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Lets All Laugh At Rangers Thread

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I suppose I'd use the analogy of a church. Some people like going to church, other people don't. You might go to a different church if you move house, but some people will travel a wee distance to go to their favourite one. Not a perfect match, but reasonable.

Imagine there was a church in your area which was renowned for being a magnet for bigots. Imagine this church had sectarian singing as a matter of course and the church encouraged this to the extent of producing merchandise designed to appeal to bigots. Lots of other churches in the area, but this one in particular is renowned for being a haven for bigots. Openly hostile to certain sections of society.

Then imagine you get new next door neighbours and they tell you they attend this church. Would you be a bit taken aback? What do you reckon your conversation over dinner in your house would be that night? Something along the lines of "Those two next door are bigoted lunatics"? Would you accept their excuse that "My dad took me there when I was a kid, so I just go"? Would you not find it a bit weird that they knew this place was a haven for bigots but drove by lots of other churches to go to that one?

Would you say "maybe they're not bigots"? Seriously?

Get Rangers and their arsehole fans to f**k.

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5 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

Because he was polite about it. You couldn't even differentiate between "woman" and "women".

The winky face at the end of my post says otherwise. Have you never misread a word in your life? Ever? 

What you really mean is I support Celtic and he doesn’t. 

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8 minutes ago, Ooooft. said:

The winky face at the end of my post says otherwise. Have you never misread a word in your life? Ever? 

What you really mean is I support Celtic and he doesn’t. 

Yes I have often misread words especially on here, and usually get pulled up for it, emoji or no emoji.

Your smart comment would have made even less sense had you typed the correct word "women".

See the source image


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1 hour ago, AJF said:

Because, to put it simply, Rangers are my team.

I grew up supporting and developing an affinity to that team for broadly the same reasons any other young person happens to support a team. I didn't grow up supporting the team due to bigotry or sectarianism and I don't choose to support the team nowadays for that reason either.

I have to say, and I hope you realise I’m not just trying to be a dick, but this all just seems too convenient. 

This works if we’re talking about a handful of dafties that attach themselves to the club and belt out obscenities now and then. Nothing to do with you and no reason for you or rangers to take some sort of collective responsibility. 

But here’s the thing, this clubs wants these people to identify with them. It wants guys coming from Belfast seeing the club as their representation of queen and country and standing up for what they believe in. The people making these decisions may not be doing it for bigoted reasons, probably commercial but let’s be honest they feed the toxicity that comes with rangers. They will never let that go. 

In that context, I really don’t think it’s enough to say well I don’t support rangers because of that so it’s nowt to do with me. It would be like voting for the BNP but saying it’s because you like their taxation policies, not the horrible racist ones (slightly facetious but I think you see the point). 

I don’t know if/how often you attend away games but if you do, how comfortable do you feel in amongst it? Because every rangers away support I’ve ever witnessed has belted out this rubbish unanimously. 

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1 hour ago, AJF said:

Because, to put it simply, Rangers are my team.

I grew up supporting and developing an affinity to that team for broadly the same reasons any other young person happens to support a team. I didn't grow up supporting the team due to bigotry or sectarianism and I don't choose to support the team nowadays for that reason either.

I have two mates from school who identify as Rangers fans. Due to family life now they are no more than occasional attendees at matches. I can tell you exactly why they support Rangers and its for really mundane reasons..  One really liked Davie Cooper as a player and the other liked the Umbro red away shirt Rangers used in the early 1980s. That is it. And both would admit to total moral cowardice when sitting in the stand at Ibrox and basically saying nothing when "the songbook" gets dusted down as neither fancies a punch in the face from some uber staunch nutjob. 

But like yourself Rangers are their team and I don't know how you move your club away from that guff..  

Edited by AndyM
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2 hours ago, LIVIFOREVER said:

Is there a specific reason for that, did you encourage him to support another team from the one you support, for the obvious reason, and do you go along to Stirling Albion games with him? My neighbour wanted to take his son to football games, but didn't want him subjected to the shite that goes along with supporting The Rangers. 



Yeah as i said in an earlier post, there must be a time when you've matured to a certain age that you absolute understand the sectarian bile that comes along with supporting The Rangers, and if you are even purely just there to support them on the pitch, it still must weigh on your mind that the club is so steeped in bigotry. I just can't imagine anyone wanting no part of that would want to take their kids to their games, maybe can separate it in your own mind, which has to be difficult enough, but you absolutely know you're taking impressionable kids into that toxic culture, and risking them being influenced by it.

I don't think I have to explain myself but just to (hopefully) complete the discussion:

Having moved to the area c.30 years ago, Stirling Albion is the local team; I am a Rangers fan, the boy's mother (Mrs a-p Mk.1) a Celtic fan and many of her family season ticket holders there. We are both aware on the shite that was going down in both grounds at the time. We are now not living anywhere near Glasgow and a pal (also a Celtic fan), with his boy a couple of years older than mine, had been taking him to see the Albion to get him into football without all the unneccessary extra shite that comes from going to games in Glasgow, he suggested we come along. That was about 15 years ago and now with deeper ties with the club and here we are.

How I started with the Rangers? My dad (from Edinburgh) detested Glasgow football and I wasn't allowed anything to do with it. At 15/16 years old a couple of pals and I got enclosure tickets (can't remember how) for the Dynamo Kiev game. I had never experienced anything like it and I was instantly hooked. Once you've got a team, you're stuck with it I'm afraid.

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2 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

I have to say, and I hope you realise I’m not just trying to be a dick, but this all just seems too convenient. 

This works if we’re talking about a handful of dafties that attach themselves to the club and belt out obscenities now and then. Nothing to do with you and no reason for you or rangers to take some sort of collective responsibility. 

But here’s the thing, this clubs wants these people to identify with them. It wants guys coming from Belfast seeing the club as their representation of queen and country and standing up for what they believe in. The people making these decisions may not be doing it for bigoted reasons, probably commercial but let’s be honest they feed the toxicity that comes with rangers. They will never let that go. 

In that context, I really don’t think it’s enough to say well I don’t support rangers because of that so it’s nowt to do with me. It would be like voting for the BNP but saying it’s because you like their taxation policies, not the horrible racist ones (slightly facetious but I think you see the point). 

I don’t know if/how often you attend away games but if you do, how comfortable do you feel in amongst it? Because every rangers away support I’ve ever witnessed has belted out this rubbish unanimously. 

I don't mind it at all, I don't interpret your views on it as being a dick.

I agree that various things the club does feeds the "bad bits" so to speak, and I suspect as you do that it's more to do with milking that element of the support rather than there being a sectarian ethos within the club's organisational structure.

I get to a few away games, maybe 5 or 6 a season, and totally appreciate what goes on. It's something that needs to stop and should've stopped a long time ago. It does bring a sense of discomfort, but (and I suspect this is where I will receive criticism) it's not enough to put me off following and watching Rangers.

So, it most likely is convenience and I probably view myself as one of those people that are predisposed to focus on the good and overlook the bad if I feel like I am comfortable with my own actions.

Though, as mentioned by @AndyM, that may make me morally cowardly or morally selective if I am not a dissenting voice in amongst it.

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7 hours ago, Sortmeout said:

Might be in the minority here but when Kilmarnock lose, even after all these years of losing, it ruins my weekend. Don’t want to do anything on the Saturday night and then on the Sunday it’s one of the first things that comes into your head when you wake up.  We lost.  Horrible.

I'm with you on that and I haven't lived in Dundee since 1995 so only been at 1-2 live games each season. I have Dee TV and give £20 per month to the Foundation and donated way to much during both administrations.

They do my fucking head in to be honest. 

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On 11/09/2023 at 16:41, LIVIFOREVER said:

As you get older you must be very much aware of the sectarianism that goes along with supporting your club, but I'd find it a particularly uncomfortable experience when you get to a certain age having started a family, carrying on supporting The Rangers when taking your kids to football games. Why inflict that sort of unpleasantness on them when they can have a much more enjoyable sectarian free experience supporting other teams, with you taking them along to games. My next door neighbour was a Rangers fan and stopped going to their games for exactly that reason, and took his son to Livi games instead, and they're now both ST holders at Livi. 


Not sure if that's better or worse tbh.

On 11/09/2023 at 16:49, alta-pete said:

...and my son goes to see Stirling Albion. Funny old world, eh?

That's 100% worse! 😉

1 hour ago, AndyM said:

I have two mates from school who identify as Rangers fans. Due to family life now they are no more than occasional attendees at matches. I can tell you exactly why they support Rangers and its for really mundane reasons..  One really liked Davie Cooper as a player and the other liked the Umbro red away shirt Rangers used in the early 1980s. That is it. And both would admit to total moral cowardice when sitting in the stand at Ibrox and basically saying nothing when "the songbook" gets dusted down as neither fancies a punch in the face from some uber staunch nutjob. 

But like yourself Rangers are their team and I don't know how you move your club away from that guff..  

Not sure what that means m8?

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48 minutes ago, AJF said:

I don't mind it at all, I don't interpret your views on it as being a dick.

I agree that various things the club does feeds the "bad bits" so to speak, and I suspect as you do that it's more to do with milking that element of the support rather than there being a sectarian ethos within the club's organisational structure.

I get to a few away games, maybe 5 or 6 a season, and totally appreciate what goes on. It's something that needs to stop and should've stopped a long time ago. It does bring a sense of discomfort, but (and I suspect this is where I will receive criticism) it's not enough to put me off following and watching Rangers.

So, it most likely is convenience and I probably view myself as one of those people that are predisposed to focus on the good and overlook the bad if I feel like I am comfortable with my own actions.

Though, as mentioned by @AndyM, that may make me morally cowardly or morally selective if I am not a dissenting voice in amongst it.

You don't fancy a physical confrontation with some lunatic who's been shouting offensive crap so you keep your mouth shut. That's only human. 


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1 minute ago, printer said:

Not sure what that means m8?

Means when asked who their team is they say Rangers. although they rarely attend matches and don't really put anything into the club beyond buying the occasional shirt. 

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2 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

Because he was polite about it. You couldn't even differentiate between "woman" and "women".

Politeness always pays. Some of the replies to posts on P&B are unbelievable. I always try to reply to someone on here the way I would if I was face to face with them. 

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2 minutes ago, kingjoey said:

Politeness always pays. Some of the replies to posts on P&B are unbelievable. I always try to reply to someone on here the way I would if I was face to face with them. 

Point out to me what was impolite about my post please? 

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3 minutes ago, Ooooft. said:




Is thinking you're a returning banned poster because your posting style is eerily similar, think everyone is against you because you support Celtic and spend an unhealthy amount of time on Rangers threads really the same as "Why u no nice to me bcuz I sport Celtic :(

I'd hazard a guess at, No.

Edited by Derry Alli
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1 minute ago, Derry Alli said:

Is thinking you're a returning banned poster because your posting style is eerily similar, this k everyone is against you because you support Celtic and spend an unhealthy amount of time on Rangers threads really the same as "Why u no nice to me bcuz I sport Celtic :("

I'd hazard a guess at, No.

When did I say everyone was against me? You’ve just made that up. Your post is a bit word salady but who am I eerily similar to?  Clown Job? You’re allowed to be new you know.

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