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The LOLverpool Thread

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Ruining the game? Precisely how?

Also diving is infinitely better to bad challenges. Nobody is hurt by a dive, plenty of people are hurt by two footed tackles. Yet the latter is bizarrely seen by many to not be better.

Diving destroys the integrity in football - the idea that it is a sport - with sportmanship at its heart.

Hard tackling has all but been removed from the game if you look back to pre-1990s football (there are plenty of individual exceptions obviously but the point still stands). Diving has only got worse - and the authorities aren't interested in the one thing that would make a significant impact - retrospective bans for diving.

I love the game - but all too often the actions of those who play it embarrass me (especially diving and play-acting)

I've just realised I'm getting away from the topic of the thread but for me Luis Suarez epitomises the modern game - although he is by no means the only player happy to 'cheat' to win - I have absolutely no sympathy that he gets all the attention.

Edited by pandarilla
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Great win yesterday, things definitely on the up. What's that, 6 wins in their last 8? Will only get better along with Sturridge and Suarez (the new SaS) gelling. I fancy the Reds for top 5 now if not 4th. :D

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Diving destroys the integrity in football - the idea that it is a sport - with sportmanship at its heart.

Hard tackling has all but been removed from the game if you look back to pre-1990s football (there are plenty of individual exceptions obviously but the point still stands). Diving has only got worse - and the authorities aren't interested in the one thing that would make a significant impact - retrospective bans for diving.

I love the game - but all too often the actions of those who play it embarrass me (especially diving and play-acting)

I've just realised I'm getting away from the topic of the thread but for me Luis Suarez epitomises the modern game - although he is by no means the only player happy to 'cheat' to win - I have absolutely no sympathy that he gets all the attention.


That was dead long before diving.

Bad tackles hurt people - they are infinitely worse than diving is. I've posted about this is more depth, but diving is just casual cheating that exists in all parts of the game, for example claiming for a throw in that's not yours is blatant cheating. The only reason, and I really do mean only, is that football, especially in this country, is seen as a masculine sport and diving is perceived as effeminate. And this is driven especially by the media, which really drives people's perceptions.

Make no mistake though, bad tackles are much much worse than diving. All players cheat.

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Great win yesterday, things definitely on the up. What's that, 6 wins in their last 8? Will only get better along with Sturridge and Suarez (the new SaS) gelling. I fancy the Reds for top 5 now if not 4th. :D

Hope so Rob! :-D

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That was dead long before diving.

Bad tackles hurt people - they are infinitely worse than diving is. I've posted about this is more depth, but diving is just casual cheating that exists in all parts of the game, for example claiming for a throw in that's not yours is blatant cheating. The only reason, and I really do mean only, is that football, especially in this country, is seen as a masculine sport and diving is perceived as effeminate. And this is driven especially by the media, which really drives people's perceptions.

Make no mistake though, bad tackles are much much worse than diving. All players cheat.

Wildly inaccurate statement.

I also disagree about the media point. I think people are far angrier about diving than the media seem to be.

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No it isn't. Some may do it to varying degrees, but I reckon every player on the planet has cheated at least once.

Seriously? That's a fairly pessimistic view. Don't get me wrong all sorts of 'cheating' goes on but every player? on th planet? harsh.

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Wildly inaccurate statement.

I also disagree about the media point. I think people are far angrier about diving than the media seem to be.

No it isn't. Every player claims for throw ins that aren't theirs, every player claims for offisde when they don't know if it's offside or not and every players fouls. Pulling someone shirt is blatant cheating.

And no, I'm really not bothered about diving, I think systematic dissent is a much more pressing concern, but the media can hype up people about anything.

Seriously? That's a fairly pessimistic view. Don't get me wrong all sorts of 'cheating' goes on but every player? on th planet? harsh.

Yes, it's taught from an early age. Speaking to the referee at all can be interpreted as cheating.

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No it isn't. Every player claims for throw ins that aren't theirs, every player claims for offisde when they don't know if it's offside or not and every players fouls. Pulling someone shirt is blatant cheating.

And no, I'm really not bothered about diving, I think systematic dissent is a much more pressing concern, but the media can hype up people about anything.

Yes, it's taught from an early age. Speaking to the referee at all can be interpreted as cheating.

Again, we're debating in entirely the wrong thread so this is my last point. I never realised I was so optimistic about the game. You make some very sound points but it all hangs on the definition of cheating - and semantics can get so boring.

For me, diving and play-acting have been slowly ruining the game for many years - and Suarez is up there with best/worst of them.

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Football is by far the world's most popular sport and is growing every year. If the game is being "ruined" this certainly isn't reflected in less interest. Indeed, diving seems to be given much more attention in the UK than anywhere else. Nobody cares. It's not that important.

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Wildly inaccurate statement.

I also disagree about the media point. I think people are far angrier about diving than the media seem to be.

No it isn't. Some may do it to varying degrees, but I reckon every player on the planet has cheated at least once.

Cheating is endemic in the culture of football. It is how we learn the game and are brought up watching it.

I am always bemused at how self righteous people are about players diving.

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I hope LFC do well because I like what Rodgers is trying to do at Anfield.

What is he trying to do? Win games and be successful? Well yeah, good philosophy I suppose.

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Not often you see rugby or cricket players chase referees whilst play carries on. If anything thinks football doesn't have a dissent problem much worse than other sports must be having a laugh. Players don't need to talk to referees they're not sounding boards.

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Not often you see rugby or cricket players chase referees whilst play carries on. If anything thinks football doesn't have a dissent problem much worse than other sports must be having a laugh. Players don't need to talk to referees they're not sounding boards.

I sort of agree with you here. I don't think there's another sport where referee's get so much abuse from players than football, but I think the referee's need some communication with the players, possibly it should only be with the Captain though

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