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Sons' sorrow

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A poor show from the club overall especially when the stadiums hours of operation make it unaccessible to an amount of the support; some fans who have been going for years and other fans who have taken a keen interest more recently. I haven't had an oppurtunity to go down to get my ticket because of work commitments, some prior warning would have been nice.

EDIT; why aren't the club doing a bit of PR and making contact with those haven't yet renewed on the back of last season, which was a big season for us. Surely they would want to know why loyal fans are not renewing their season tickets.

Edited by TheChase
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I'd suggest the trust have been hung out to dry here. They've always been good at communicating things to the fans and for them not to say anything on this matter at all makes me have my doubts over this. I have no doubt our trust rep will be getting dogs abuse here and I don't think that's fair.

Need to stop talking about this now before I smash my desk up.

I don't believe for a second it's the Trusts fault, but obviously the more members they have who are affected by this issue the more wieght it will carry. It can't hurt to ask them to bring it up with the club?

Having a limit on season tickets seems rather strange behaviour for Scottish football. You would think most boards would be utterly delighted to have as much income as they can in the bank before the season starts.

It's strange for a ny business to turn down guaranteed income, especially at a time when you have almost none.

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Surely trust members should be allowed to purchase tickets if nobody else? That would allow the real fans to get in but wouldn't 'flood demand'.

Just because someone isn't a Trust member doesn't mean they aren't a real fan. Id happily see them sell a reduced season ticket that didn't include the two cheats and hibs.

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It's a massive cock up this.

Not a chance we've sold 1000 tickets. No warning or nothing.

I'll certainly not be in attendance this year if I can't get a season ticket.

we were all warned that the 20th was the cut off date for renewing, why did u all wait? Or did u not have one last year?
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we were all warned that the 20th was the cut off date for renewing, why did u all wait? Or did u not have one last year?

I didn't have one last year as I knew I wouldn't make every game. The renewal thing is fair enough - they put plenty of notices saying you MUST do it by this date or we will sell it - if people don't renew or can't renew then at least they know the score. They've just popped up this morning and said no one can buy a season ticket any more, which is what most folk are angry about. If we had warning and still missed out on a ticket we can have no complaints.

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we were all warned that the 20th was the cut off date for renewing, why did u all wait? Or did u not have one last year?

No, this date was touted for retaining your current seat, nothing more.

Dunno about you but i work Monday to Friday so I have no chance of making those opening hours.

Nae argument to be had here, if seats remain they should be sold.

Edited by Bring Back Paddy Flannery
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Just because someone isn't a Trust member doesn't mean they aren't a real fan. Id happily see them sell a reduced season ticket that didn't include the two cheats and hibs.

Not saying that they are but if the club wanted to stop people from buying season tickets at a certain time and a Sonstrust member hadn't been able to get down to the stadium I'd like to think they would sell him/her a ticket, the work they do is brilliant and helps to keep the club running so letting members buy a season ticket would hardly be a huge problem.

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Not saying that they are but if the club wanted to stop people from buying season tickets at a certain time and a Sonstrust member hadn't been able to get down to the stadium I'd like to think they would sell him/her a ticket, the work they do is brilliant and helps to keep the club running so letting members buy a season ticket would hardly be a huge problem.

I'd like to think they would take that approach with all previous ST holders and not just Trust members?

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I'd like to think they would take that approach with all previous ST holders and not just Trust members?

Playing devil's advocate, the club did give all season ticket holders until the 20th to go down/ get there tickets. Surely that was enough time?

I couldn't get down, due to work, so called the club and was told to email the forms, then call and can pay over the phone.

Maybe they have sold out the whole of the home side, unlikely. Does anyone know if you have to have walk up tickets throughout the season?

As I said in a previous post, it seems strange but the only thing people can be angry at is the clubs lack of information/ not explaining the situation properly.

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Playing devil's advocate, the club did give all season ticket holders until the 20th to go down/ get there tickets. Surely that was enough time?

I couldn't get down, due to work, so called the club and was told to email the forms, then call and can pay over the phone.

Maybe they have sold out the whole of the home side, unlikely. Does anyone know if you have to have walk up tickets throughout the season?

As I said in a previous post, it seems strange but the only thing people can be angry at is the clubs lack of information/ not explaining the situation properly.

That's perfect and is all we require from the club. A simple line of "please note that due to anticipated high demand this year we will be imposing a limit of 600 season tickets to be sold this year, due to our small capacity we must allow privision for walk up on the day fans" and no one would have a leg to stand on here.

Fair enough if the sales have caught them off guard but if you're selling over 300 tickets in two weeks it might be an idea to put a wee warning out.

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Why not re-open season tickets but charge adult prices only... That'd outway the money we'd make from walk-up tickets, would it not?

They should just sell them at the agreed price to folk who want them and leave 100 seats for pay at the gate customers. We shouldn't be held to ransom by bad decision making.

Whilst I appreciate not everyone has the need for a season ticket surely these customers are more important than ones who only attend a handful of games (or Rangers, Hibs and Hearts games). Still can't my head around how we are in a position to be knocking back season ticket sales, it's truly baffling. Like I said previously do you think the fairweather fans will turn up on a freezing cold Tuesday night when we're playin someone other than the 'big 3'? Will the pay at the gate customers stick around when the big boys leave and we potentially slide back to the 3rd division? Will they turn up if we go on a 10 game losing streak? Not a fucking chance.

Season tickets should be given huge priority over pay at the gate tickets.

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Playing devil's advocate, the club did give all season ticket holders until the 20th to go down/ get there tickets. Surely that was enough time?

I couldn't get down, due to work, so called the club and was told to email the forms, then call and can pay over the phone.

Maybe they have sold out the whole of the home side, unlikely. Does anyone know if you have to have walk up tickets throughout the season?

As I said in a previous post, it seems strange but the only thing people can be angry at is the clubs lack of information/ not explaining the situation properly.

The way I read the whole 20th June deadline was that it was more a deadline for guaranteeing a specific seat ie the seat you had in previous years. Some people might have held off understanding that they weren't guaranteed their specific seat but expecting that they'd still be able to purchase a season ticket for an alternative seat in the home end.

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Why have a limit at all ? There is no reason to have one.

I fully agree with this but if they do insist on having one (as ridiculous as it is) it should be 100 or less.

Feel like the good work done by the Supporters Trust is being totally undone by greed and terrible decision making outwith their control. I sincerely hope no one holds issue with them for this utter f**k up.

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Just to put the 600 limit into context anyone know how many the home end holds?

I think there's about 75 seats per row but not sure how many rows there are. Any ideas?

Stadium holds 2020 away end is about 900 so that leaves us with 1100 deduct press and corporate seats (maybe 100?) 1000. I'd guess the home end is about 1000 but my calculations could be well off.

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