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Sons' sorrow

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I've watched this from afar and anyone who has watched most teams in Scottish football know that subterfuge and alleged corruption are wide spread.

Why is Dumbarton FC any different.

The PR at the Rock is disgusting ,and I would take the likes of Iain McFarlane back in a minute.

I was off sick on and off for over 2 years during his tenure, and my daily exercise was a walk down to the rock.

His door was always open and the kettle was on every morning

We had some ding dong arguments but the next day it was forgotten, and the coffee was on.

OK he had his faults but you could ask him questions and he would answer.

Since Brabco came, it has become very obvious that the board now see fans as an essential nuisance.

It was me who put sparse info on about the company ,I went as far as I could and ended up at a PO box number in Panama.

We're it not for the fact Alan Findlay and Simon Barrow are on their case, you would not even be getting a meeting tomorrow

I have no problem with any investor making a killing as long as the club is not deserted without a place to play.

Remember in the recent past the travels of Clyde, Hamilton and Clydebank I don't want to see one of the oldest football clubs in UK go to the wall

As an aside if anyone is talking to Mr Hosie, not Colin,ask him what team he supports and did from his days in 1st Dumbarton BB

Edited by the auld son
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A reminder that the Sonstrust's general meeting to discuss the proposals for a stadium relocation and redevelopment takes place tomorrow night, Wednesday 26th November, starting at 7pm, at the Abbotsford Hotel. The club chairman and chief executive will be there, along with the project planning consultant who will outline the plans. There will be a Q&A. All welcome! http://sonstrust.wordpress.com/2014/11/25/reminder-general-meeting-tomorrow-weds-26th-7pm/

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The PR at the Rock is disgusting ,and I would take the likes of Iain McFarlane back in a minute.

Re the above ......

I travel from afar to watch Dumbarton having supported them for 45 years and I agree that the PR is now poor and has been on the wane for a number of years now.

I remember catching an SMT bus down to Boghead on Thursday nights to watch the team train. Magic memories of being able to chat to the players, sit in the dugout and get autographs.

Back in the day, my Dad spoke to John Hosie and explained what a photographic fanatic I was. Mr Hosie allowed me to sit beside the goals for one game and then examine the resultant photos. Happy with what he saw, he gave me a Press Pass !

So there I was, sitting by the goals beside Donald Fullerton taking photos of The Sons. The excitement I experienced every home game was incredible.

Mr Hosie and Mr Wright were real gents and the whole club was far more welcoming of it's supporters.

Now when I phone in the winter to check if the game is on, I'm always curtly asked if I'm one of the radio stations. Disappointed that I'm not a media employee, I get a gruff yes or no. While I'm still saying thank you or asking when the game has been rearranged for, the receiver clatters down at the other end. Made to feel alienated from what I regard as " my wee club" and as welcome as a fart in a spacesuit.

I may be wearing the rosiest of rose tinted specs when I hark back but I still feel really bloody unwelcome when communicating with the club nowadays.

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A reminder that the Sonstrust's general meeting to discuss the proposals for a stadium relocation and redevelopment takes place tomorrow night, Wednesday 26th November, starting at 7pm, at the Abbotsford Hotel. The club chairman and chief executive will be there, along with the project planning consultant who will outline the plans. There will be a Q&A. All welcome! http://sonstrust.wordpress.com/2014/11/25/reminder-general-meeting-tomorrow-weds-26th-7pm/

My sister-in-law's daughter is getting married in 2016 and she was asking if there are likely to be sample wedding menus available tomorrow ??

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The PR at the Rock is not good. However to get nostalgic for Ian MacFarlane is taking it a step too far. Ian had many good points (determination, vision and an ability to stand up to Rankine) and was probably the right man at the right time - but PR? do me a favour.

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The PR at the Rock is disgusting ,and I would take the likes of Iain McFarlane back in a minute.

Re the above ......

I travel from afar to watch Dumbarton having supported them for 45 years and I agree that the PR is now poor and has been on the wane for a number of years now.

I remember catching an SMT bus down to Boghead on Thursday nights to watch the team train. Magic memories of being able to chat to the players, sit in the dugout and get autographs.

Back in the day, my Dad spoke to John Hosie and explained what a photographic fanatic I was. Mr Hosie allowed me to sit beside the goals for one game and then examine the resultant photos. Happy with what he saw, he gave me a Press Pass !

So there I was, sitting by the goals beside Donald Fullerton taking photos of The Sons. The excitement I experienced every home game was incredible.

Mr Hosie and Mr Wright were real gents and the whole club was far more welcoming of it's supporters.

Now when I phone in the winter to check if the game is on, I'm always curtly asked if I'm one of the radio stations. Disappointed that I'm not a media employee, I get a gruff yes or no. While I'm still saying thank you or asking when the game has been rearranged for, the receiver clatters down at the other end. Made to feel alienated from what I regard as " my wee club" and as welcome as a fart in a spacesuit.

I may be wearing the rosiest of rose tinted specs when I hark back but I still feel really bloody unwelcome when communicating with the club nowadays.

We really are in trouble if John, Alex and Donald's PR is better than the current Sons board!

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Say what you like but some of them down at the club really have got ideas above their station. Only my lifetime loyalty keeps me from telling them to poke it.

Which is exactly what they used to say about John Hosie, Alex Wright and Ian MacFarlane. It comes with the territory.

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Say what you like but some of them down at the club really have got ideas above their station. Only my lifetime loyalty keeps me from telling them to poke it

Dumbarton FC is run on the lines of a private member's golf club rather than a community football club, and that tends to pervade dealings with the public. When people are not comfortable in certain situations they can withdraw into a defensive position which often manifests itself as abruptness.

As regards John Hosie and Alex Wright they were considerably more personable than anyone who has succeeded them, Ian McFarlane included. No-one however was any more loyal, decent, honest than anyone else, it's just that small local football clubs really need to get their supporters and the wider public onside and there are ways of doing just that. We are currently not doing it well enough in my opinion.

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SonsTV is back!

We have migrated to YouTube rather than clogging up the bandwidth of the DFC official website and can be accessed by following the link below.

No great fanfare as the channel is experimental and as ever relies heavily on the goodwill of our volunteers.


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SonsTV is back!

We have migrated to YouTube rather than clogging up the bandwidth of the DFC official website and can be accessed by following the link below.

No great fanfare as the channel is experimental and as ever relies heavily on the goodwill of our volunteers.


Good to see you back guys. ????

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Dumbarton FC is run on the lines of a private member's golf club rather than a community football club, and that tends to pervade dealings with the public. When people are not comfortable in certain situations they can withdraw into a defensive position which often manifests itself as abruptness.

As regards John Hosie and Alex Wright they were considerably more personable than anyone who has succeeded them, Ian McFarlane included. No-one however was any more loyal, decent, honest than anyone else, it's just that small local football clubs really need to get their supporters and the wider public onside and there are ways of doing just that. We are currently not doing it well enough in my opinion.

Whilst agreeing with aspects of your first paragraph, in your second I do wonder if time is lending enchantment? No one could question JH's commitment or efficiency in running the club. However, his demeanour could never have been mistaken for one of joy or civility. I knew Alex well and I liked and respected him. However.....

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SonsTV is back!

We have migrated to YouTube rather than clogging up the bandwidth of the DFC official website and can be accessed by following the link below.

No great fanfare as the channel is experimental and as ever relies heavily on the goodwill of our volunteers.


I don't know who you are but I'd like to thank you for giving up your time to do this. It's great to have it back and I know I wouldn't have the time to dedicate to it.

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Whilst agreeing with aspects of your first paragraph, in your second I do wonder if time is lending enchantment? No one could question JH's commitment or efficiency in running the club. However, his demeanour could never have been mistaken for one of joy or civility. I knew Alex well and I liked and respected him. However.....

Perhaps herein lies another problem, Wilf. A lot of the older fans have something to look back at and say "you know, at least they did seem to care about the fans and had time for us". Younger fans have always had a barrier in that respect, Ian MacFarlane was here when I started going to games and my dad would often talk to him. He once asked how good I was at football and told me I could be in the dressing room one day. That's not saying that Ian MacFarlane made me a Son, but it certainly gave a young guy hope and enthusiasm to stick at it and support his local team.

Alan Jardine also knows my parents and he's spoken to me after a few drinks at our many promotion/staying up party's over the last 6 years and he's a nice guy with his heart in the right place but for anyone who isn't lucky enough to have parents that know folk in the club (through working for the right company at the right time, may I add) I don't think they're all that approachable. Do we see the (non-Trust) board members mixing with fans before or after games?

Anyone starting to come to games these days has a bad view of the club in communications, for a board who are proposing opening up a hub and placing the club at the heart of the community, that desperately has to change.

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I don't know who you are but I'd like to thank you for giving up your time to do this. It's great to have it back and I know I wouldn't have the time to dedicate to it.

Thanks. Primarily the videos are for training purposes and hopefully we can continue for the rest of the season.

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Perhaps herein lies another problem, Wilf. A lot of the older fans have something to look back at and say "you know, at least they did seem to care about the fans and had time for us". Younger fans have always had a barrier in that respect, Ian MacFarlane was here when I started going to games and my dad would often talk to him. He once asked how good I was at football and told me I could be in the dressing room one day. That's not saying that Ian MacFarlane made me a Son, but it certainly gave a young guy hope and enthusiasm to stick at it and support his local team.

Alan Jardine also knows my parents and he's spoken to me after a few drinks at our many promotion/staying up party's over the last 6 years and he's a nice guy with his heart in the right place but for anyone who isn't lucky enough to have parents that know folk in the club (through working for the right company at the right time, may I add) I don't think they're all that approachable. Do we see the (non-Trust) board members mixing with fans before or after games?

Anyone starting to come to games these days has a bad view of the club in communications, for a board who are proposing opening up a hub and placing the club at the heart of the community, that desperately has to change.

You won't find any argument from me that the PR of the club could be and should be much improved. However I can assure you that it was always thus, or at least regarded as such. I must admit to having had a loud chuckle at Auld Son's praise of Ian MacFarlane - irony doesn't begin to describe that ;)

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Well, what's the verdict on tonight's meeting?

I feel like I have a few questions unanswered, but appreciate the chairman saying he's open to future consultation.

The statements about how DFC aren't exposed to any risk and simply won't move if it isn't right or will all resign their directorships if Brabco upset them left me more concerned than appeased. I'm also somewhat perturbed by the chairman saying he's only ever met 4 of the 6 Brabco members over the years. I'd have thought that the majority shareholders would be more familiar with the club chairman.

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