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In my own experience, telling my Mum was the worst thing I done. Her words were basically 'snap out of it, grow up' etc. She thought I was seeking attention and whilst I was, it was a cry for help. We fell out over it big time despite being incredibly close and she didn't see me or her Grandson for over a year before she apologised.

All the best though mate, PM's are always open for a chat.

That's pretty rough man. Cheers.

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The one major thing I noticed with citalopram is that it made me last for ages in bed which is both a plus and a minus. Considering I started on it as soon as I met my current girlfriend it could have been problematic but she's been good about it.

With regards to parents, I told my mum who got really angry about it. I think she felt it was a failure on her part but after reading about it she's got much better. My da basically forgot about it but that suits me. He's not really the best at that sort of thing anyway.

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The one major thing I noticed with citalopram is that it made me last for ages in bed which is both a plus and a minus. Considering I started on it as soon as I met my current girlfriend it could have been problematic but she's been good about it.

With regards to parents, I told my mum who got really angry about it. I think she felt it was a failure on her part but after reading about it she's got much better. My da basically forgot about it but that suits me. He's not really the best at that sort of thing anyway.

I'm feeling better already!

Seriously though, thanks. I've to go back to the doctor after 3 weeks of Citalopram, he said it takes about 2 weeks to have full effect so hopefully it works out. I'll probably speak to my parents over the next few days about it.

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A few on here have had Citalopram and found it worked for them. I, and I think one other person on here (can't for the life of me remember who) didn't get on with it at all. Don't let that worry you, there's other things you can try if you don't find them helpful. I found I felt sick a lot of the time I was on them and just gave up on them in the end. I hope you find whatever works for you soon.

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I gave up them. You'll tend to find that although you may feel something very soon you're going to wait a long time to find the right combination. It took my girlfriend who is diagnosed bipolar five years to finally find the right combination of stuff. Don't be afraid to challenge your doc now and again regarding what's best for you.

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Been reading this thread for a while. I go back to it from time to time to see and gain new perspectives.

Depression - no doubt - plagues me. 23 year old man but a lost, tired old soul. Tried gaining help for it but probably not hard enough. Went to GP once about low moods and was supposed to be getting put forward for some sort of councelling - didn't hear back - so easily put off and dispondent by nature so not thought about going back. Quite frustrating.

Self medicating thorugh drink is a coping mechanism one chooses but of course this temporary relief and when sobering up the hangover/ilness/fear knocks your absolute c**t in if ye huv a propensity to self loathe, etc so makes things worse in the end up.

An absolute self obsessed and over analytical nature that goes round in circles - never ending.

Mucked up every job and priorities in all the absolute wrong places. The ilness, anxiety and depression causing this. Naturally.

Surround yourself with positive influences, positive affirmations in your head repeatedly and although the positivity may not be as you want it at that moment it may be tomorrow.

The drink induced randum ramblings of the un-diagnosed manic depressive.

That is all.

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A few on here have had Citalopram and found it worked for them. I, and I think one other person on here (can't for the life of me remember who) didn't get on with it at all. Don't let that worry you, there's other things you can try if you don't find them helpful. I found I felt sick a lot of the time I was on them and just gave up on them in the end. I hope you find whatever works for you soon.

Thanks, I've been on it a day and I feel quite sick, sweating like f**k too.

I gave up them. You'll tend to find that although you may feel something very soon you're going to wait a long time to find the right combination. It took my girlfriend who is diagnosed bipolar five years to finally find the right combination of stuff. Don't be afraid to challenge your doc now and again regarding what's best for you.

Thanks again. My doctor's been really helpful so far and at every turn has asked me what I want to do rather than saying "take this" or "do that".

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I gave up them. You'll tend to find that although you may feel something very soon you're going to wait a long time to find the right combination. It took my girlfriend who is diagnosed bipolar five years to finally find the right combination of stuff. Don't be afraid to challenge your doc now and again regarding what's best for you.

Indeed this. I regularly have to change up my medication due to the fact some combinations lose effectiveness or they just aren't effective in the first place. It's a never ending quest to find the right combination of medication; don't be downhearted if your medication doesn't work at first.

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A few on here have had Citalopram and found it worked for them. I, and I think one other person on here (can't for the life of me remember who) didn't get on with it at all. Don't let that worry you, there's other things you can try if you don't find them helpful. I found I felt sick a lot of the time I was on them and just gave up on them in the end. I hope you find whatever works for you soon.

Might well have been me

On a completely unrelated note, I had to get paramedics to take me to hospital after I passed out on Saturday night (no drink involved) apparently I now need blood thinners to stop any chance of future clots and "you might have had a minor cardiac arrest!"

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You'll probably be recommended to stick it out initially. It generally takes a couple of weeks to take a hold, I think. I've just been prescribed Sertraline a couple of days ago and it's definitely causing more of a reaction than the citalopram. Each night I've felt dead woozy for ages but almost immediately after I'm feeling like I'm rushing from a pill. Was quite a good feeling for a bit but it left me too restless to get much in the way of sleep. Good and bad there, I guess but if something's happening then I'm willing to stick it out just to see how it goes.

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You'll probably be recommended to stick it out initially. It generally takes a couple of weeks to take a hold, I think. I've just been prescribed Sertraline a couple of days ago and it's definitely causing more of a reaction than the citalopram. Each night I've felt dead woozy for ages but almost immediately after I'm feeling like I'm rushing from a pill. Was quite a good feeling for a bit but it left me too restless to get much in the way of sleep. Good and bad there, I guess but if something's happening then I'm willing to stick it out just to see how it goes.

Doctor told me to cut the pills in half and just take a half a day for now and go back to him in 3 weeks. Still sweating a bit but nowhere near as bad as I was. Spoken with a couple of people over the last couple of days and I'm feeling a bit better. I have a short week at work next week too so decided to go walking/camping for a few days which will hopefully help.

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Doctor told me to cut the pills in half and just take a half a day for now and go back to him in 3 weeks. Still sweating a bit but nowhere near as bad as I was. Spoken with a couple of people over the last couple of days and I'm feeling a bit better. I have a short week at work next week too so decided to go walking/camping for a few days which will hopefully help.

Aye I was told to start on half for a week but I just started with a full one a day as I've got enough to last till my next appointment. Kinda glad I did, feeling much better thanks to the dopamine hit I think. Hopefully it persists for a while. It's just small steps I guess and if you're starting to speak to folk and arranging things to do then it's a good start. Good luck, bro.

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I haven't posted on this thread for a while for good reason - I've not had any dips at all in a long time.

I actually think my depression was possibly just grief to be honest. I've been feeling really good for around 9 months to a year now. I did split up with my girlfriend though so maybe the freedom is helping me.

Exercise has been a big factor for me too.

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Been reading this thread for a while. I go back to it from time to time to see and gain new perspectives.

Depression - no doubt - plagues me. 23 year old man but a lost, tired old soul. Tried gaining help for it but probably not hard enough. Went to GP once about low moods and was supposed to be getting put forward for some sort of councelling - didn't hear back - so easily put off and dispondent by nature so not thought about going back. Quite frustrating.

Self medicating thorugh drink is a coping mechanism one chooses but of course this temporary relief and when sobering up the hangover/ilness/fear knocks your absolute c**t in if ye huv a propensity to self loathe, etc so makes things worse in the end up.

An absolute self obsessed and over analytical nature that goes round in circles - never ending.

Mucked up every job and priorities in all the absolute wrong places. The ilness, anxiety and depression causing this. Naturally.

Surround yourself with positive influences, positive affirmations in your head repeatedly and although the positivity may not be as you want it at that moment it may be tomorrow.

The drink induced randum ramblings of the un-diagnosed manic depressive.

That is all.

That's an excellent post put across perfectly. There are so many people in this sort of situation. I wish you well to turn it round.

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