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Mr. Brightside

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More surgery for Gronkowski

This time on his back

ffs. another player falls to my jersey curse.hes played about 2 games since i bought that thing.i also inflicted a stroke on teddy bruschi.

as an aside does anyone post on nfluk? certainly a different crowd over there

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Reports this morning that Goodell has stated there could be 3 London based games in 2014.

There is also a chance two of those could be Jag games and once again the report suggests a possible permanent move across the pond for a franchise!

The report talks about the fact that there are several stadiums that team could play in, lending itself towards a touring team.

For me that's the best way to ensure sell outs should a team end up being based in the UK. Use Cardiff, Edinburgh and Dublin to one the doors to a different audience through the season.

I'm not saying I'm pro UK franchise, I'd still rather see something like NFL Europe tried again, but still always good news to have NFL games more accessible.

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Well, i thought the second game was a mistake and would dilute ticket sales so i was wrong about and will probably be wrong abut everything else i write.

I suppose from the league's point of view it makes sense to push this until they break it. If the eventual aim is a UK/London franchise you need to see how many games you can put on and it needs to be more than 2 or 3.

If i was a jags fan i would be seriously peed off about losing 2 of 8 home games, and more than likely games to box office franchises.

I think the touring franchise thing makes a lot of sense but obviously any UK franchise would still need a permanent base for training and offices.

I come from a sporting tradition where your team is your team and that is it. My team is Pats and for whatever spurious reasons i chose them that is it now. I'm not going to support a british team, and certainly not a London team. If aything the coverage they would get would probably make them my #1 hate team. Having said all that i would probably still attend the odd game, especially if playing the Pats or a big franchise. Apart from anything else I have a season ticket for tannadice and thats always going to be the main sport for me. NFL on a sunday night in front of the telly suits me down to the ground and i wonder how many others who regulalrly make the wembley trip are in that boat.

NFLUK seems to be split down the middle between people like me and people who would jump ship or have a second team ( a lot of that lot already have second teams - weirdos).

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The worst I have is an Orlando magic basketball shirt with Howard on the back. Unfortunately he then got injured for the rest of the season proceeded to get the coach fired and then got traded to the Lakers.

Edited by Sloop John B
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Well, i thought the second game was a mistake and would dilute ticket sales so i was wrong about and will probably be wrong abut everything else i write.

I suppose from the league's point of view it makes sense to push this until they break it. If the eventual aim is a UK/London franchise you need to see how many games you can put on and it needs to be more than 2 or 3.

If i was a jags fan i would be seriously peed off about losing 2 of 8 home games, and more than likely games to box office franchises.

I think the touring franchise thing makes a lot of sense but obviously any UK franchise would still need a permanent base for training and offices.

I come from a sporting tradition where your team is your team and that is it. My team is Pats and for whatever spurious reasons i chose them that is it now. I'm not going to support a british team, and certainly not a London team. If aything the coverage they would get would probably make them my #1 hate team. Having said all that i would probably still attend the odd game, especially if playing the Pats or a big franchise. Apart from anything else I have a season ticket for tannadice and thats always going to be the main sport for me. NFL on a sunday night in front of the telly suits me down to the ground and i wonder how many others who regulalrly make the wembley trip are in that boat.

NFLUK seems to be split down the middle between people like me and people who would jump ship or have a second team ( a lot of that lot already have second teams - weirdos).

Brilliant post

On jersey talk....my mrs bought me a Tiki Barber jersey......the season AFTER he retired

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I think that is a key difference. The way we support teams here is quite different to the states. You only need to look at new teams like the Texans and they people of a city will support a team in their area.

In the UK you don't get people swapping teams. I still think it could work, but any franchise moving to the UK would need to do a lot of work to engage with fans.

But it can be done. MK Dons moved city and did so with a lot of heat. They are pretty well supported for their level. It just goes to show that sports fans love sport and ultimately live sport is always better than sport on TV. It could very well work.

I still think the touring element would be key. 5 London games, 1 Cardiff, 1 Dublin, 1 Edinburgh

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Anyone sitting in the sun, a little bored, www.gridirontv.co.uk are showing live footage of Edin Wolves v Glasgow Tigers

End of first quarter it's 20-0 to Edinburgh. Three touchdowns. Two missed 2 point attempts and a kick for a point blocked, but collected by Wolves in the end zone for 2 points. Not sure I've ever seen that before!

Wolves playing well at the moment!

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Was a decent game actually. Finished 26-16 to Edinburgh

Next game is June 29th at Meadowbank. Would it be worth trying to get a group from here to go along?

Few beers, decent chat etc?!

Would anyone be up for that?

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