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Strange dreams

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1 hour ago, Thane of Cawdor said:

This is Jack London's interpretation of such dreams. Ancestral memory, but you've updated it to feature flying machines.

For instance, there was the falling-through-space dream—the commonest dream experience, one practically known, by first-hand experience, to all men.

This, my professor told me, was a racial memory. It dated back to our remote ancestors who lived in trees. With them, being tree-dwellers, the liability of falling was an ever-present menace. Many lost their lives that way; all of them experienced terrible falls, saving themselves by clutching branches as they fell toward the ground.

Now a terrible fall, averted in such fashion, was productive of shock. Such shock was productive of molecular changes in the cerebral cells. These molecular changes were transmitted to the cerebral cells of progeny, became, in short, racial memories. Thus, when you and I, asleep or dozing off to sleep, fall through space and awake to sickening consciousness just before we strike, we are merely remembering what happened to our arboreal ancestors, and which has been stamped by cerebral changes into the heredity of the race.



That’s a very interesting perception on it. 

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16 hours ago, scottsdad said:

I dreamed on Sunday that there was a new Star Trek movie out. Not just any one, but the best one ever. Not just the best ST movie of all time, but it was the best movie ever made - all the critics agreed, the public, everyone raving about it. It was going to change cinema forever and it just happened to be a Star Trek movie. Add to this, I hadn't seen it yet. My dream was vaguely about buying a ticket to go and see it. 

Anyway, I woke up absolutely grinning because this film was out and I was going to buy a ticket to go and see it. Then the walls of reality came crushing in. 

I bet you woke up doing the Vulcan salute 🖖 


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I've just had a dream I need to share before I forget. I decided to go into the CEX on Union Street in Glasgow. After going into several multi-roomed Foot Lockers by mistake I was in the right place, but it was a darkened room with stairs going down into the floor and a guy checking IDs, much to the confusion of the other people going in. I was worried I'd need to show him my Young Scot Card but he didn't ID me. Going down several flights and floors filled with people I got talking to people and nobody knew where we were, or where we were going, but we all assumed we were going to get raped or killed but couldn't turn back. I met some boys I sent to primary school with and they didn't know. I got searched by a security guy I recognised from going to gigs who looked like a pirate, I asked him what was going to happen, he said (something) and humiliation, hopefully. Once we got far enough in the queue the big reveal came and... I honestly don't remember exactly right now. Something to do with Ben Elton and hitting Pikachu with sticks. I made a break for it going back up flights if stairs and there were different things happening in each floor I had to try and avoid. One of them had people leaning over the bannisters trying to spit on me as I was coming up. Glasgow always seems to be bigger in my dreams than it is, the streets are wider and the buildings are bigger and dirtier (but I'm very aware it's through time and volume of people and nobody being there to do anything about it) than real life. The volume of people in this building though. And once we were in none of us could go back. Then I dreamed I woke up and was trying to comfort a girl sleeping next to me who'd had a nightmare so I could start typing this. Then I realised I was actually awake and started typing.

I also dreamed earlier I saw Les Dennis going into the library in Ibrox.

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15 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I've just had a dream I need to share before I forget. I decided to go into the CEX on Union Street in Glasgow. After going into several multi-roomed Foot Lockers by mistake I was in the right place, but it was a darkened room with stairs going down into the floor and a guy checking IDs, much to the confusion of the other people going in. I was worried I'd need to show him my Young Scot Card but he didn't ID me. Going down several flights and floors filled with people I got talking to people and nobody knew where we were, or where we were going, but we all assumed we were going to get raped or killed but couldn't turn back. I met some boys I sent to primary school with and they didn't know. I got searched by a security guy I recognised from going to gigs who looked like a pirate, I asked him what was going to happen, he said (something) and humiliation, hopefully. Once we got far enough in the queue the big reveal came and... I honestly don't remember exactly right now. Something to do with Ben Elton and hitting Pikachu with sticks. I made a break for it going back up flights if stairs and there were different things happening in each floor I had to try and avoid. One of them had people leaning over the bannisters trying to spit on me as I was coming up. Glasgow always seems to be bigger in my dreams than it is, the streets are wider and the buildings are bigger and dirtier (but I'm very aware it's through time and volume of people and nobody being there to do anything about it) than real life. The volume of people in this building though. And once we were in none of us could go back. Then I dreamed I woke up and was trying to comfort a girl sleeping next to me who'd had a nightmare so I could start typing this. Then I realised I was actually awake and started typing.

I also dreamed earlier I saw Les Dennis going into the library in Ibrox.

The strangest part of that was people were hitting Pikachu with sticks and not Ben Elton

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I had a dream the other night that the kids trampoline was on fire in the back garden. I ran outside to put it out and it turned out it was a prank by Ant & Dec who poked their heads up over my fence pissing themselves laughing. 

Couple of ****s.

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  • 1 month later...

Nothing too crazy but I consistently have dreams where I'm struggling to get to sleep.

It's always either with my friends and family in some hyper populated place wanting to do lots of fun things and I'm being boring and ultra conscious that I need to sleep to the point it's awkward or just in weird ass situations you would never sleep in, one last night where I was in a room filled with massive spiders but I was trying to ignore it and just fall asleep, it's mildly irritating because I often wake up feeling like I've had a bad sleep. 

It would make sense if I barely got any sleep but I regularly sleep for 10+ hours, I think it must be some mild permo from back in the day staying up til days on the gear, gives me the fear thinking back and I couldn't think of many things I'd least rather do than stay up til the early ours on it nowadays so of course that's what my brain likes to go to for a default dream. 

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On 18/06/2023 at 20:18, Miguel Sanchez said:

I had one of the "it's time to submit your dissertation and none of it's right" efforts last night.

Good morning Miguel,

I am writing to you in reference to the dissertation which you submitted on 18th June 2023.

I have referred this submission to the School Discipline Committee for investigation, and you will be contacted by the clerk of the School Discipline Committee in due course as part of the investigation. In short, upon reading the submission it was believed that there was the possibility that you had breached the rules set out in the university Policy on Academic Integrity in Assessment in relation to plagiarism, collusion or contract cheating. 

You will be given the opportunity to state your side of the case to the committee at the appropriate time.

I understand that this may be a cause for worry for you. My hope is that this matter can be resolved quickly. If you have any worries, however, you may talk to your academic tutor.

Kind regards

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6 hours ago, scottsdad said:

Good morning Miguel,

I am writing to you in reference to the dissertation which you submitted on 18th June 2023.

I have referred this submission to the School Discipline Committee for investigation, and you will be contacted by the clerk of the School Discipline Committee in due course as part of the investigation. In short, upon reading the submission it was believed that there was the possibility that you had breached the rules set out in the university Policy on Academic Integrity in Assessment in relation to plagiarism, collusion or contract cheating. 

You will be given the opportunity to state your side of the case to the committee at the appropriate time.

I understand that this may be a cause for worry for you. My hope is that this matter can be resolved quickly. If you have any worries, however, you may talk to your academic tutor.

Kind regards

I wrote my master's dissertation in a day and a half, cheating would have been better.

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My mates birthday isn't too far away, and I dreamt last night that all he wanted was to Tough Mudder for it but no one would do it with him. Being a good pal, I signed up with him.

'What's wrong with that? Seems a fairly normal and wholesome dream IMO' I hear you say. Well, for anyone that knows us, knows we are a couple of fat ****s who can't run the length of ourselves, and whose mutual interests outwith football only stretch as far as getting pished, and sampling various kebab shops.

Was it an epiphany? Was it my body subconsciously telling me something? Aye, go to ****ing bed earlier probably. Although ironically, I was out fairly late last night(not the pub) so did in fact scran a kebab in bed before falling asleep. But, not even nightmares of gruelling fitness will put me off my beloved lamb meat.

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Dreamt the other night I met Steve Clarke in a supermarket after the upcoming Cyprus game, congratulated him on qualifying for the Euros. 

Was his deadpan self until he broke out a huge smile and we started laughing about the tournament next summer and how it was weird (no idea why). 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dreamt last night that a TV company tried some innovative broadcasting by having the pundits and commentators sit at their desks which were placed in the centre circle of the match they were watching. The players were going daft because they couldn't use the centre circle. 

One of the pundits was David Moyes and he was raging. He was arguing that you get a better view from the stands and he couldn't see who was scoring goals. 

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3 hours ago, scottsdad said:

Dreamt last night that a TV company tried some innovative broadcasting by having the pundits and commentators sit at their desks which were placed in the centre circle of the match they were watching. The players were going daft because they couldn't use the centre circle. 

One of the pundits was David Moyes and he was raging. He was arguing that you get a better view from the stands and he couldn't see who was scoring goals. 

Better idea, Cowboy Poker with sports commentators…


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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a dream last night I started watching The Sopranos again. In the first episode Glasgow, which was apparently full of Tony's friends, got completely destroyed. Absolutely covered in napalm. Buildings thrown through the air by fire. He was quite unhappy with it.

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31 minutes ago, TxRover said:

(Offering fainting couch)

But tell me, Mr. Sanchez, how did YOU feel about it?




{Perhaps more disturbingly, Apple decided to autocorrect “about” to “Adele”…}

I was online posting about it on another message board all proud because Glasgow had been featured. "It's called heritage sweetie, look it up" is what I believe I posted.

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2 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I was online posting about it on another message board all proud because Glasgow had been featured. "It's called heritage sweetie, look it up" is what I believe I posted.

Amusingly this brought to mind all the Southerners waving “Stars and Bars” and chanting heritage, not hate. It made me realize that the Southern Myth around here is simply a ripoff of Scottish/Irish history. The essential difference is the Irish and Scots had genuine grievances against the English (absentee ownership, cruel laws and policies, genocide, etc) where the South simply felt that their inhumane treatment of the slaves was acceptable as it was necessary for their economic good, and they resented the North wanting to end the practice.

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