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Lets All Laugh At Rangers Thread

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Nice you all bit at the 'not important' part :)


Anyhoo, the bigot Fester of the Sos has a call to arms over it.



Our club has been seen as fair game for certain people in the media, anti Rangers bloggers and fans of opposing teams for years. 

Recently we have seen stories claiming our stadium is being used while unsafe, our club is being used to launder money and an ex captain had abused kids. All left unchallenged by the club but defended by us fans. Is it time to change our dignified silence stance? 

I'm aware of the pitfalls from going in all out attack as the time and list of potential targets would be endless but to leave them unchallenged allows those against us to claim they were right as they are never challenged. 

Even this morning readers of the Daily Record were informed that an ex coach had raped a child while working at our club when the same paper had previously printed that the coach had been sacked and police informed when he had actually verbally abused a kid. Surely this can't go unchallenged by our clubs hierarchy? 

For all we know the paper and club may have already opened discussions on the matter as the story appears to have been removed from their online site but if nothing else happens then how do the rank and file know if any action has taken place? If none is forthcoming then is it any wonder a total boycott of the paper is being muted yet again. 

I believe our fans deserve a very public visible defence from our club. We have endured years of attack from others who appear to get off Scott free regardless of the accusations and lies they tell. How long can this continue? 

Some of the stories used to attack our club and it's fans actually grow from seeds planted from within our own support. I recently spent 2-3 days keeping the good name of two Ulster bears out of a newspaper after a fellow bear made outlandish claims via his now disgraced blog. The blog was jumped on by anti Rangers bloggers and ended up on the news desk of a national paper. We really do score own goals at times when we have more than enough attacks from out with. 

Surely now is the time for our club to stand up publicly and strongly against the liars who attack us. Surely now is the time to make an example of those who have the largest audiences. Surely to remain dignified in silence has proven unsuccessful for too long. 

To defend our club is not a crime it is a simple human right. News outlets should think twice before writing a negative story but when it's easier to let the story run then deal with it in hindsight then that's what they will do. Remember the cup final? 

Pick three of the worst culprits with the largest audiences and hold them to task. Outlets would think twice if they knew they would be held accountable for inaccuracies.

There's enough true stories out there to report on and if some of them are bad news then so be it but the nonsensical ones really should be challenged. 

Bloggers and Internet sites should not be exempt from accountability as in these days of journalists being made redundant and less time spent on investigative stories, these bloggers become sources for the main stream media as many journalists scour the Internet for their next lead. I know this to be true due to the speed of my own phone ringing after posting stories online in the past. 

Treating the issue at source could be the most productive policy. 

I've laid out my case for the defence and I know I'm not alone in my view as more and more prominent fans are saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH to the endless attack from others. If nothing is done to protect our club then the fans will look to other methods to protect our clubs name and standing. 



The comments on it, dispel the myth of there being a decent bear.







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Lynx have responded to a Rangers fan after their cheeky appeal for 8,000 cans of deodorant ahead of Celtic‘s visit to Ibrox on Hogmanay.

Christmas may be just around the corner, but who cares about that when the two Glasgow sides go head to head for the third time this season on December 31st


If Lynx somehow come through with 8,000 cans then we’d bet there won’t be another Celtic fan buying their products in the future.



yes personal hygiene is awfy important to the g&g yins.


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1 hour ago, Njord said:




Let me get this right. Paedophilia is taboo as far as a tool to goad supporters on this forum but terrorism, murder and political assassination are fair game?


ETA sorry I forgot, it's the Celtic way.

Edited by stonedsailor
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7 hours ago, Njord said:




This is tasteless, Wunf and it's disappointing to see you post it since I know you've a decent brain.

What goes through the minds of the demented obsessives?  First faux executions of representative Rangers fan and Orangeman figures then a photoshop of Brenda assassinating Warburton?

This dross really belongs to the LOL@Sellick thread as it's laughable how diseased the mind of the typical grey and green onesie-wearer is.

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