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Problem is, due to work hours, I get home at 9pm at night and have to make something to eat. By the time I've done that I'm usually not interested in watching TV....I record stuff I miss, usually watch it the following morning

How about going for a walk after you've eaten? Helps dinner get down before you turn in, gets some endorphins going but not enough to keep you awake. Download some podcasts and listen to them while you're out to keep your mind busy.

Edit - not sure if you've said elsewhere Raider, but have you sought professional help?

Edited by Disco Duck
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After yet another bad experience with a lass it seriously shot my confidence to hell, I note alot of my issues and problems seem to stem from women. Make of that what you will

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For anyone interested in the subject of depression in football, here is a documentary hosted by former Northampton Town player Clarke Carlisle. He talks about his own problems with depression and speaks to other footballers, including Lee Hendrie, and focuses on other issues too, including Gary Speed's death. Definitely worth a watch but it isn't up on BBC IPlayer at the minute because it's just finished there at 3am. Here is the link though.


EDIT: it's up now :)

Edited by superwellfan
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For anyone interested in the subject of depression in football, here is a documentary hosted by former Northampton Town player Clarke Carlisle. He talks about his own problems with depression and speaks to other footballers, including Lee Hendrie, and focuses on other issues too, including Gary Speed's death. Definitely worth a watch but it isn't up on BBC IPlayer at the minute because it's just finished there at 3am. Here is the link though.


EDIT: it's up now :)

Gary Speeds death was a strange one - the court ruled that it may have been by accident which is bizarre considering he had a noose round his neck and was suspended above a flight of stairs, doesn't seem like an accident to any sane minded person?

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I suppose what happened to Gary Speed has really brought into the forefront that even guys earning stupid money for doing someone they love can still have issues that they cant deal with. It's difficult trying to express yourself as a guy at the best of times but being constantly in the media and with that kind of responsibility must really add to it

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I suppose what happened to Gary Speed has really brought into the forefront that even guys earning stupid money for doing someone they love can still have issues that they cant deal with. It's difficult trying to express yourself as a guy at the best of times but being constantly in the media and with that kind of responsibility must really add to it

It was a haunting case - he was on football focus that morning then was at the man utd game with alan shearer and acting perfectly happy and normal.

His wives testimony was pretty strange she claimed she went out for a drive after they had a fall out when she would have been half cut and then all the doors were locked so she slept in the car for a few hours then saw him hanging in the garage at about 4 am, its a pretty strange concept sleeping in the car at that time of year for sure, no woman i know would have done it anyway.

Those concerned said the most likely scenario was he was standing there with noose around his neck waiting for her to come in as a gesture to how he felt then he could have nodded off but no body really knows unless his wife isn't letting on about a few things. Were plenty rumours going about anyway

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May of been that the argument was just ill timed at a point where he was feeling vunerable and was just too much. As you said we will never know the true circumstances

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May of been that the argument was just ill timed at a point where he was feeling vunerable and was just too much. As you said we will never know the true circumstances

He had said to his wife over text he was thinking about ending it all because of the stress he was under about 2 weeks before.

It could have been the drink he had that night that could have pushed him over the edge too you just don't know. Was tragic anyway

The fact he never left a note makes you wonder what was going on though

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It was a haunting case - he was on football focus that morning then was at the man utd game with alan shearer and acting perfectly happy and normal.

His wives testimony was pretty strange she claimed she went out for a drive after they had a fall out when she would have been half cut and then all the doors were locked so she slept in the car for a few hours then saw him hanging in the garage at about 4 am, its a pretty strange concept sleeping in the car at that time of year for sure, no woman i know would have done it anyway.

Those concerned said the most likely scenario was he was standing there with noose around his neck waiting for her to come in as a gesture to how he felt then he could have nodded off but no body really knows unless his wife isn't letting on about a few things. Were plenty rumours going about anyway

Why is sleeping the car a strange concept if she was locked out of the house?

I'd rather sleep in a car than outside somewhere, whatever time of year.

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Why is sleeping the car a strange concept if she was locked out of the house?

I'd rather sleep in a car than outside somewhere, whatever time of year.

I can't remember exactly her story but it sounded a bit iffy think she said she didn't want to make too much noise in case she woke her sons up but you would have thought you would make a bit of noise rather than risk hypothermia.

We will never know what was going on there sadly but its strange how he didn't think to leave a note

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I can't remember exactly her story but it sounded a bit iffy think she said she didn't want to make too much noise in case she woke her sons up but you would have thought you would make a bit of noise rather than risk hypothermia.

We will never know what was going on there sadly but its strange how he didn't think to leave a note

To say what.....Goodbye cruel world? Or maybe a note to say, just in case this cry for help goes wrong and I really do top myself tell the kids I love them....oh and there's some left over curry in the microwave.

You're having an absolute 'mare the past few days!

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To say what.....Goodbye cruel world? Or maybe a note to say, just in case this cry for help goes wrong and I really do top myself tell the kids I love them....oh and there's some left over curry in the microwave. You're having an absolute 'mare the past few days!

Would have made sense to give his family and friends some sort of idea as to why he was taking his own life so they didn't go about blaming their selves for ever more

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He fucking hung himself! Do you think he was at his most rational?

Hard to say - he had a day that started off being on football focus and was talking about normal matters with people on the show who said he was on good form then something happened within a matter of hours that made him take his own life. You get the feeling something severe must have happened when he had got home rather than a normal drunken row

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Hard to say - he had a day that started off being on football focus and was talking about normal matters with people on the show who said he was on good form then something happened within a matter of hours that made him take his own life. You get the feeling something severe must have happened when he had got home rather than a normal drunken row

You're at the wind up, no-one is this daft!

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