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2 minutes ago, gm_1982 said:

Must say I don’t quite understand Duffy’s logic of signing the castoffs from the team immediately above them in the league.

Brennan is stuck to his line and has absolutely no command of his box.

It's probably more of a coincidence than anything, but it certainly doesn't look great on paper.

In saying that Boris really impressed everybody at the weekend, and goalkeeper isn't a position we've been blessed in this season. Grant Adam has been injured most of the time, and when he isn't injured he's making totally mental decisions to fly out for balls that are never his, and smack drop kicks off his teammates' back. Smith looked steady enough at first, but mistakes have really started to creep in, and he's been culpable for quite a few goals this season. McGowan didn't seem to make saves, and Robbie Mutch crumbled as soon as he made a mistake against Arbroath.

Out of all of them Mutch is the only one I'd maybe be moderately happy with having as our #1 for the rest of the season, but even he conceded six goals in his two games. 

Where have all the good goalkeepers gone? Mark McCallum and Graeme Smith aside, I've really not really been impressed by any this season.

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It's probably more of a coincidence than anything, but it certainly doesn't look great on paper.

In saying that Boris really impressed everybody at the weekend, and goalkeeper isn't a position we've been blessed in this season. Grant Adam has been injured most of the time, and when he isn't injured he's making totally mental decisions to fly out for balls that are never his, and smack drop kicks off his teammates' back. Smith looked steady enough at first, but mistakes have really started to creep in, and he's been culpable for quite a few goals this season. McGowan didn't seem to make saves, and Robbie Mutch crumbled as soon as he made a mistake against Arbroath.

Out of all of them Mutch is the only one I'd maybe be moderately happy with having as our #1 for the rest of the season, but even he conceded six goals in his two games. 

Where have all the good goalkeepers gone? Mark McCallum and Graeme Smith aside, I've really not really been impressed by any this season.

Darren Jamieson is the best keeper we’ve had for a while. Funnily enough his only major mistake was against Dumbarton at Gayfield, which might cloud your vision :lol:

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4 minutes ago, Lichtie78 said:

Darren Jamieson is the best keeper we’ve had for a while. Funnily enough his only major mistake was against Dumbarton at Gayfield, which might cloud your vision :lol:

That's pretty much what I'm basing it on. Well between that and the fact we always seemed to beat his Livingston team when he was between the sticks!

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42 minutes ago, gm_1982 said:

Must say I don’t quite understand Duffy’s logic of signing the castoffs from the team immediately above them in the league.

That's what happens when you do all your business in the last week of the window and have very little cash to play with.

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1 minute ago, LiamA said:

The best keeper in this league has just signed a contract extension at Bayview. Funnily enough his worst game (& whole team btw) was away against Dumbarton! Other than that he has been outstanding all season. 

Aye, and just last week there were Airdrie fans touting David fucking Hutton as the best keeper in the world. Fan opinion is worthless.

Boris signed as expected, lets hope his work rate and enthusiasm start rubbing off on his team mates.  

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8 minutes ago, LiamA said:

They must have been on something whereas I am soberly perfect at this juncture! I will however bow to your superior knowledge & intellect on this matter

Not claiming to be intellectually superior, I'm sure he's a fine keeper but the last page of this thread is proof that fans will rate their players higher than they really are (I suspect Boris Melingui may even fall into this category with Sons fans).

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18 minutes ago, LiamA said:

The best keeper in this league has just signed a contract extension at Bayview. Funnily enough his worst game (& whole team btw) was away against Dumbarton! Other than that he has been outstanding all season. 

I have to say I've liked the look of Long in the highlights I've seen - just as I've liked the look of East Fife in the highlights. It just seems to be when they face us that everything goes wrong. A trend I'm really hoping continues.

Anyone, welcome aboard to Boris and Conor. If nothing else it makes our squad a bit more exotic. A Dutchman, a Frenchman and a Northern Irishman in the space of a week. 


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Next up is a delivery of Leylandii to replace the fence from the river end to the home dugout.
Jim White missed both signings as he had been ejected from The Stag's Head for attempting intercourse with the pool table.

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Boris should hopefully be a decent addition although I'm not going to get my hopes up too much. He was good on Saturday but there must be a reason Brechin let him go. Fingers crossed it's just a case of it not really working out for him there rather than lack of ability. If he can replicate Saturday's performance on a consistent basis then I'm sure he'll be fine, his aerial ability looked ridiculously good for a guy his size.

I'm not convinced at all with the Brennan signing and I'm not sure he's an improvement on what we have. Would be more than happy for him to prove me wrong but I wont be holding my breath on that one.

Fingers crossed we can add Thomas or someone of similar quality. We've looked dreadful since he was recalled.

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