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Back to work 30th :) I feel ready to go back, feeling good and positive and was beginning to get bored being off sick.

If you're feeling down try to stay positive, it does get better. I'd have killed myself in November if it wasn't for me first missing my bus home by a minute and then the intervention of a kind stranger who found me in an alley. My mind was made up that I was going to hang myself, but today I am happy to be alive and looking forward to the future.

Don't hesitate to send me a private mail if you ever need someone to talk to. If my experience can save even one person from going down the same road then I would consider what I've been through to have been worthwhile.

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Back to work 30th :) I feel ready to go back, feeling good and positive and was beginning to get bored being off sick.

If you're feeling down try to stay positive, it does get better. I'd have killed myself in November if it wasn't for me first missing my bus home by a minute and then the intervention of a kind stranger who found me in an alley. My mind was made up that I was going to hang myself, but today I am happy to be alive and looking forward to the future.

Don't hesitate to send me a private mail if you ever need someone to talk to. If my experience can save even one person from going down the same road then I would consider what I've been through to have been worthwhile.

Good on You Mate ! well done you seem to be coping ? Keep strong , Merry Xmas . 8)

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I've had it under control for a good few months, but the last few weeks are starting to take it's toll again, starting to get those feckin feelings back and it's a nightmare for everyone around me, i'm starting to retreat back into myself and not talking to anyone, and the thing is, i can see it happening but i'm powerless to stop it!!!

Just trying to get my act together for the forecoming few days, just hope i can go the distance!!

You can go the distance mate, don't have any doubts about that ! :) From right now, you can get your life in positive mode and get rid of the negative 'powerless' stuff.We always have the power to deal with our feelings, but sometimes we have to dig deep to find it.

Don't allow the 'feckin feelings' to return...replace them with positive thoughts. Don't 'retreat back into yourself' because right now the worst place that you can be is alone in your own napper.

Talk to someone you can trust and tell them how you're feeling....tell them also that you're going to start feeling better. And when the folks around you see you begin to get better, then their lives will stop being 'a nightmare'...and that's how it should be.

So,you're going to beat this thing, and you're going to do it by thinking positive thoughts and by concentrating on being well. And don't ever forget...think well and you'll be well ! Guaranteed ! ;)

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Back to work 30th :) I feel ready to go back, feeling good and positive and was beginning to get bored being off sick.

If you're feeling down try to stay positive, it does get better. I'd have killed myself in November if it wasn't for me first missing my bus home by a minute and then the intervention of a kind stranger who found me in an alley. My mind was made up that I was going to hang myself, but today I am happy to be alive and looking forward to the future.

Don't hesitate to send me a private mail if you ever need someone to talk to. If my experience can save even one person from going down the same road then I would consider what I've been through to have been worthwhile.

Good positve stuff Richey ! And good to read the offer in bold.....caring and sharing gives you strength . :)

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Best wishes to all those who, for whatever reason, might struggle more over the festive period than most.

There is a lot of good stuff on here, and a lot of good people who seem willing to support others going through a tough time.

The main thing is to keep talking and try to be strong.

Edited by Drooper
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I have my ups and downs but for the most part I deal with it and I cope. Its really good that people feel comfortable to come on here and discuss these issues. I know we can have a laugh and sometimes be cruel but every now and then we can do some good and if talking on here about your problems helps then that's great.

Edited by Bert Raccoon
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If anyone out there is struggling with any depression at this time of year it can be an absolute b*****d, don't think for a minute you're alone, there's more people than you could possibly think are affected by this so do not suffer in silence.

You might just think I'm some daft muppet on a forum but that's not the case, I know what you're going through so in the event you're affected contact someone for help, either the Samaritans or breathing space. Don't do anything daft.

If for any reason you need any advice feel free to PM me and I'll happily help in any way I can, I mean that genuinely. On Xmas day I'll be stranded without internet (and I dinnae have a smart phone) but I'll be back home Boxing Day.

It's a time of year anybody can be very down so honestly don't suffer alone folks.

Happy Christmas.

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I've had it under control for a good few months, but the last few weeks are starting to take it's toll again, starting to get those feckin feelings back and it's a nightmare for everyone around me, i'm starting to retreat back into myself and not talking to anyone, and the thing is, i can see it happening but i'm powerless to stop it!!!

Just trying to get my act together for the forecoming few days, just hope i can go the distance!!

This time of year is tough as hell if you're in a certain mindset. This happened to me in either 2006 or 2007, I forget which. None of the "stay positive" shite is going to work, so you just have to get through it solo. Good luck, dude.

edit: Like Monster I'm also more than open to receiving PMs if by some miracle anyone thinks I'm able to help :D I have been through the troughs of depression on three occasions before so I know what it's like, but I've been feeling really good this year so I don't know how much help I'd be right now :P

Edited by Swampy
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This time of year is tough as hell if you're in a certain mindset. This happened to me in either 2006 or 2007, I forget which. None of the "stay positive" shite is going to work, so you just have to get through it solo. Good luck, dude.

edit: Like Monster I'm also more than open to receiving PMs if by some miracle anyone thinks I'm able to help :D I have been through the troughs of depression on three occasions before so I know what it's like, but I've been feeling really good this year so I don't know how much help I'd be right now :P

And yet, folk on here are telling you it works for them . :blink: With your attitude swamper, it's hard to see how you could help anyone who's depressed. :)

ETA. Festive greetings anyhoo, and stay positive ! ;)

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And yet, folk on here are telling you it works for them . :blink:

Find me one post that says "someone telling me to stay positive worked for me." If it did work, great, but I'm told by people far more knowledgable than both of us that it's basically a rephrased "pull yourself together," which is among the last approaches you'd want to try with someone suffering from depression. Think about it at the simplest level. You're depressed. You are not happy. You probably wish you were happy. What the "stay positive" approach basically tells you is "you need to feel better." Well, no shit! Of course you do. But is it that easy? It'd be like coming across someone with a flat tyre and no spare and saying "hmm, replace your tyre." Do you think they don't bloody know that already? That they don't already perhaps feel some inadequacy and self-loathing at being able to live up to their own expectations of themselves, much less worry about what others think they should do?

What I'd offer to anyone is non-judgmental listening. If I feel I can offer advice, I will, but that is absolutely not my priority. My priority will be to listen and empathise. Top tips like "stop being depressed" I'll leave to people who haven't actually considered the consequences of their actions.

Edited by Swampy
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I've been feeling twinges today, mainly due to seeing how everyone is having a good laugh and a good time and I've had a highly average at best day. I'm currently sitting alone and my parents are sitting watching shite TV and that's pretty much it. I see other folk having a laugh with family and friends, but I'm stuck being bored and lonely.

Luckily I've managed to stave off an episode, but have felt slight pulls of melancholia and there were a couple of times where I felt rather sad.

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Find me one post that says "someone telling me to stay positive worked for me." If it did work, great, but I'm told by people far more knowledgable than both of us that it's basically a rephrased "pull yourself together," which is among the last approaches you'd want to try with someone suffering from depression. Think about it at the simplest level. You're depressed. You are not happy. You probably wish you were happy. What the "stay positive" approach basically tells you is "you need to feel better." Well, no shit! Of course you do. But is it that easy? It'd be like coming across someone with a flat tyre and no spare and saying "hmm, replace your tyre." Do you think they don't bloody know that already? That they don't already perhaps feel some inadequacy and self-loathing at being able to live up to their own expectations of themselves, much less worry about what others think they should do?

What I'd offer to anyone is non-judgmental listening. If I feel I can offer advice, I will, but that is absolutely not my priority. My priority will be to listen and empathise. Top tips like "stop being depressed" I'll leave to people who haven't actually considered the consequences of their actions.

Richey told you that being positive works for him, and I'm telling you that being positive works for me. This isn't something that I've googled and come on to spout on an internet forum, it;s something that I've experienced and that I put into practise on a daily basis.So tell the 'far more knowledgeable people' who are filling your head with tripe about positivity being the same as the 'pull yourself together ' mantra ,that their statement makes as much sense as your 'flat tyre' analogy. :blink: ,

And of course there was no suggestion in my post that adopting a positive attitude was 'easy'....in fact I did say that sometimes we had to dig deep deep to find the strength to combat the negative shit.

But really, you do have a very blinkered and dismissive attitude regarding things that you obviously haven't experienced or tried. Try being a bit more responsive to new ideas swamps, they might not work for you....but then again, they might just change your life for the better. :)

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Richey told you that being positive works for him, and I'm telling you that being positive works for me.

You didn't read my post, ergo I'm not reading yours past this line. "Being positive" and "being told to be positive" are two EXTREMELY different things, and it's very, very clear which one I'm talking about. Go back, read again, and stop scrambling for relevance on what has actually been a really good topic, because I'm not responding to you again on it. I'd rather it just went back to an actual discussion as opposed to an argument.

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You didn't read my post, ergo I'm not reading yours past this line. "Being positive" and "being told to be positive" are two EXTREMELY different things, and it's very, very clear which one I'm talking about. Go back, read again, and stop scrambling for relevance on what has actually been a really good topic, because I'm not responding to you again on it. I'd rather it just went back to an actual discussion as opposed to an argument.

Yes, it was a fairly well balanced thread until you jumped in to tell us, with, as usual, nothing sensible to back up your statement ,' that positve shite' didn't work. Now stop being a wee attention seeker and try to accept that there might just be some things that you know f**k all about. :)

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I'm going to stick my neck on the line here and say that, based on my own personal experience, if you can cure your depression by thinking happy thoughts or force of will, you weren't depressed. You may have been on the way there, spotted the signs and averted a serious episode, but you weren't truly depressed.

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I'm going to stick my neck on the line here and say that, based on my own personal experience, if you can cure your depression by thinking happy thoughts or force of will, you weren't depressed. You may have been on the way there, spotted the signs and averted a serious episode, but you weren't truly depressed.

Like you M, I'm no doctor, and I wouldn't like to say who amongst the punters on here is truly depressed, or who' is on the way there.' But even if positive thinking just worked on the cases in bold, wouldn't it have been worthwhile?

Btw, as a nurse,would you say that there are different recovery rates for patients with negative/ positive outlooks ?

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Like you M, I'm no doctor, and I wouldn't like to say who amongst the punters on here is truly depressed, or who' is on the way there.' But even if positive thinking just worked on the cases in bold, wouldn't it have been worthwhile?

Btw, as a nurse,would you say that there are different recovery rates for patients with negative/ positive outlooks ?

Positive thinking works if your mind is clear enough to think. Having dealt with elderly people who have had breakdowns, there is medical intervention required when the mind is sick. If you can clear your head, you are not clinically depressed

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I agree with this actually. IMO There's no way someone would actually be full blown depressed and get out of it by thinking happy thoughts or being told to be positive. In my experience real depression goes much deeper than that and can't be cured by simply being told to snap out of it. Counselling or some longer term form of therapy can cure it but not for everyone.

I've known two people with serious depression and both of them killed themselves. To suggest that being told to be positive would have saved their lives is frankly insulting and ignorant IMO.

Like you stan, I've known two people who have killed themselves because of this illness. But depression isn't something like the 'flu that suddenly appears without warning. Invariably there are signs, if we care to look, that the sufferer is becoming more unwell.....folk on here have spoken of feeling progressively worse. I happen to believe that during this progression, positive thinking ( and that has nothing to do with being told to 'snap out of it') can go a long way to helping in a recovery. :)

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