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Sons' sorrow

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McMillan was a terrific player for us until his well-publicised departure which essentially ruined his career. Not sure whether he regrets his attempts to sully the club's name in the newspapers but I don't think it did him any favours. That said, I've been quite surprised that nobody has taken a chance on him since his ban expired in 2016, other than Clyde - not sure how the ban has affected his ability and fitness.

Definitely at his best at right back - or at least that was the case 4/5 years ago. 

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So with a fully fit team, a starting line up so far could look like
RB Neill McMillan LB
Carswell Hutton
Mccluskey CAM Winger

Leaves 4 positions to cover with loans. Not the worst starting 11. Still got trust in Duffy to pull some good signings out the bag. Only thing that’s bothered me is the texting to players, very odd for a manager of his experience

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Problem is loans aren't likely to be available for about another month, until all the other managers have had a chance to look at their squads and decide who they are keeping and who they want to loan out. What are we going to do in the meantime? Get by with what we have (the LOTG state you can start a game with 7 players), or sign some more jobbers to make up the numbers and bulk up the squad. Neither seem very attractive propositions but seems that's the way it's going to be. Hopefully Jim has his eye in some Chris Kaneesque youngsters.

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1 hour ago, the snudge said:

The question is, what the flurk is polyvalence and why is it being used in the Dumbarton thread? 

Valency is a chemical term to do with how many bonds an atom can form. I assume as used here it means he can play in more than one position.

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Can someone please explain why the club is legally obliged to pay for a portion of the Council's waterfront pathway project? I ge et that we own the land, but did we agree to pay a pro rata share previously or is this being imposed upon us. I don't live locally, so have no idea what the history of this is.

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12 minutes ago, lionel wickson said:

Can someone please explain why the club is legally obliged to pay for a portion of the Council's waterfront pathway project? I ge et that we own the land, but did we agree to pay a pro rata share previously or is this being imposed upon us. I don't live locally, so have no idea what the history of this is.

It's something I've long questioned and I've never really had any sort of definitive answer, it seems to be used as a bit of a pawn but as far as I'm aware nothing is certain there, other than we don't have the money anyway. It took the fundraising of fans to fix our own roof so they can sing for it if they think we can fund their path, that they want to build on our land.

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2 minutes ago, sonsanorak said:

Imposed on us. Lennox Herald had the story last week.

I think there are a few parties who haven't yet made their contributions.

Cooncil can ram their walkway sideways. How the hell can they force us to pay? 

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11 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

It's something I've long questioned and I've never really had any sort of definitive answer, it seems to be used as a bit of a pawn but as far as I'm aware nothing is certain there, other than we don't have the money anyway. It took the fundraising of fans to fix our own roof so they can sing for it if they think we can fund their path, that they want to build on our land.

Thanks for the reply. I just can't get to grips with the concept of "We'd very much like to build something on your land, that you may or may not derive any benefit from, and by the way you can also help us pay for it!" I could just about get my head around the Council asking us to sell the strip of land to them, or their using some sort of compulsory purchase order if that was appropriate. If the path goes ahead, never mind the costs of construction, who is liable for future maintenance/repair of it?

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I cant see us contributing to a construction project that has absolutely no benefit to the club. We currently cant field a team because we dont have a squad in place for whatever reason, more than likely the budget. The ground needs maintenance but we are supposed to give 150k to a fucking path? Give us peace!

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15 hours ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

Tomorrow's friendly cancelled. I can only assume it's down to only having 9 signed players.

Trying to look at this in a positive light, it maybe means Duffy has seen enough of some of the jobbers that have been training with us.

Of course from a negative point of view that means Duffy is still scrambling around to get the right quality signed up.

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6 minutes ago, the snudge said:

Can't be good for the finances cancelling home friendlies! 

Half a dozen trialists could have made up the team tonight & brought a few grand in through the turnstiles & Bar72 maybe.

Brechin fielded about 8 trialists at the weekend, but in @JanVojacek's excellent piece in the Lennox Herald duffy says he doesn't believe in just getting guys in to make up the numbers.


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