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Sons' sorrow

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I'm pleased for Steve Aitken, seven points from nine in very difficult circumstances and when two of the three opponents are Falkirk and Dundee Utd is very impressive. Perhaps those who made all the fatalistic posts after the Bonnyrigg cup exit will now reflect on how taking a longer term view might be the wiser option than a knee jerk after one particularly bad and embarrassing result? 

Mark Docherty did richly deserve his man of the match award but really, what about Garry Fleming? I simply love the guy and his attitude to the game. There is literally no improvement possible in him - he gives 100% all the time, every game. He was all over the park today.

Good luck to Joe Thomson who is an excellent young player and to Ryan Stevenson who I think was a target for some unfair criticism. However, would I rather have him or Nade? Nae contest!

Orrabest fellow Sons fans!



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I'd be interested to know (not that we likely will) about the circumstances of Stevo's departure.

Presumably he's got another gig lined up, because otherwise why would he willingly depart, if as is rumoured, he's on a very healthy wage?

Away to Troon is what I keep hearing, with stevo and JT away, brownies departure pending. That must be a decent set of wages freed up.
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19 minutes ago, albundy said:

Heard it was a pay as you play deal, no doubt he'll still be one of the better earners. Be interesting to see who else Stevie recruits in January.

Aye I've heard that too. That would be perfect.

15 minutes ago, Shibuya said:

I know Pettigrew hasn't been great at The Rock but he's way too good for Troon.

Decent wages, stroll games at that level, local. It looks attractive from where I'm sitting.

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I'm pleased for Steve Aitken, seven points from nine in very difficult circumstances and when two of the three opponents are Falkirk and Dundee Utd is very impressive. Perhaps those who made all the fatalistic posts after the Bonnyrigg cup exit will now reflect on how taking a longer term view might be the wiser option than a knee jerk after one particularly bad and embarrassing result? 

Ryan Stevenson who I think was a target for some unfair criticism. However, would I rather have him or Nade? Nae contest!
Orrabest fellow Sons fans!

I was one of the ones who made what you might call a 'fatalistic' post in the wake of the Bonnyrigg shambles. And from my point of view, it certainly wasn't knee-jerk after such an embarrassing result.

I imagine I might be in the same boat as others in that my response to that was a last straw at the time. The last straw to inept performances, rigid tactics, uninspiring management and above all, a long list of poor performances and an unacceptable run of results.

But credit where credit is due. Well Done Stevie Aitken and the management team and of course the players. After the Bonnyrigg result we were at a majorly low ebb and it was difficult to see a way out, but we've taken 7 from 9, pinged up the table and look like a much better unit and a confident one at that.

On Stevenson, I've been one of his harshest critics in that I, as everyone else presumably does, see that he has undoubted ability, but we only saw two or three glimpses of it. For me, he's been uninterested, lazy, inconsistent in his affecting of games, and became all to predictable in what he was going to do. And if he was on a hefty wage then I'm glad we're shot of him. Again, credit must go to Aitken for that as well.

We certainly seem to have turned a corner, and long may it continue. I look forward to Nade's certain goal and I wait with excitement for his celebration in the Hibs game to come.

But football is all about opinions and it'd be boring if we all agreed.

I do agree in wishing you and all other Sons fans the best for the coming year!
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I know Pettigrew hasn't been great at The Rock but he's way too good for Troon.

He maybe is. But he's certainly been a big disappointment for us.

Maybe the Stranraer fans who softly warned us that League One was his level were right. If he drops to the Juniors from Championship it'd be a surprise, but you couldn't really tell where his true ability level lies, because money talks when moves like that are made.
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Heard he was retiring from football to join the police, I assume there is some sort of agreement in place for him to stay until jezza is fit.

Fair enough. That would free up a good chunk of wages if he were to go as well as Stevenson and possibly Pettigrew too. I wonder who Aitken has in mind for the window to replace them/bolster the squad.
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Is some credit due to Stevie Aitken (aka me) for turning things around following Bonnyrigg blip?

Yes. However if it was you then you would still be using the same tactics he deserted because they were the best we could hope for - as you said at the time - doing some attacking would result in heavy defeats...something that (I don't think) has happened...

I think Stevie has been rightfully praised over the past few weeks. Just as he was rightly criticised heavily after the Bonnyrigg game.
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1 hour ago, Sonsteam of 08 said:

I've noticed Nade is wearing #72 (because his lucky #27 was taken), is that the highest number ever worn by a DFC player?

72's my seat number, and of course, when we were founded ............s'ok, I've put my coat on.......8)

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