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4 minutes ago, NJ2 said:

I’m not a medical professional but I’d have thought a gp would be better referring to a therapist rather than write someone off as merely fed up. Seems quite shoddy, but then I suppose not all doctors will be good doctors or good people.

There are huge queues for mental health treatment in Inverness, not sure about the Central Belt. No idea about this case but doctors have to prioritise unfortunately.

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There are huge queues for mental health treatment in Inverness, not sure about the Central Belt. No idea about this case but doctors have to prioritise unfortunately.

Surely explaining that and the subsequent is better practice than saying “you’re fed up” though?
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1 minute ago, NJ2 said:

Surely explaining that and the subsequent is better practice than saying “you’re fed up” though?

We don't really know what the doctor said. Hopefully he said more than that.

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We don't really know what the doctor said. Hopefully he said more than that.

Yeah, true. And hopefully jama is feeling more positive now. I always see it as a massive positive folk have gone for help

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Just to clarify, I wasn't slating the doctor and I wasn't mad. I was prescribed anti-depressants though which confused me considering I "wasn't depressed", according to her. That was also the second appointment. At the first I found her very helpful.

I'm also paying for therapy currently.

I think this is part of the problem identifying it though. Unless you're showing pretty much every symptom, or your life is "great" on the face of it and you still feel this way it may not be taken seriously. My current circumstances aren't brilliant but they haven't really changed from previous years. Financially I'm doing okay. When I was on the dole I sure as hell didn't feel the way I do now though.

Very confusing. I doubt it will ever be properly understood by any of us.

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There are huge queues for mental health treatment in Inverness, not sure about the Central Belt. No idea about this case but doctors have to prioritise unfortunately.

This is exactly what I was getting at though, a GP still has to be aware of the expense their decisions will have on their employer which is why so many mental health cases are disregarded. Complaints about work/finances will likely be disregarded by some GP’s as it’s not considered a danger to the patients health.
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I thought I'd apologise for my earlier post. Depression and it's affects is not a laughing matter or one to joke about either. I have since removed the offending post and can only say sorry for being a complete dick.

Having suffered several bouts of depression recently myself I feel somewhat embarrassed by said earlier post.

I got to the age of 46 before I felt any meaningful loss of death of a loved one to whom I was close with. If that wasn't bad enough I lost two further family members in less than two years, one of which was my mother. The circumstances around my mothers passing only came to light and had me at war with a few unscrupulous family members who took complete advantage of an elderly woman suffering from advancing Alzheimers and had raided her funeral savings as well as other callous acts that deprived her of pain medication by stealing them. My fighting with them only got me charged with some made up charges and ultimately I could not attend her funeral because I would lost my shit completely because they were in attendance.

I'm lucky, I work in a church and got plenty of support from the pastor and the congregation who held a vigil because I had to miss my mums funeral.

I suppose you have to stop your life when you are depressed and take note of what you have and the future you can have with all that's left from a previous past you can't do anything to change. You can't dwell on the past and think that if only you could have done it differently things might have come out differently, what's done is done and you can only change the future. Blaming yourself for not doing something when you could have is a disease that only festers with each passing day, you have to forgive yourself for things you may have or have not done.

Changing your thinking is as hard as it gets when you are at the depths of a terrible depression, but if you can manage to see even a glimpse of hope in the dark, grab it. Don't get trapped into the cycle that things only go bad or expect them to be bad, life is what you make it and making a new future can be difficult and if you accept that life won't be as it once was you have taking a small step in the right direction.

Once again sorry for the earlier post.

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8 minutes ago, hellbhoy said:

I thought I'd apologise for my earlier post. Depression and it's affects is not a laughing matter or one to joke about either. I have since removed the offending post and can only say sorry for being a complete dick.

Having suffered several bouts of depression recently myself I feel somewhat embarrassed by said earlier post.

I got to the age of 46 before I felt any meaningful loss of death of a loved one to whom I was close with. If that wasn't bad enough I lost two further family members in less than two years, one of which was my mother. The circumstances around my mothers passing only came to light and had me at war with a few unscrupulous family members who took complete advantage of an elderly woman suffering from advancing Alzheimers and had raided her funeral savings as well as other callous acts that deprived her of pain medication by stealing them. My fighting with them only got me charged with some made up charges and ultimately I could not attend her funeral because I would lost my shit completely because they were in attendance.

I'm lucky, I work in a church and got plenty of support from the pastor and the congregation who held a vigil because I had to miss my mums funeral.

I suppose you have to stop your life when you are depressed and take note of what you have and the future you can have with all that's left from a previous past you can't do anything to change. You can't dwell on the past and think that if only you could have done it differently things might have come out differently, what's done is done and you can only change the future. Blaming yourself for not doing something when you could have is a disease that only festers with each passing day, you have to forgive yourself for things you may have or have not done.

Changing your thinking is as hard as it gets when you are at the depths of a terrible depression, but if you can manage to see even a glimpse of hope in the dark, grab it. Don't get trapped into the cycle that things only go bad or expect them to be bad, life is what you make it and making a new future can be difficult and if you accept that life won't be as it once was you have taking a small step in the right direction.

Once again sorry for the earlier post.

You dont need to apologise. Plus it's good to get that off your chest.

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Just now, Slenderman said:

You dont need to apologise. Plus it's good to get that off your chest.

One of the happiest c***s I know at church gave his testimony last night. I was totally taken aback at some of the things he went through and the level of depression he fell too and had him close to taking his own life. For him, visiting a church changed his life. Now he just throws his problems at Jesus?

Anyhoo, had a guilt trip and is now a burden offloaded. :)

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Starting to get the chest pains again. What it actually feels like is the pulsating heart, chest tightening you get when your nervously waiting for, say bad news or being on severe tenterhooks.
These last 4 weeks I've actually woke up every day with a severe headache mega early as well.
I have absolutely no idea what's happening, I've fell out with my dad and father in law because in my head they're arseholes, but its me that's walking round with my face tripping me even though I'm on a weeks annual leave and been doing stuff with the kids.
Me and the Mrs went through a rough patch there as well, so I spent £thousands on a brand new house roof to prove and show that I wanted to be here. I've openly said to her this last week that I want to move away with her and the kids and never speak to anyone else again.
I'm well aware that I'm capable of waking up tomorrow and having a completely different perspective on things, such is the severity of my swings. But its this constant nervous chesty feeling that's making me feel.horrible, even sickly.

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Follow up to this I’ve now been put on Sertaline 50mg for the foreseeable future. 4-6 weeks to take effect so will see how that goes and the fight goes on.

Was put on these by a certain doctor and had a few follow up appointments to see how it’s all going, was going to talk to him about an increase as I’ve been feeling myself slipping again, phoned up the GP today and got told that tomorrow is his last day at the surgery so can no longer see him so I’m going to have to go back to square one when I go in next week.

Not happy at all.
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Are folk on medication supposed to have a review? I've been on Fluoxetine for 3 years now and have never met with a GP to discuss it. I just keep getting the same prescription.

I think I'm going to taper myself off of them soon. Can't be fucked with them anymore. Don't think they're doing anything anymore anyway.

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25 minutes ago, gav-ffc said:


Was put on these by a certain doctor and had a few follow up appointments to see how it’s all going, was going to talk to him about an increase as I’ve been feeling myself slipping again, phoned up the GP today and got told that tomorrow is his last day at the surgery so can no longer see him so I’m going to have to go back to square one when I go in next week.

Not happy at all.


I always find its better to stay with the one doctor if possible, it’s probably a set back for you, but hopefully not back to square one. Your past info should be there for another doc to see, so hopefully not as bad a transition as you think 

3 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Are folk on medication supposed to have a review? I've been on Fluoxetine for 3 years now and have never met with a GP to discuss it. I just keep getting the same prescription.

I think I'm going to taper myself off of them soon. Can't be fucked with them anymore. Don't think they're doing anything anymore anyway.

You’d be surprised DA, get an appointment first and talk it through with your doctor. I felt the same way as you and just stopped, it was horrendous for three months mate

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Just now, heedthebaa said:

I always find its better to stay with the one doctor if possible, it’s probably a set back for you, but hopefully not back to square one. Your past info should be there for another doc to see, so hopefully not as bad a transition as you think 

You’d be surprised DA, get an appointment first and talk it through with your doctor. I felt the same way as you and just stopped, it was horrendous for three months mate

Yeah I've heard you shouldn't just stop. I don't plan on doing it suddenly. Was going to taper off progressively.

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54 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Are folk on medication supposed to have a review? I've been on Fluoxetine for 3 years now and have never met with a GP to discuss it. I just keep getting the same prescription.

I think I'm going to taper myself off of them soon. Can't be fucked with them anymore. Don't think they're doing anything anymore anyway.

My practice either have a phone appointment and every second month if I’ve not been in they have me in to check in with me. I’ve an excellent practice.

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3 minutes ago, Rowan said:

My practice either have a phone appointment and every second month if I’ve not been in they have me in to check in with me. I’ve an excellent practice.

That’s brilliant.

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Went to the docs today for an unrelated visit but when I was there decided to ask him about referring me to speak to someone. My anxiety is getting barely manageable nowadays and I just want to see what I can do before I have any sort of meltdown. I still cling to the hope that one day I'll be as anxiety/depression free as a person can be so here's hoping with a few years of good advice, good mental health practices and my tablets etc. all working together I'll be back to the old me.

My only fear is if I go to regular sessions and they are during office hours I'll have to tell my work about it to make sure they are ok with the time off. As im a contractor I'm worried that this might make my position untenable but we shall see. Might end up just paying for it myself so I can decide when and where but there's no real decent professionals local.

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I think I'm going to ask to cut to a four day week at work. This five days a week is a load of nonsense and is going to kill me eventually.

While we're on the subject of antidepressants I ordered something called 5-htp and it arrived today. It's almost like a natural serotonin enhancer and it isn't full of chemicals like pharmacutical pills. The reviews were excellent so thought f**k it and got some as I clearly need to take something but didn't fancy the prescription ones.

Anyone ever tried these? And am I mad for planning to cut my hours at work? I've really tried to stick it out but just don't think I can anymore.

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Anxiety is a worry for me. very bad just now. I can spend all day worrying about the most trivial thing. Its causing me a lack of sleep as well, which makes me irritable at work, which isn't great, as I have to deal with the public every day.

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