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Sons' sorrow

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I enjoy the frequent laughs and sometimes the football at the Rock. All the hatred nonsense is not what I expect during my Saturday afternoons. I hope the rangers go up this year and they can do what they like and leave us football fans to do what we like.

Exactly this. That guy's celebration was nothing but provocative and deserved all he got, and more. Total joke of a human. The sooner Rangers are gone the better. In the meantime, we just need to sit back, relax and do the talking on the park. In Murray we trust!

Edited by The Elephant In The Rock
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I enjoy the frequent laughs and sometimes the football at the Rock. All the hatred nonsense is not what I expect during my Saturday afternoons. I hope the rangers go up this year and they can do what they like and leave us football fans to do what we like.

Seriously buddy don't keep beating yourself up about it. There was an awful lot of anger in the air yesterday and the stewarding didn't help that at all (the big flag and the lack of segregation being issues which infuriated me)

I've calmed down a lot from what I used to be like but yesterday I was the angriest I think I've ever been at football match. If I was in your situation with a Rangers fan winding me up I can't say I would react any differently. That's not saying it's the right reaction but it is an understandable one.

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I asked the gentleman to perhaps go and sit with his friends at the appropriate end of the ground. And I didn't care that he was hospitality and called him a few parts of anatomy.

I honestly do feel ashamed and don't wish to laugh about it.

So the club actually gave an away hospitality punter a ticket for home end. What a joke!

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Shocked by mess left in the streets of our fair town by the unnecessary police horses. If your dog did that you would get a 50 pound fine.

As for son of a bankie for years the opposition directors have been sat on the dumbarton side of the hospitality area which has always rankled me. surely opposition directors and fans should be sat on the other side of the comfy seats. I would mention it to.gilbert but he is too busy at credit card machine practice.

Interesting to see how many rascals sit at wrong end this week. Maybe they should be forced to clean up the police horse mess.

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So the club actually gave an away hospitality punter a ticket for home end. What a joke!

No, they didn't. Son of a Bankie sits on one side of the metal barrier round the Directors' Box, the Fud was next to him on the other side of the barrier, inside the Directors' Box. He wasn't in with our fans, but he was in very close proximity.

It's a bit strange that Hospitality guests aren't seated close to their own fans, but I've seen Morton, Thistle and Dundee fans in Hospitality right beside us and you rarely if ever see any trouble. It's usually good-natured banter. In fact, one of the best laughs I ever had at The Rock was a Morton guest who wound us up, and vice versa, the whole game. The guy was really up for a laugh.

Our Directors distance themselves from their own fans at the match, and the away team Directors usually sit beside our fans. That might be part of the problem, particularly this week when a Fud was in Hospitality - too close for comfort. No-one else caused any trouble.

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Shocked by mess left in the streets of our fair town by the unnecessary police horses. If your dog did that you would get a 50 pound fine.

As for son of a bankie for years the opposition directors have been sat on the dumbarton side of the hospitality area which has always rankled me. surely opposition directors and fans should be sat on the other side of the comfy seats. I would mention it to.gilbert but he is too busy at credit card machine practice.

Interesting to see how many rascals sit at wrong end this week. Maybe they should be forced to clean up the police horse mess.

I think there will be a fair few more in the wrong end. A lot of people in my seating area had said they won't be going on Saturday. If that is representative of the rest of the crowd-and some of the comments on here- there could be maybe double the amount that were infiltrating our end last Saturday.
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Moonster and Silverton End have articulated my feelings about tickets and moaning further up the thread.

I really wonder what some folk do to get through life. It's as if they haven't progressed beyond the stage of helpless infant. If something didn't suit me about ticket arrangements, I would use one of the many ways that there are to contact the club as my first option rather than immediately resort to a chat board to complain about it. Until the info about phoning the club with your card details was spoon fed, did no-one think of just trying that? I had a query yesterday and phoned the club. Gilbert answered the phone and answered my question.

BTW the quantity of tickets available for public sale are limited due to Season ticket holders snapping up extras. If you don't have a season ticket or a ticket I would get down there/phone them this morning.

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Spoon fed? aye perhaps. But as a paying customer I want my service to be as easy as possible to me and I expect to have good information supplied.

Would it have been too much for dfc to put an alternative to visiting the club on their website? no. Would it inconvenience them a wee bit more to take phone calls and post tickets out, aye perhaps. Anyhoo, have we not talked ticketing to death already?

Any news on kirky and mich's injuries?

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Hopefully that works. I, for one, cannot wait to see this. I assume after the exhibition there will be a formal discussion with the fans but this will be great. I hope they have a powerpoint presentation, fucking love those.

Edit - and a 3D model. If they don't have these things I'm out.

Edited by The Moonster
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Hopefully that works. I, for one, cannot wait to see this. I assume after the exhibition there will be a formal discussion with the fans but this will be great. I hope they have a powerpoint presentation, fucking love those.

Edit - and a 3D model. If they don't have these things I'm out.

Pretty shite times, would've preferred a weekend or later evening but I'll make sure I can attend.

Any idea who will be there to answer questions etc?

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Isn't this a good thing? Doesn't it give you, and everyone else, the opportunity to ask the questions that need answered?

I was only kidding. Of course its a good thing, we get to see everything we've already asked hopefully. All Sons fans should get down if they can. Says its an exhibition, not a question and answer session but I imagine someone will be there to ask. I also imagine the Trust will be looking for our views shortly.

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I was only kidding. Of course its a good thing, we get to see everything we've already asked hopefully. All Sons fans should get down if they can. Says its an exhibition, not a question and answer session but I imagine someone will be there to ask. I also imagine the Trust will be looking for our views shortly.

I'll definitely be there. Times are a nightmare mind you! I'll have to get the train down after school on the Thursday.

Wouldn't want to miss out on what could be one of the most important things to happen in the clubs future. All Sons fans have to get down and give the club our say on the plans.

E.T.A See if we do leave the rock, I want my seat. We've been through a lot together and the thought of it lying in a landfill site would drive me to tears.

Edited by Sonsteam of 08
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