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Strange dreams

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Been having some absolutely wild dreams recently all with some sort of shared theme, me witnessing some tragedy I have no control over.

First dream I was in Istanbul and walking along by the Strait, when behind me and to my right I hear a plane. The plane is trying to land at the airport but it crashes into the city centre causing a massive explosion. I then wake up.

Next dream I'm driving along some motorway and pull in at a service station (one of the larger ones you get on proper motorways) to go to the toilet. I park the car and go in and follow the signs for the toilets which leads me down an all white corridor. I open the door for the gents but instead of the toilet I walk out onto some sort of viewing area at a park in Brooklyn, looking across at the Manhattan skyline (I've looked on a map and the view was fairly similar to looking at Manhattan from Brooklyn Bridge park, pier 5, although twice the distance away from Manhattan.) However I look at Manhattan and see the Twin Towers still standing in the skyline, which then leads me to realise that I've been transported 22 years into the past and I'm about to witness 9/11 happen. Instead of leaving (the door was still there) I just stood and watched as the planes hit the tower. This dream stands out from all the others as while the other dreams all felt like normal dreams this one must have been one of those lucid dreams that folk get cause this was so vivid and real it was actually terrifying, was still shook by it when I woke up.

Next dream I'm standing facing a railway track by a station that is on a pier (sort of like at Stranraer) but the trains had to go down a big hill right before the station. Next thing a runaway train comes flying down the hill, crashes into the barrier at the end of the track and falls into the ocean.

Finally, I was in a hotel somewhere (I think it may have been in America somewhere) but everyone there was someone I knew ranging from close friends to folk I haven't seen in years, but none of them were family. So I spend time at the hotel doing stuff I can't remember but I don't think it was important, but a few days into my stay at the hotel I see a group of people in the lobby and I ask them where they are going. Someone I know well told me they were going to the 6th floor (it was suggested that this was the top floor of the hotel) and they all went into the lift. A while later I get a phone call telling me that someone has fallen from the top floor of the hotel and to come to the hospital immediately. Me and 2 other people (who I only know vaguely, everyone who got into the lift was someone I'm quite close with) all panic and call an Uber and ask the guy to take us to the hospital. However there were multiple hospitals in the area and I didn't know which one to go to. Instead of taking me to a hospital though the guy took me up a hill to this massive telephone mast that a bunch of people were crowding round. Something about the place and the Uber driver terrified me but there was another Uber there so we asked him to take us to the hospital, which he did. I ran in in a panic because I was worried one of my friends was dead, and when I went to reception I asked if they had taken in someone who had fallen from the hotel. They said yes but told me that he had been dead for 2 days. They then took me to the morgue and pulled out the guys dead body. I don't know who it was. I woke up when I saw the corpse.

Normally my dreams are quite wild but this 4 dreams just all feel linked in some way. Does anyone know what's going on here?

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My girlfriend has a recurring dream where she wakes up and walks through the house and people are there. Just strangers milling around in our house. It really unsettles her. I had one where my teeth fall out but I think that's quite common. She said she dreamed she walked into the kitchen and there was a man just standing by the sink holding a baby. Freaky.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Really shaken this morning after a recurrence of the type of dream I used to have on rare occasions while working as an Air Traffic Controller. It’s now been several years since I have one of these, but startled awake, literally drenched in sweat, and absolutely panicked is not a great way to start a day. It was the typical nothing works, and you’d watching things go badly wrong…

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Last night Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez kept wearing each other's underpants and I was very cross about it, so I kept making them change back. Also, I may have been Ben Affleck.

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Just now, BFTD said:

Last night Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez kept wearing each other's underpants and I was very cross about it, so I kept making them change back. Also, I may have been Ben Affleck.

Perversion root cause?

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I should point out that there was nothing sexy about this dream; I/Ben was pretty fed up with the whole thing. Every time I left the room, they'd have switched knickers by the time I came back and I had to order them to go and change, like when you'd swap toys with a kid at school and a teacher would find out.

Quite why I couldn't let them swap is beyond me. Not sure what this says about my subconscious, but I don't like it. Hoping that I was just astrally projecting into Affleck's body, and he's a real dick about his missus trading pants.

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Had a dream last night that started with me feeling like I was in a huge train station like Grand Central Station in New York but at the same time knowing that I was up at the wee mini electronic boards at platform 14/15 at Central station, Glasgow.

Anyway I knew that a had a big key which was to open an old fashioned safety deposit box. And I knew that I was to drop it off to some high up military guy.

Then Lawrence Stroll the owner of Aston Martin F1 walked past me wearing normal clothes and gave me a quick bit of eye contact which in my dream I thought was strange. When I opened the deposit box I found a laptop and lots of old fashioned gems and stones.

At this stage I decided just to abandon the plan to pass these goods on and take them for myself. I walked out of the station and phoned my girlfriend to tell her I hadn’t followed the plan and was stealing the stuff. She was having a right go at me saying I was going to get caught.

Then I was looking over my shoulder when I was walking and Lawrence Stroll was following me wearing what in my dream I decided was a full Navy Admiral uniform and I told my girlfriend this, told her I had to go and then the dream ended.

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On 18/08/2023 at 21:50, Sortmeout said:

I had a dream a couple of nights ago that I worked in Formula One and my job was to shave all the drivers body hair off, including on their arses, to make them more aerodynamic.



1 minute ago, Sortmeout said:

Had a dream last night that started with me feeling like I was in a huge train station like Grand Central Station in New York but at the same time knowing that I was up at the wee mini electronic boards at platform 14/15 at Central station, Glasgow.

Anyway I knew that a had a big key which was to open an old fashioned safety deposit box. And I knew that I was to drop it off to some high up military guy.

Then Lawrence Stroll the owner of Aston Martin F1 walked past me wearing normal clothes and gave me a quick bit of eye contact which in my dream I thought was strange. When I opened the deposit box I found a laptop and lots of old fashioned gems and stones.

At this stage I decided just to abandon the plan to pass these goods on and take them for myself. I walked out of the station and phoned my girlfriend to tell her I hadn’t followed the plan and was stealing the stuff. She was having a right go at me saying I was going to get caught.

Then I was looking over my shoulder when I was walking and Lawrence Stroll was following me wearing what in my dream I decided was a full Navy Admiral uniform and I told my girlfriend this, told her I had to go and then the dream ended.

Probably need to stop watching so much F1.

The other strange thing to add about both these dreams is that I’ve probably been the least bothered and watched less f1 this season than I have since around roughly 2005 so it’s not really on my mind.

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Dreamt last night that Billy Gilmour opened the scoring against Georgia this week while wearing flip flops.


Then somehow I managed to get me and some mates in serious bother after shouting at some guy in a bar, who then set masses of Old Form fans against us while we had to get from the bar to elsewhere. 

This stupid dream also somehow managed to lodge a U2 song on my head when I woke up, but thankfully I've shifted it. 

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Gotta stop reading the news before turning in…woke up from a dream where Donald Trump had been caught with a transgender prostitute, and the MAGA crowd were all arguing it would be OK (or better) if was a transgender woman or man, because no one knew yet. I’m disappointed I didn’t hear an answer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Screaming nightmare last night that I ripped my new jacket.

Mind the days when nightmares were about werewolves or family dying, but apparently the real horror of middle age is having to spend relatively small amounts of money.

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3 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

Night before last I was in WWII with shells flying over my head. Woke up sweating. Genuinely terrifying.

Last night I was in a casino bar with Mrs Mullarkey drinking Cherry Heering with Ronnie Drew from the Dubliners. 

Weird, I had a WWII dream, but I was a cook like Ryback in Under Siege.

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I was an undercover polis, working on cracking a paedo ring. Living in squalor, and looking like a scruffy paedo (what’s new?) and so got picked up by polis from a different division. Got battered to f**k and was going to be left in this manky open air jail cell. Just as the polis was leaving I managed to get my ID out which showed I was undercover.

The dug then woke me up (4am) as he decided it was the right time to lick his paws as loudly as possible.

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47 minutes ago, mathematics said:

I was an undercover polis, working on cracking a paedo ring. Living in squalor, and looking like a scruffy paedo (what’s new?) and so got picked up by polis from a different division. Got battered to f**k and was going to be left in this manky open air jail cell. Just as the polis was leaving I managed to get my ID out which showed I was undercover.

The dug then woke me up (4am) as he decided it was the right time to lick his paws as loudly as possible.

Could've been worse. 

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