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Sons' sorrow

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The Trust are not consulted on club decisions. They react to things that the club do, or deal with things that the club hand off to them, they do not influence the club decision makers, much as we would all like them to. To blame the Trust for this shambles is to show a massive misunderstanding of their role in club affairs, and I say that as a non-Trust member.

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I think it's disgraceful that some of the people who go every week, home and away, and attend all the events, such as player of the year, the quiz night etc, will have to go without a season ticket this season.

We are still a small enough club that the people running the club know a large amount of our core support - this core should be able to have a season ticket, if they choose to, until such point the entire home-end is sold out.

It doesn't make sense, we are not going to sell out most of our games - why have empty seats allocated for people who walk up on the day, that will be empty apart from 6 matches?

Surely that just doesn't make financial sense

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I renewed my season ticket when I was lucky enough to get a week off work. Amy was still on the desk (and was exceptionally pleasant and helpful) so it was before Gilbert started messing things up.

I can see a degree of logic in limiting the number of season tickets that can be sold. The club need to retain the ability for folk to turn up on the day and to be able to get a seat to watch the game. I started going to Sons games pay at the gate in 08/09. 14/15 will be my 3rd Sons season ticket. Theres always a chance that the club can attract new fans, particularly with the spotlight on our division this year, and it needs to be able to meet what the board perceive to be a demand.

That said, I think they've got the numbers wrong.

I know that Rangers, Hearts, Hibs and Falkirk will take decent travelling supports to the BB. Should we really be making 900 seats available to visiting fans at the cost of keeping our own season ticket holders happy? Away capacity should be cut to 700. Season ticket limit should be increased to 700. That still leaves 400+ walk-up spaces per game. It means splitting the home support and having some walk-up fans sitting beside the away fans but its a small price to pay for getting extra money in up front and avoiding the mess of having people wanting to buy season tickets but being unable to do so.

Opening hours at the ground during the season ticket renewal period were also a big problem. They should have been open late nights on several occasions. It would hardly have been an issue to open the ground to 9pm one day on alternate weeks. The club haven't exactly made it easy for fans.

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That's a pretty fantastic effort. Do clubs have to make a % of the home seats available to purchase on match days? Never heard such a rule but it's the only thing that would make sense.

Not entirely sure to be honest and it's certainly never been mentioned in the past. Judging by season tickets at Ibrox and Parkhead it must be a pretty small percentage if so.

I fear it's simply bending us over and pumping us rid raw in the hope of increased walk up tickets being sold. Season ticket works out at something like 12 quid a game and they are 18.

It seems to me like the away end has also been extended which is pretty poor. Sacrificing the support of our own fans to benefit the likes of Rangers. I may be wrong on that one though.

I'll still be utterly stunned if we have sold 600 odd, until it's official I'm finding it hard to believe.

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Having sold tickets for the opening game and organised a couple of matches at the stadium, as I recall, the 'ends' hold roughly 900 each with the central section accounting for around 250.

I do recall that the website mentioned that seats would be held until June 20th and several prompts for folk to get their tickets but the first I heard of the 'sold out' thing was when a friend (until now an occasional supporter) said that he'd asked about a ticket and had been told the allocated number had all been sold.

I can't understand why they'd be limited to 600. Surely most folk will have their tickets and the ones who have missed out are in the numbers of tens? In that case I'd think that a compromise could and should be found.

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You could just sell your entity home support in season tickets then miraculously have a rethink and put walk up prices up again - conveniently shafting away fans and recouping and loss* incurred by selling more ST.

*i don't see how it is a loss as these people would not turn up to the majority of your games so you're getting extra income. Dumbo v Cowden would struggle to see 600 home fans on a normally day.

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Surely the 600 tickets that have been bought are fans who perhaps over the last few years have just paid at the gate but this year wanted to ensure they had a seat reserved for each game? If so, are we really to expect that many walk up fans in the home end? Seems to me they've all got their tickets already.

There is a suggestion on Facebook that all these tickets have been snapped up by local Rangers fans but I just can't see that being the case. Is the typical Rangers fan of Dumbarton capable of forking out £235 just to make sure he gets a seat for two games? Again, I can't see it.

I agree with Wilf in that probably another 50 ST's would be enough to get everyone who missed out a ticket.

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Again the club disappoint with a lack of communication regardings st's; first the unannounced significant increase to the price then the reaching of a previously unheard of limit. Its the trust who make all these communications, but they are entirely dependant upon there being a message to pass on, nothing from the club board equals nothing to say.

I think the rise to the st price had been discussed before the end of the season, i understand members of the trust board were sounding out fans at the poty do. Perhaps they had been able to influence the clubs ideas regards pricing one way or another.

I dont see the harm in allowing another 50 sts to be sold.

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Guaranteed income vs 6 walk in fans.

Devil's Advocate...those 6 walk in fans may catch the bug like we all did and become regulars. Perhaps even future season ticket holders.

However, it doesn't excuse the fact that the club should have communicated this better, giving advance notice of an impending cap.

I see Alan & Simon have tried to put a positive spin on the official website. From the guys who know them better...is that their actual outlook or are they privately embarrassed and angry?

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Devil's Advocate...those 6 walk in fans may catch the bug like we all did and become regulars. Perhaps even future season ticket holders.

However, it doesn't excuse the fact that the club should have communicated this better, giving advance notice of an impending cap.

I see Alan & Simon have tried to put a positive spin on the official website. From the guys who know them better...is that their actual outlook or are they privately embarrassed and angry?

I'd imagine for things like the official site they have to put a positive spin on it* I'd imagine they have had to deal with a lot of angry supporters over the last 24 hours isn't the most pleasant of jobs (especially when they have nothing to do with this decision). If I was a betting man I'd probably fire a tenner on them being pissed off.

*there are positives to be had here, the numbers flying around are fantastic. It's the total arse up of nae warning announcement and the fact empty seats will not be sold to folk wanting to buy a season ticket.

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Devil's Advocate...those 6 walk in fans may catch the bug like we all did and become regulars. Perhaps even future season ticket holders.

However, it doesn't excuse the fact that the club should have communicated this better, giving advance notice of an impending cap.

I see Alan & Simon have tried to put a positive spin on the official website. From the guys who know them better...is that their actual outlook or are they privately embarrassed and angry?

They can speak for themselves but my guess is that they are probably well used to it. There are many other issues on which the Trust has been able to lead the club down the path of common sense but this one exploded in their faces.

But there is a bigger and potentially more worrying picture here. Despite the fact that there is a Board in place two guys are effectively running DFC on behalf of the majority shareholder Brabco. At the behest of Brabco the same two guys are currently working on a plan to move the club to a new stadium. The season ticket situation has highlighted concerns with both judgement and communication, both of which are going to be of much greater importance in any stadium move. Attention levels will need to be high.

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I'd imagine for things like the official site they have to put a positive spin on it* I'd imagine they have had to deal with a lot of angry supporters over the last 24 hours isn't the most pleasant of jobs (especially when they have nothing to do with this decision). If I was a betting man I'd probably fire a tenner on them being pissed off.

*there are positives to be had here, the numbers flying around are fantastic. It's the total arse up of nae warning announcement and the fact empty seats will not be sold to folk wanting to buy a season ticket.

you might not see just how wonderful big nishy is next season
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Devil's Advocate...those 6 walk in fans may catch the bug like we all did and become regulars. Perhaps even future season ticket holders.

However, it doesn't excuse the fact that the club should have communicated this better, giving advance notice of an impending cap.

I see Alan & Simon have tried to put a positive spin on the official website. From the guys who know them better...is that their actual outlook or are they privately embarrassed and angry?

My guess is that anyone that knows them better wouldn't betray their confidence.

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But there is a bigger and potentially more worrying picture here. Despite the fact that there is a Board in place two guys are effectively running DFC on behalf of the majority shareholder Brabco. At the behest of Brabco the same two guys are currently working on a plan to move the club to a new stadium. The season ticket situation has highlighted concerns with both judgement and communication, both of which are going to be of much greater importance in any stadium move. Attention levels will need to be high.

I just hope we don't slide back to the bad old days of poor communication and a sneering contempt for the paying customer. This season ticket fiasco is an embarrassment.

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