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I think they would sell to the highest bidder. I may have the wrong impression but I don't think that Denny's Homes has ever built a house. I doubt if they ever will.

I thought that they hadn't as well but why then change the company name to Denny's Homes if they don't intend to build themselves.

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Naw, we need it behind the goals. Then and only then can we have the "WELCOME TO HELL" section we've always dreamed of.

Before atmosphere behind the goals due to smaller sized stand? Quite possibly.

Better view from along the pitchside? Definitely.

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When it comes to the new ground I'd much rather have a far smaller seating capacity with three sides of terracing. I don't know what the relative costs are but something along the lines of a modern Gayfield would be much better than just one big stand

We're getting ahead of ourselves now, there are many questions needing answered before that. For example, why has there been no consideration of a 'phased development' on the present site, that would save a lot of hassle and expense, no ? But it would also deny Brabco the fruition of their grand plan, and make no mistake the two are linked. We've heard talk of 'bad neighbours, parking problems, lack of training facilities', etc., but we are yet to see any tangible evidence of that.

Has a Planning Application in respect of new works at BBC ever been submitted by DFC ? I suspect not, because there is no desire to do it on the grounds of Brabco's interests, but that doesn't stop the impression of there having been a submission and a response from WDC being fed into the atmosphere. Likewise the 'bad neighbour' schtick; I've not met anyone with adverse comment on the present set-up, but when you are embarked on a mission of taking a hatchet to your own floors that becomes irrelevant.

Sure there are parking issues but there will be parking issues when WDC decants it's workers from the Count Buildings to the Burgh Hall, and they will be overcome. As it could be at The Rock. As regards training facilities, I thought DFC was linked into the redevolpment of the East End park facility ? We are being presented here with a vision, and that vision only, for partisan ends and I for one would like to see firm evidence that we need to move anywhere, not least an awful location outwith the town.

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Before atmosphere behind the goals due to smaller sized stand? Quite possibly.

Better view from along the pitchside? Definitely.

Aye, I'm only jesting. I fully agree with Frank's post above, talk of terracing and where we're going to put it is waaaaay down the line. First we need them to prove to us that this is actually required and that it's viable.

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We're getting ahead of ourselves now, there are many questions needing answered before that. For example, why has there been no consideration of a 'phased development' on the present site, that would save a lot of hassle and expense, no ? But it would also deny Brabco the fruition of their grand plan, and make no mistake the two are linked. We've heard talk of 'bad neighbours, parking problems, lack of training facilities', etc., but we are yet to see any tangible evidence of that.

Has a Planning Application in respect of new works at BBC ever been submitted by DFC ? I suspect not, because there is no desire to do it on the grounds of Brabco's interests, but that doesn't stop the impression of there having been a submission and a response from WDC being fed into the atmosphere. Likewise the 'bad neighbour' schtick; I've not met anyone with adverse comment on the present set-up, but when you are embarked on a mission of taking a hatchet to your own floors that becomes irrelevant.


Everything mentioned in Frank's post thus far has been rumour and hearsay. This is something I've been bleating on about for a while.

I've not seen the plans or know much about it but could our current location be getting in the way of the councils vision for the waterfront regeneration?

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A council with £20m black hol will have more pressing concerns

Looks like the £20m black hole isn't stopping this picking up pace:


Anyone been down for a swatch?

Both plans unveiled on 6th November = conspiracy/illuminati.

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The stadium looks tremendous, really excellent. HOWEVER.

We still don't know how much it'll cost us. Phase 1 will be the building of a 1500 seated stand. That's it. See where this could be headed? Gilbert said the plan was to build phase 1 whilst still in the BBS. Move out of it, sell the ground and use the money made from that to complete the stadium.

Interestingly the SPFL have given us special dispensation to use our current floodlights as we can't get planning permission for stronger lights. The only reason we get this dispensation is as a result of the plans to move...apparently.

I'll post some pictures when I get home but until we get numbers as too how much the full thing will cost im against it. It would put the club at too much risk.

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Just a few photo's I took quickly tonight.

First is the front and rear elevations. Note the massive Elephant above the front door. Bit weird. The stand itself looks pretty small (1500 capacity)

Second is a self explanatory photo of the ground overview. There will be a supporters bar (Good) and the terracing looks excellent (although it is behind the goals)

Third is a weird night photo. Not really anything special about it.




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Interesting that Gilbert said that S08, I was told we'd use the sale of the current site to build the 1,500 seats and MAYBE some terracing behind the goal and we'd then use the "enabling development" i.e. the space for hotels, gyms whatever to try and build the rest.

I agree that it looks brilliant but there wasn't even an indication of cost and from reading S08's post I'm not sure they have a scooby how we're funding all of this. I feel a bit sorry for the planner that was down there answering the questions, he's been hired to plan this and he was taking it in the neck from a few of us (all polite but to the point questions). Didn't appear to be anyone from Brabco present, Gilbert, the architect and our Trust reps which is disappointing for me.

I asked why it was built in stages, the obvious answer is funding. I was told they had a rough idea that it stacks up but there was no evidence of that. I asked who would be building houses on the current site and was told they don't know, so that suggests Dennys Homes haven't the intention to develop this site. Or they were bullshitting me.

It looks great and if it is viable then great. Until we have evidence of that the jury must remain out. I took photos too but won't be at a computer till tomorrow.

The bit about making us the alternative club to the Glasgow sisters did make me chuckle.

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Just back from the stadium there.

First off I was disappointed with who was in attendance and was disappointed I only had a planning guy, an arcitect and Gilbert Lawrie to direct my questions and concerns to. Good to see the Trust guys there, who done their best to answer the questions I put to them but they can only tell us what they know.

'Phase 1' consists of a stadium that can seat 1,500 fans, which is currently less than our existing stadium. 'Phase 2' it appears, will be dependant on funds and if there are none then it will be dependent on us selling/leasing parts of the land (no guarantee that anyone actually will want to invest in it). Absolutely no time scale was given as to how long it will take for 'phase 2' to commence (months? years? decades?) That's not what I wanted to hear and if anything it has pushed me further away from accepting these proposals.

Basically they had no answers whatsoever to my questions around the funding of the new ground, and how we plan to raise these funds. They kept speaking about rough estimates but again this wasn't documented on any of the info boards or sheets dotted around the place. Until they can present us with something that remotely resembles an estimation of costs then I'm dead against this.

The stadium looks lovely, I expected nothing less to be honest. I personally don't like the location for a number of reasons but that's not really important, the future of our club is what matters. Overall I think it looks a bit much for a club of our size and I struggle to see how this move will increase crowd numbers (including hospitality) but if it's in the best interests of the club then I'll support it. I can only support it when they prove to us we can afford it and right now they seem to be clueless in that department so therefore I'm oot.

I look forward to the Trust meeting in the Abbotsford, I'd encourage everyone to get down to that.

Edited by Bring Back Paddy Flannery
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