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4 hours ago, The Moonster said:

Dumbarton really doesn't have that many outside of schools, we have one in Dumbarton East and you need to head to the Vale before you find another public one. The schools can be hard to get your hands on too. An artificial surface would be rented out fairly regularly IMO.

Fair enough, Dumbarton may be enormously under serviced compared to other areas now. Not sure how it works in Dumbarton but certainly down here all of the school facilities pretty much are run by someone else on behalf of the council outside school hours and regularly hired out (appreciate @Jan Vojáček has noted noise issues are a problem with at least one)

4 hours ago, Jan Vojáček said:

I can't see where the initial funding for the pitch could come from to even get near £0.5m without serious external backing. It'd the main reason why I have doubts over this whole project. I just cannot see where the initial finance can come from to even begin to get the project off the ground.

What I would say though is that there is absolutely a massive need for more astro pitches in Dumbarton and Alexandria. Currently to serve the whole area from Helensburgh to the Vale and Dumbarton I think we only have five? Hermitage Academy, Argyll Park, OLSP, VOLA and Dumbarton East? That's for an area that must be around 50,000 residents (20k Dumbarton, 12k Helensburgh, 10k Bonhill, 6k Alexandria)

The pitches at Dumbarton Academy can't be used because of noise concerns from residents, so we're effectively one school down on where we should be for starters. Add in the fact you've got a rugby club that use the Argyll pitches quite often, the Vale's academy teams have about 800 players, then you've got our academy teams, Broomhill (obviously). There's Dumbarton United, Renton Craigandro who we have partnerships with, and other local clubs like Riverside, plus amateurs in St Pats (who have two teams), Dumbarton Accies and others. I think it would be sold out very quickly.

But none of that solves the initial issue of how we get finance in place to install one in the first place!

I think you might be surprised what finance is available publicly for that sort of thing, particularly if there's a case to be made that the area is massively under-serviced for availability of pitches. Ours was initially funded 95% or something by the local Council and Sport Scotland, although it is the club's responsibility to then renew the surface when necessary (which will cost £200k+ every time). The SFA are currently giving out grants of circa 50% towards that also though. I doubt a move to 3G will be feasible without drive and support from your Council, you need the local authority on board with it. Unless you have some altruistic / charitable millionaire looking to give something back anyway.

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There is a story doing the rounds that another astro is going into the Argyll.  One for the club would be a money maker 100%.  All the teams in the area, nevermind all their age groups.  Over 35's, and if they buy additional goals you could gave a 7's league and walking football.  That's before you consider hosting tournaments etc.  

It would be great, and there is or were funding and grants.  But its went quiet, even though Faz mentioned it at the meeting with fans.

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Dumbarton Academy has had local residents greeting for years, when I was at school and we used to play on the rugby pitch after school. Some old dick used to come moan about the noise.

@Jan Vojáček you are correct about the number of pitches in the area but they are under used, mainly due to price I think. 
the vale academy is hardly used (most evenings it sits empty and there are rarely games at the weekend), Argyll and Dumbarton East are well used but mainly due to Vale (Argyll) and DU (east) who have priority on both. 
If we did put a pitch down it would be used, but I don’t think it would be packed out as much as you think. Bearing in mind the best midweek let’s would be tied up by us and no doubt Broomhill, it wouldn’t leave much time for anyone else.

the initial cost is the biggest issue, like you I have no idea where this would come from and my fear is it was another empty promise from our charlatan owners

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1 hour ago, pleslie99 said:

Dumbarton Academy has had local residents greeting for years, when I was at school and we used to play on the rugby pitch after school. Some old dick used to come moan about the noise.

@Jan Vojáček you are correct about the number of pitches in the area but they are under used, mainly due to price I think. 
the vale academy is hardly used (most evenings it sits empty and there are rarely games at the weekend), Argyll and Dumbarton East are well used but mainly due to Vale (Argyll) and DU (east) who have priority on both. 
If we did put a pitch down it would be used, but I don’t think it would be packed out as much as you think. Bearing in mind the best midweek let’s would be tied up by us and no doubt Broomhill, it wouldn’t leave much time for anyone else.

the initial cost is the biggest issue, like you I have no idea where this would come from and my fear is it was another empty promise from our charlatan owners

Actually, I believe the initiative was from the local Directors on the club Board and apart from providing a better playing surface with multiple usage, such an investment would lock the club in place at The Rock as recipients of any grants face issues if they move within a certain timeframe.  As far as I can gather the 'charlatan owners' have raised no objections, but that may count for nothing.  As may the project itself.

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The cost of Astro pitches in the area is ridiculous too. Heard that the under 19s played a cup game at Oslp and was the best part of £200 to play the game (as it was cup they had to pay the ref). 

Dumbarton east is dominated by DU & DR, getting Argyll for a game is hard too as so many teams from Vale area have it, so converting stadium to Astro would be a tremendous boost for community and also the Dumbarton youth teams. 

Under 19s are playing their home game this weekend at Parklea due to unavailability of pitches and under 20s more or less train and play outside of west Dunbartonshire now (not helped by former coach cancelling all bookings when he got asked to step aside). 

Edited by Grumpysonoftherock
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Giving an extension to presumably your highest paid player, who seems the latest addition to the perma-crocked list. Farrell is playing chess while we all play checkers.

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An utterly bizarre move from both the club and Farrell. The club are clearly backing the manager if they are letting him extend contracts at this stage which is bonkers. There is no doubting Durnan’s ability at this level but given his injury record I wouldn’t be touching him with a barge pole. Farrell absolutely loves handing out deals to guys who are never fit. 

Get Neil Mackay so far to f**k, the man is simply not fit to be the chairman of a football club. He’s a spineless fool.

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Bet the FB group will think it’s a great move.

The only thing that could make it make sense is if he’s managed to get Durnan to agree to a pay-as-you-play deal… great chance of that :lol:

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Ffs just read the article, he’s out for another 4-6 weeks, folks :lol:

This is baffling. Why the rush? Why not wait to see how he dealt with coming back from this operation?

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Bloody joke, extended contract to a guy who is constantly injured. 16 games and then regarded with a extra year. That clown  Farrell is sticking his fingers up at us real supporters. Time he got to f--k. Totally useless. So trust rep forget all the pie in the sky crap and concentrate on getting him out.

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59 minutes ago, Grumpysonoftherock said:

The cost of Astro pitches in the area is ridiculous too. Heard that the under 19s played a cup game at Oslp and was the best part of £200 to play the game (as it was cup they had to pay the ref). 

Doesnt sound ridiculous to be honest. £1 a minute is about the minimum you should expect to pay for facility hire so including half time, changing facilities etc £120 to £150 for a match sounds about right and presumably £50 - £60 for a ref on top.

At the end of the day you cant propose something as a money making investment then complain about the typical hire charges.

Like @pleslie99 I suspect the money making aspect is exaggerated. Local clubs will train on any old bit of grass away from the winter clock change to save money. Dumbarton themselves would take the main training slots a couple of nights a week (Broomhill possibly too but presumably they'd be a paying customer). Do you have youth teams? I know no formal Academy but if you have youths or community youth they'll likely take up the rest of the available usage.

Guys looking for a 7 a side kickabout prefer indoors and they'll just quickly ruin your pitch anyway. You dont want the public hiring it.

As @Boghead ranter said, the real benefit is the cost savings and getting your home games on as scheduled, not what you might make on an occasional hire.

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