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I have been suffering from

Depression and anxiety for years now (the two are linked). I have been having problems with my upstairs neighbours with regards noise and have went down various routes to find a solution ie police, council and neither have been helpful. At the moment cant get a mortgage and wife doesnt want to private rent. It has consumed my life, i am constantly on edge and go between getting nervous and uptight when i am in the house. I sit in my living room at night to block the noise out as they have laminate flooring and two dogs who run about all day and night, it has utterly ruined my life for the past 3 years and has made me a nervous wreck, my wife trys to help but she doesnt keep well so can only help so much, i just dont know what to do

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I am suffering from really bad anxiety as i live below the neighbours from hell. This has been an issue for 3 years now and have tried all avenues ie police, council. Was seeing a counciller once a week to try and help me but it just made me worse, cant afford to move or get a mortgage, i do have suicidal thoughts but find i would be selfish if i did follow it through, just feel so trapped

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I am suffering from really bad anxiety as i live below the neighbours from hell. This has been an issue for 3 years now and have tried all avenues ie police, council. Was seeing a counciller once a week to try and help me but it just made me worse, cant afford to move or get a mortgage, i do have suicidal thoughts but find i would be selfish if i did follow it through, just feel so trapped

Hi, mate - sorry to hear about your troubles - neighbours can be a fucking nightmare - if I were you, and it's causing you that much distress, I'd seriously look into the possibility of moving.

As far as the anxiety is concerned, I'd make an appointment to see your GP - ask for an emergency appointment - if they don't do those, they should offer you a telephone appointment - be frank with them, and tell them about the suicidal thoughts - it's much more common than you might think, so no-one will be judging you.

The anxiety problem can be treated - once you've spoken to a doctor, they'll help you with it.

Speak with your Mrs about the anxiety too - be open and frank - once she realises how much anxiety the neighbours are causing you, I'd hope that she'll be more open to the possibilty of moving away from those neighbours - I had trouble with horrible neighbours ages ago, and it caused me all sorts of stress - I felt much better when I moved.

In summary, speak to your GP about your anxiety asap, and speak frankly with your wife about moving.

Best of luck to you, mate!

Edited by paranoid android
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I am suffering from really bad anxiety as i live below the neighbours from hell. This has been an issue for 3 years now and have tried all avenues ie police, council. Was seeing a counciller once a week to try and help me but it just made me worse, cant afford to move or get a mortgage, i do have suicidal thoughts but find i would be selfish if i did follow it through, just feel so trapped

Do you have a partner? Or are you close with your family? Try talking to them. Or your friends, let them know how you feel. I can guarentee you that opening about such things are scary and a little bit painful at first but I can also guarentee that once you do, a massive weight will be lifted from your shoulders.

Remember, there's nothing wrong with wearing your heart on your sleeve. The world would be a better place if people did that. You're never, ever alone. There is always someone there willing to listen and willing to help you.

If you are feeling suicidal, or having suicidal ideations, I implore you, phone breathing space scotland or samaritans. They listen, and they help. I promise.

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Hey guys thanks for your kind words, i am married and my wife knows my problems but thinks even if we move it wont change anything, my wife has bad medical problems and needs to be in a ground floor. I am on 50mg of setraline but i get myself so wound up sometimes my heart races and i panic, i have become so obsessed with the noise my neighbours make it has ruined my wife and myselfs life

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I have been suffering from

Depression and anxiety for years now (the two are linked). I have been having problems with my upstairs neighbours with regards noise and have went down various routes to find a solution ie police, council and neither have been helpful. At the moment cant get a mortgage and wife doesnt want to private rent. It has consumed my life, i am constantly on edge and go between getting nervous and uptight when i am in the house. I sit in my living room at night to block the noise out as they have laminate flooring and two dogs who run about all day and night, it has utterly ruined my life for the past 3 years and has made me a nervous wreck, my wife trys to help but she doesnt keep well so can only help so much, i just dont know what to do

If you can I would suggest moving. It's shocking that your neighbours are causing such a negative effect on your lives but if nothing is being done by the relevant authorities then it may be worthwhile removing yourself from the environment that is causing you such problems. Your home should be somewhere you can relax and feel secure and I'm genuinely disgusted that these people are depriving you of this. Best of luck mate and feel free to give me a private mail if you want to talk.

I also apologise for train-gate, the post was poorly worded on my part and the tone could be perceived as inappropriate and selfish. That was not my intention. I should have stated that the decision re: preferred method was taken when I was ill and now that I've recovered I in no way consider any method of suicide to be "better". For me taking my own life is completely out of the question because of the pain and trauma it would cause to other people and the fact I consider life to be precious. Suicide is a selfish act and I would urge everyone to never give up - there's no shame in reaching out for help. It does get better once you do.

Edited by Richey Edwards
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If you can I would suggest moving. It's shocking that your neighbours are causing such a negative effect on your lives but if nothing is being done by the relevant authorities then it may be worthwhile removing yourself from the environment that is causing you such problems. Your home should be somewhere you can relax and feel secure and I'm genuinely disgusted that these people are depriving you of this. Best of luck mate and feel free to give me a private mail if you want to talk.I also apologise for train-gate, the post was poorly worded on my part and the tone could be perceived as inappropriate and selfish. That was not my intention. I should have stated that the decision re: preferred method was taken when I was ill and now that I've recovered I in no way consider any method of suicide to be "better". For me taking my own life is completely out of the question because of the pain and trauma it would cause to other people and the fact I consider life to be precious. Suicide is a selfish act and I would urge everyone to never give up - there's no shame in reaching out for help. It does get better once you do.

Apology accepted.

Have a great day fella.

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The 'train-gate' post was you opening up about the darkest thoughts going through an extremely troubled mind. You haven't harmed anyone or irreversibly damaged any train drivers. Talking about all that stuff is the same as everyone else listing symptoms to an illness.

You don't have to apologise to anyone, not least these sanctimonious, ignorant c***s.

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The 'train-gate' post was you opening up about the darkest thoughts going through an extremely troubled mind. You haven't harmed anyone or irreversibly damaged any train drivers. Talking about all that stuff is the same as everyone else listing symptoms to an illness.

You don't have to apologise to anyone, not least these sanctimonious, ignorant c***s.

They seemed to misunderstand what I meant and thought I was advocating jumping in front of trains. Just wanted to make it clear to any impressionable souls that I wasn't condoning the thoughts I was talking about.

Was trying to give insight into my previous way of thinking. Saying that I shouldn't be on a football forum because of that is frankly ridiculous and those kind of attitudes kill a lot more people than talking about past suicidal ideas.

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I have had various conversations with my wife about moving but always ends up an arguement as she is really stubborn but in my eyes its the only option as i feel im going to have a breakdown.

There's nothing to be gained by staying in the current situation. Does she know how seriously this is affecting you?

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It definitely is not about them winning if you leave, it's about you and your wife being able to feel relaxed and secure within your own home. Your neighbours will still be inconsiderate c***s whether you're living there or not so best to get yourself out of the current situation. Living in a constant state of stress isn't good for anyone.

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They seemed to misunderstand what I meant and thought I was advocating jumping in front of trains. Just wanted to make it clear to any impressionable souls that I wasn't condoning the thoughts I was talking about. Was trying to give insight into my previous way of thinking. Saying that I shouldn't be on a football forum because of that is frankly ridiculous and those kind of attitudes kill a lot more people than talking about past suicidal ideas.

I'm thankful that I'm not in a position to post my own experiences or give advice on this particular subject but I've been really impressed at the honesty and openness in this thread, as well as the offers of support and guidance to each other. It shouldn't be the case but it is a subject people don't often talk about - especially amongst the demographics you'd associate with your average football fan.

Going about asking people to apologise for what was going through their heads is absolutely bizarre stuff. Seems like you're doing the right things and doing well. All the best.

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I have had various conversations with my wife about moving but always ends up an arguement as she is really stubborn but in my eyes its the only option as i feel im going to have a breakdown.

If you're open with your wife about how badly this is affecting you, she must understand - she has to know how bad this thing is for you.

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