was beginning to drift away from his mates. Dolby actively encourages him to make a clean break.

Thanks, it's now on my shopping list.

I'm currently reading The Bascombe Novels by Richard Ford, which is a rather nice hardback collection of his three novels concerning the character of Frank Bascombe; The Sportswriter, Independence Day and The Lay Of Land. I've read all of them before over the years, but I consider them such a great series of novels that it's been a real pleasure becoming reacquainted with them. Like slipping into my favourite pair of slippers.

I like the bit when Will Smith punches the alien in the face :D

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1) Was that before or after Alvin had the pop at him about Stirling University? I can't quite remember what order it comes in. Your theory does sound plausible (I'd never thought of it like that), but it does stll seem far-fetched.

2) Was there not a kind of acknowledgment at the end of it that his father was getting better though? He was about to begin another story about Oil Can Harry's and then winked at his son? I could have seen it being a "clean break" had it been a University further afield than Stirling (say, Glasgow or Aberdeen), but the close proximity between the two towns makes me question it.

Party was after the university open day. His Dad was on the mend as well (his brother became his carer) but I just saw it as getting away from his house and his mates. He wanted the campus life and the car was the glue that kept him and his mates together. Once that was gone there was nothing keeping him in Falkirk.

Although Stirling is just as shit. Actually, more shit.

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Now finished Emperor: The Gods of War, which is the last book in Conn Iggulden's Emperor series. Just to re-iterate, this is an absolutely fantastic series and I'd reccommend it to absolutely anyone. 9/10 - it only even drops a mark because he takes a few liberties with changing history in the earlier books, which, if you have any knowledge of the actual history, detracts from the believability (is that even a word?) a tad. Splitting hairs, though, as it's a brilliant series.

I've now read about the first hundred pages of The Diamond Throne, the first in David Eddings' Elenium trilogy. Really enjoyed the Belgariad and Malloreon, but this one's been a bit harder to get into. I'll see how it goes, though.

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I've now read about the first hundred pages of The Diamond Throne, the first in David Eddings' Elenium trilogy. Really enjoyed the Belgariad and Malloreon, but this one's been a bit harder to get into. I'll see how it goes, though.

Read lots of Eddings' stuff but it was a while ago. Liked The Elenium and the trilogy that followed. Tried re-reading them but couldn't get into them. Still, The Belgariad and The Mallorean I've read a few times and thoroughly enjoyed them. Before discovering girls.

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The Catcher in the Rye,

Only read it to see what all the fuss was about and really enjoyed it, although after a couple of chapters I wasn't sure. However I went from thinking Holden was the biggest arsehole on the planet to having a lump in my throat and wanting to give him a hug.


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The Catcher in the Rye,

Only read it to see what all the fuss was about and really enjoyed it, although after a couple of chapters I wasn't sure. However I went from thinking Holden was the biggest arsehole on the planet to having a lump in my throat and wanting to give him a hug.


I'm half and half with you regarding Holden Collfield. I didn't have a lump in my throat nor wanted to give him a hug....

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I'm half and half with you regarding Holden Collfield. I didn't have a lump in my throat nor wanted to give him a hug....

When he speaks about his little brother and the times he's with his little sister were incredibly sad, you are a stone sir.

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Just finished the Fellowship of the Ring and I feel the need to destroy Peter Jackson for missing so many things out in the films. Was surprised that literally half the book is all about making it to the Prancing Pony whereas they gloss over it in like 5 minutes.

Anyway I enjoyed my reading and will be moving onto The Two Towers shortly.

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When he speaks about his little brother and the times he's with his little sister were incredibly sad, you are a stone sir.

Not really; I just think that all of that stuff didn't make up for him being a stupid wee fud.

Incidentally, I would recommend a book called Blue Poppies by a guy called Jonathan Falla. Despite the fact the lead male character came from Kircaldy my lip was all a-tremble at the end of that one. A fúcking great find.

Edited by The Idiot Bástard Son
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Not long finished the 4th Mark Billingham book, 'The Burning Girl', and was quite disappointed with it. Unlike the previous three Thorne novels, there were no twists, no psychopathic characters, and pretty much no storyline. Just ambled from one chapter to the other with very little happening. 4/10

Taking a break from Billingham's Thorne series (still got three to go), and have started reading the long awaited third and final book in Dean Koontz's modern day Frankenstein trilogy.

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just finished lanark by alasdair gray and the papers of tony veitch and the kiln by william mcilvanney. ive got to say that lanark was a bit of a let down, after it had been built up to me to be the greatest scottish book ever etc. i enjoyed the bits about duncan thaw, but thought the bits about lanark etc were a bit too clever for their own good.

mcilvanney however, as always, was brilliant. i thought the papers of tony veitch was far better than laidlaw, which is great anyway, and the kiln was just amazing, especially as someone who really like docherty, which it is a sort of sequel to. definitely my favourite author and two out of my favourite three books, after docherty

I've read all of those books and agree with your opinion entirely there.

McIlvanney is one of my favourite authors, Docherty one of my favourite books.

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Anything by RLS cannot be recommended enough. He's done so much that people should read and haven't because they think they know the story, i.e. Jekyll & Hyde. Probably my favourite author.

Aye, I'll be having a look for some of his other books on the cheap. Starting to enjoy books, which is weird.

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