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I wouldn't ever come on to a thread like this to belittle anyone, we've all got real issues or loved ones with real issues.
Do you think we've all got fantastic lives where everything goes swimmingly, I've got 3 kids who've lost a great gran,2 grans,1 granpa,1 neice and a mother in a very short space of time, do you think they're all having a wonderful time, no but we'll deal with the issues when they arise,re-surface.

You do realise that myself and anyone I’ve ever known with depression keeps quiet about it because of that attitude. I’ve said it so many times to my wife:

‘I speak to people around me, watch the news etc and see how worse off people are than me, I can’t moan because I feel down’

It’s a fallacy that the two are mutually exclusive, no one would try and belittle the bereavement you and your family have suffered, it sounds terrible and I genuinely feel for you.

However, take one look at the suicide rates globally and you’ll see this thread if nothing else is a minor form of therapy just to get peoples thoughts out in writing.

I don’t think your posts were Ill intentioned but they do come across badly and could be interpreted the wrong way.
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8 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:


You do realise that myself and anyone I’ve ever known with depression keeps quiet about it because of that attitude. I’ve said it so many times to my wife:

‘I speak to people around me, watch the news etc and see how worse off people are than me, I can’t moan because I feel down’

It’s a fallacy that the two are mutually exclusive, no one would try and belittle the bereavement you and your family have suffered, it sounds terrible and I genuinely feel for you.

However, take one look at the suicide rates globally and you’ll see this thread if nothing else is a minor form of therapy just to get peoples thoughts out in writing.

I don’t think your posts were Ill intentioned but they do come across badly and could be interpreted the wrong way.


I accept that it came across wrongly.

I understand the therapeutic value of places like this, I also understand that talking to all and sundry about things of this nature is not easy for lots of people, I also wouldn't appreciate it if I told my life story good and bad to anyone and they used it to belittle me, my biggest achievement is and will remain coming back from where I took myself and those around me to where I am today.

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You do realise that myself and anyone I’ve ever known with depression keeps quiet about it because of that attitude. I’ve said it so many times to my wife:

‘I speak to people around me, watch the news etc and see how worse off people are than me, I can’t moan because I feel down’

It’s a fallacy that the two are mutually exclusive, no one would try and belittle the bereavement you and your family have suffered, it sounds terrible and I genuinely feel for you.

However, take one look at the suicide rates globally and you’ll see this thread if nothing else is a minor form of therapy just to get peoples thoughts out in writing.

I don’t think your posts were Ill intentioned but they do come across badly and could be interpreted the wrong way.

Genuine question...

Are the increased suicide rates mainly in western countries? Or is it more random (or even more uniform throughout the world)?
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33 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

Fair enough.

I know there are quite a few knowledgeable posters on this topic (including the one I was replying to) and I was interested to read their take on it.

Prob me just being a miserable shite. Just seemed a bit of a clinical essay question to me.

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Seen it mentioned above, I see this thread as therapeutic. Chance for anyone and everyone to get a load off (f**k off Kenneth Williams) their chest and not be judged about it.
Tonight (Friday) I had a really good day/night with my mates.

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3 hours ago, NJ2 said:

Seen it mentioned above, I see this thread as therapeutic. Chance for anyone and everyone to get a load off (f**k off Kenneth Williams) their chest and not be judged about it.
Tonight (Friday) I had a really good day/night with my mates.

Getting things out in any form is very beneficial to anyone with problems of any kind, I used to force myself to to do what would be classed as public speaking(just a therapy to me) to help me recover from compulsive gambling, I used to be absolutely bricking it but I gained at least as much as I gave.

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7 minutes ago, Adam said:


No sure a night doing gear is the correct advice here if I’m honest.

Mizfit, if you really don’t want to go to the Granny’s house then don’t. From what you’ve said about her on here she is an absolute roaster. However, if you love your burd then maybe could you not consider sucking it up for a few hours, for her?

I posted on this thread nearly a year ago, when I was in a terrible place in my life. All I wanted to do was push people away. I read my post back earlier and I can’t believe how much has changed for me in the last twelve months. I got a promotion in work, I’ve moved from a flat to a bigger house, giving my kids a garden to play in, have a fantastic circle of friends in my life, a group which I probably don’t deserve as they pulled me from the brink when I had tried to cut them off, and I’ve been going out with a girl for the last five months who makes me happier than I can ever remember being.

If someone had told me how my life would have ended up today when I was sat on here 12 months ago, crying whilst I typed my post out, I would never have believed them.

As wanky as it sounds, I’m really proud of myself.


Fortunately I OD'd the time I tried taking something, won't do that again.

The bottom line highlights why men can struggle so much when dealing with life, from our earliest days people are telling us to stop crying and be a big boy.

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Hello again folks,

I've been in a pretty dark place this last month or so. Various reasons and I'm not going into them here but I'm struggling. Fucking hell, I'm struggling. Not suicidal, or anything like that but just overwhelmed, fed up and completely drained of good cheer.

Last night, we drove a long way to what turned out to be a rather dull social event. Then on the way home, we stopped as we often do, to pick up groceries. I was over-tired and in a foul mood before we started; things didn't improve in the supermarket and by the time we made it home, I was carrying a rage just looking for a target. That came when a bag I was carrying split and jar of pickles broke on the front steps. What followed can only be categorised as a full on, toddler style temper tantrum. At least it was at home, rather than in public, so there's that but I think the dogs, Mrs Shotgun and I were all a bit frightened by its intensity. No harm done in the larger scheme of things but I feel just miserable this morning.

It's a grey, cold, wintery day here and if some of you were to come round, take me to the pub, and talk about anything but this, I'd appreciate it.

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Hello again folks,
I've been in a pretty dark place this last month or so. Various reasons and I'm not going into them here but I'm struggling. Fucking hell, I'm struggling. Not suicidal, or anything like that but just overwhelmed, fed up and completely drained of good cheer.
Last night, we drove a long way to what turned out to be a rather dull social event. Then on the way home, we stopped as we often do, to pick up groceries. I was over-tired and in a foul mood before we started; things didn't improve in the supermarket and by the time we made it home, I was carrying a rage just looking for a target. That came when a bag I was carrying split and jar of pickles broke on the front steps. What followed can only be categorised as a full on, toddler style temper tantrum. At least it was at home, rather than in public, so there's that but I think the dogs, Mrs Shotgun and I were all a bit frightened by its intensity. No harm done in the larger scheme of things but I feel just miserable this morning.
It's a grey, cold, wintery day here and if some of you were to come round, take me to the pub, and talk about anything but this, I'd appreciate it.

Given your health scare and everything else that’s went on recently it’s completely natural that you have had an episode.

Have you heard about SAD? It sounds like you could suffer from that.

Take it easy mate, I can’t offer much advice, but what I can say is don’t push away the people who love you.
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No harm done in the larger scheme of things

This is the main part you need to tell yourself mate. Things got too much and you boiled over, it happens. As you say though, no harm done and you can move on. Think of it as you’ve emptied the tank. You can relax and enjoy things again now. A very simplistic view, I appreciate. Next time you feel things getting too much, try and intercept it before it gets to full meltdown.
Ps, I think I’ll be in the ship inn in Fife from half past 3 [emoji106]
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On 23/12/2017 at 08:11, Adam said:


No sure a night doing gear is the correct advice here if I’m honest.

Mizfit, if you really don’t want to go to the Granny’s house then don’t. From what you’ve said about her on here she is an absolute roaster. However, if you love your burd then maybe could you not consider sucking it up for a few hours, for her?

I posted on this thread nearly a year ago, when I was in a terrible place in my life. All I wanted to do was push people away. I read my post back earlier and I can’t believe how much has changed for me in the last twelve months. I got a promotion in work, I’ve moved from a flat to a bigger house, giving my kids a garden to play in, have a fantastic circle of friends in my life, a group which I probably don’t deserve as they pulled me from the brink when I had tried to cut them off, and I’ve been going out with a girl for the last five months who makes me happier than I can ever remember being.

If someone had told me how my life would have ended up today when I was sat on here 12 months ago, crying whilst I typed my post out, I would never have believed them.

As wanky as it sounds, I’m really proud of myself.



14 hours ago, Shotgun said:

Hello again folks,

I've been in a pretty dark place this last month or so. Various reasons and I'm not going into them here but I'm struggling. Fucking hell, I'm struggling. Not suicidal, or anything like that but just overwhelmed, fed up and completely drained of good cheer.

Last night, we drove a long way to what turned out to be a rather dull social event. Then on the way home, we stopped as we often do, to pick up groceries. I was over-tired and in a foul mood before we started; things didn't improve in the supermarket and by the time we made it home, I was carrying a rage just looking for a target. That came when a bag I was carrying split and jar of pickles broke on the front steps. What followed can only be categorised as a full on, toddler style temper tantrum. At least it was at home, rather than in public, so there's that but I think the dogs, Mrs Shotgun and I were all a bit frightened by its intensity. No harm done in the larger scheme of things but I feel just miserable this morning.

It's a grey, cold, wintery day here and if some of you were to come round, take me to the pub, and talk about anything but this, I'd appreciate it.

This post may help you both out.

Firstly @Adam, that doesn't sound wanky at all mate! It feels good to talk about good things happening in our lives! 

I have been in and out of Depression since the first diagnosis at the age of 14 (22 years now) shoved on to Seroxat, that was a horribly low low time.

I used to have to go on a stint of anti depressants every couple of years. It was not until the last 4-6 years that I was able to figure out a way of getting through bad patches without medication. 

Its the posts like yours @Adam that help achive this. 

Its about taking a step back having a look at where you are in life currently and either; 

a) If life is good, asking yourself; What do I have to feel down about? I have a great wife, happy kids and a good job. But always talk about how you have been feeling, I cannot stress enough of how important this is! A problem shared is a problem halved. I 100% believe this.

b) If life is not going so well, tell yourself; (depending on the situation) I cannot let the way I am feeling get in the way of progress in my life. Again you must talk about how you feel, there is no stigma attached to mental health issues anymore, mostly because we all know someone who has had mental illness at some point.

St Johns Wort also helps.


Take a step back, I am reading that you have had a health scare, I dont know what that was however I do hope you are over the worst. You are still up and about with a wife so you must have a think about all the good things in your life, go out and buy her some flowers today and tell her your sorry for being a crabbit git yesterday and talk about the way you have been feeling. Trust me you will feel a hundred times better! 

I hope this advice can help just 1 person the way it has helped me.

Best of luck!

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