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I'm fighting it hard just now. I know I'm fighting it. I know the signs. I, luckily, have people around me to help.

keep the chin up mate, I know its a hard time, so try not to isolate yourself away.

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Further proof ( If any more was required) that Standfree03 is either a moderator, or has a special pact with the Falkirk Mafia.

Lets add another page of Trolling and spamming a very serious topic to top up his pile of breaking the rules. He's quite a 'Special case' when it comes to moderating the website, which is a shame.

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The amount of times he has called me a paedophile is ridiculous. Didn't know slander and defamation of personal character was so acceptable to be honest. He also has a history of mocking posters with mental health issues.

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There is an ignore function if you are that easily upset.

I do have you on ignore, but it seems the mobile app doesn't block all of your posts.

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The amount of times he has called me a paedophile is ridiculous. Didn't know slander and defamation of personal character was so acceptable to be honest. He also has a history of mocking posters with mental health issues.

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To be fair. He is correct. By law you are a paedophile

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To be fair. He is correct. By law you are a paedophile

Not at all. 15 with a 14 year old doesn't constitute that. He spews out of context nonsense and passes it on as if he remembers every detail of it. Even I don't, and the thread was deleted near enough 4 years ago.

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Unlucky. You could alternatively stop being a whiney wee girl who gets upset over a football forum?

I would also like to point out that all I've done is give Philpy some advice and people like you are absolutely desperate to try and make it out to be something else to suit your hate-filled agenda. Pretty distasteful considering the tread tbh.

Getting a new job is not helpful in the slightest.

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I've just read through the last 2 or 3 pages of this thread and frankly it showed some courageous people doing their best to work through a range of difficult situations. This last wee session between Stand Free and Gerd Muller is absolutely dire. Stand Free, you could do us all a favour here - you made a point (badly) and at least tried to work through why you made it so badly before becoming side tracked and involved in a whole heap of shite that completely belittles how people are genuinely trying to use this thread for good. How about just doing the decent thing and not trying to have the very last word in competition with some other arsehole. I've never paid that much attention to your musings but wandering through bits and pieces of the GN forum you don't half attract (and invite) some amount of pish towards you. Why do you think that is?

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Getting a new job is not helpful in the slightest.

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Of course it is, thats whats causing the problem. From what philpy has described I dont think he suffers from depression but is going through a hard time of it at work.

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Why is Philpy looking on job websites every day and registered his CV with recruitment agencies then? He's just told us how down he is because of his job yet you don't think changing his job will make any difference?

Staggering level of stupidity IMO.

You make it sound incredibly easy though. He's already pointed out that he is a bit hard up, and quitting the job would make his financial situation a lot more perilous than it already is.

That's not even counting the fact he said it's incredibly hard to get a new job where he lives.

"Just get a new job" is staggeringly insensitive.

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I have done nothing wrong here, I have morons like sweeper dee, PB and Magee hurling insults at me at every opportunity. It's them that's ruining the thread with their pathetic behaviour.

I'm trying to have a proper conversation about this but these fannies are dead set on point-scoring, as usual. Direct your ire at them instead, please.

You are the last person anyone on this thread would want advice from. You have previous for mocking people with mental health issues.

I've done my best throughout this thread to offer advice. I know what it's like to suffer from depression, and you're absolute nonsensical, over simplified "advice" has no place in this thread.

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Pretty pathetic attempt at taking the moral high ground IMO. What's your advice for Philpy then, if you know better? You've already made the quite startling claim that changing his job won't help in the slightest. What else?

Philpy should first try and seek some professional help. It will help to alleviate some of the stress that the job is putting him under. He should then find someone to complain to about the stressful conditions he's working under. Looking for another job which potentially has lower pay (he has stated the pay he gets just now is quite good) could put him under greater stress than he is already feeling.

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He's already stated that he's got nobody to complain to at work and why should a new job be lower paid? He's identified the problem and its his work, what do you think the GP will say? I'd bet you a grand he suggests looking for other employment along with some counselling.

Now, I already suggested going to his GP and trying counselling along with looking for another job so what's your alternative?

Complain to somebody outside his work? A union or something?

If complaining about his employers to a higher authority does not work then yeah he should look for alternative employment but only if that alternative job doesn't compromise his already fragile financial situation.

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Insensitive? If something is making you unhappy then you change it. It's just a job at the end of the day, get another one or try something completely different.

The thing that pisses me off about some people with depression is that anytime you are straight with them they get defensive and it's the "you don't know" card. Well aye, I know more than you think I do and unless you're wiling to make changes in your life then nobody can really help.

This post is the prime reason why no one in this thread who has any mental health issue should listen to you. You're the one who should f**k off out of this thread.

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I'll post where I like :lol:

If you haven't got anything constructive to add then please stop ruining this thread with your petty hatred and bitterness.

Listen to it. :lol:

You can go on having a wee chat with your alias in the alias watch thread.

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Last year when I was working as a holiday rep in Ibiza I genuinely thought I was depressed, had split up with the Mrs and been through a court case where I was threatened with the jail before going out, 18 months between getting wrong arrested and getting cleared in court I was worrying a lot. Then in Ibiza was doing 16 hour days, sometimes 24 hours if it was an arrival day, not hitting sales targets and going home every night on the verge of tears when going home as work would finish at 2am.

It didn't help matters that my ex was out there working in one of our suppliers clubs as a photographer where we held events 4 nights a week. Got moved to Mallorca where it was less stress work wise but still felt the same, just constantly boozing to try and ease the pain. The way I felt was terrible up until about January of this year. Still feel terrible sometimes, even though things are a lot better this time of year than last, and the depressive thoughts are less often.

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You're still doing it. Other arseholes come and go but you're the constant and have been for the last couple of pages. How about you and Sweeper just give it a rest - neither of you are adding anything anymore to what is a really good thread.

I apologise but StandFree03 truly does make my blood boil. If you look throughout this thread I do post offering advice. StandFree03 came into this thread looking for an argument.

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