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Thatcher deid

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Nicked from another forum:

1. She supported the retention of capital punishment

2. She destroyed the country's manufacturing industry

3. She voted against the relaxation of divorce laws

4. She abolished free milk for schoolchildren ("Margaret Thatcher, Milk Snatcher")

5. She supported more freedom for business (and look how that turned out)

6. She gained support from the National Front in the 1979 election by pandering to the fears of immigration

7. She gerrymandered local authorities by forcing through council house sales, at the same time preventing councils from spending the money they got for selling houses on building new houses (spending on social housing dropped by 67% in her premiership)

8. She was responsible for 3.6 million unemployed - the highest figure and the highest proportion of the workforce in history and three times the previous government. Massaging of the figures means that the figure was closer to 5 million

9. She ignored intelligence about Argentinian preparations for the invasion of the Falkland Islands and scrapped the only Royal Navy presence in the islands

10. The poll tax

11. She presided over the closure of 150 coal mines; we are now crippled by the cost of energy, having to import expensive coal from abroad

12. She compared her "fight" against the miners to the Falklands War

13. She privatised state monopolies and created the corporate greed culture that we've been railing against for the last 5 years

14. She introduced the gradual privatisation of the NHS

15. She introduced financial deregulation in a way that turned city institutions into avaricious money pits

16. She pioneered the unfailing adoration and unquestioning support of the USA

17. She allowed the US to place nuclear missiles on UK soil, under US control

18. Section 28

19. She opposed anti-apartheid sanctions against South Africa and described Nelson Mandela as "that grubby little terrorist"

20. She support the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia and sent the SAS to train their soldiers

21. She allowed the US to bomb Libya in 1986, against the wishes of more than 2/3 of the population

22. She opposed the reunification of Germany

23. She invented Quangos

24. She increased VAT from 8% to 17.5%

25. She had the lowest approval rating of any post-war Prime Minister

26. Her post-PM job? Consultant to Philip Morris tobacco at $250,000 a year, plus $50,000 per speech

27. The Al Yamamah contract

28. She opposed the indictment of Chile's General Pinochet

29. Social unrest under her leadership was higher than at any time since the General Strike

30. She presided over interest rates increasing to 15%

31. BSE

32. She presided over 2 million manufacturing job losses in the 79-81 recession

33. She opposed the inclusion of Eire in the Northern Ireland peace process

34. She supported sanctions-busting arms deals with South Africa

35. Cecil Parkinson, Alan Clark, David Mellor, Jeffrey Archer, Jonathan Aitkin

36. Crime rates doubled under Thatcher

37. Black Wednesday – Britain withdraws from the ERM and the pound is devalued. Cost to Britain - £3.5 billion; profit for George Soros - £1 billion

38. Poverty doubled while she opposed a minimum wage

39. She privatised public services, claiming at the time it would increase public ownership. Most are now owned either by foreign governments (EDF) or major investment houses. The profits don’t now accrue to the taxpayer, but to foreign or institutional shareholders.

40. She cut 75% of funding to museums, galleries and other sources of education

41. In the Thatcher years the top 10% of earners received almost 50% of the tax remissions

42. 21.9% inflation

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Explain please.

Did you read my post? Its about the here and now, not something I wasn't around to see. Evidently I am indifferent to what people do who, like yourself lived in those times.

My post was aimed at youngsters around my age who are on the same boat as me, yet they are celebrating her death as if they were affected or they have some sense of nostalgia for what it was like when they worked down the mines.

Ah, I understand now. You mean like young Rangers fans identifying with the Battle of the Boyne. Like the tories, their actions continue to blight the nation.

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Nicked from another forum:

1. She supported the retention of capital punishment

2. She destroyed the country's manufacturing industry

3. She voted against the relaxation of divorce laws

4. She abolished free milk for schoolchildren ("Margaret Thatcher, Milk Snatcher")

5. She supported more freedom for business (and look how that turned out)

6. She gained support from the National Front in the 1979 election by pandering to the fears of immigration

7. She gerrymandered local authorities by forcing through council house sales, at the same time preventing councils from spending the money they got for selling houses on building new houses (spending on social housing dropped by 67% in her premiership)

8. She was responsible for 3.6 million unemployed - the highest figure and the highest proportion of the workforce in history and three times the previous government. Massaging of the figures means that the figure was closer to 5 million

9. She ignored intelligence about Argentinian preparations for the invasion of the Falkland Islands and scrapped the only Royal Navy presence in the islands

10. The poll tax

11. She presided over the closure of 150 coal mines; we are now crippled by the cost of energy, having to import expensive coal from abroad

12. She compared her "fight" against the miners to the Falklands War

13. She privatised state monopolies and created the corporate greed culture that we've been railing against for the last 5 years

14. She introduced the gradual privatisation of the NHS

15. She introduced financial deregulation in a way that turned city institutions into avaricious money pits

16. She pioneered the unfailing adoration and unquestioning support of the USA

17. She allowed the US to place nuclear missiles on UK soil, under US control

18. Section 28

19. She opposed anti-apartheid sanctions against South Africa and described Nelson Mandela as "that grubby little terrorist"

20. She support the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia and sent the SAS to train their soldiers

21. She allowed the US to bomb Libya in 1986, against the wishes of more than 2/3 of the population

22. She opposed the reunification of Germany

23. She invented Quangos

24. She increased VAT from 8% to 17.5%

25. She had the lowest approval rating of any post-war Prime Minister

26. Her post-PM job? Consultant to Philip Morris tobacco at $250,000 a year, plus $50,000 per speech

27. The Al Yamamah contract

28. She opposed the indictment of Chile's General Pinochet

29. Social unrest under her leadership was higher than at any time since the General Strike

30. She presided over interest rates increasing to 15%

31. BSE

32. She presided over 2 million manufacturing job losses in the 79-81 recession

33. She opposed the inclusion of Eire in the Northern Ireland peace process

34. She supported sanctions-busting arms deals with South Africa

35. Cecil Parkinson, Alan Clark, David Mellor, Jeffrey Archer, Jonathan Aitkin

36. Crime rates doubled under Thatcher

37. Black Wednesday – Britain withdraws from the ERM and the pound is devalued. Cost to Britain - £3.5 billion; profit for George Soros - £1 billion

38. Poverty doubled while she opposed a minimum wage

39. She privatised public services, claiming at the time it would increase public ownership. Most are now owned either by foreign governments (EDF) or major investment houses. The profits don’t now accrue to the taxpayer, but to foreign or institutional shareholders.

40. She cut 75% of funding to museums, galleries and other sources of education

41. In the Thatcher years the top 10% of earners received almost 50% of the tax remissions

42. 21.9% inflation

Aye; but apart from that what did she do wrong ?

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Talking about minute's silences etc. on 5live sport just now.

Wigan chairman beeling that there wasn't one at Old Trafford last night. Cardiff fans interviewed in the street were largely in the majority against having one before their game tonight (which there wasn't).

Edit - I see Derek Patterson beat me to it.

Edited by H Wragg
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The VAT one is incorrect. Under Geoffrey Howe the standard rate of VAT increased from 8% to 15%, but the 17.5% rate was introduced after Thatcher left office. Note also that even now with it at 20% our rate of VAT is lower than every EU state bar Cyprus (17%), Malta (18%), Luxembourg (15%), France (19.6%) and Germany (19%).

Quite how it's her fault that the EU's trend towards increased use of indirect taxation escapes me. She was hardly an EU enthusiast, even if she did push through the Single European Act.

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The Reading Chairman John Majeski wants one for Reading's game this weekend, appropriate that Liverpool are the away team then...

They are holding one- just confirmed - time for loads of seethe/anti scouse stuff from the Daily Mail/etc

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Nicked from another forum:

4. She abolished free milk for schoolchildren ("Margaret Thatcher, Milk Snatcher")

6. She gained support from the National Front in the 1979 election by pandering to the fears of immigration

Just want to pick up on two points here.

4. The phrase "except for viewers in Scotland" applied. Scottish primary schools continued to merrily dish out milk until 1981 (1980 in some areas, dependent on the local council). Edward Short, the Labour Shadow Education Secretary said scrapping milk was ‘the meanest and most unworthy thing’ he had seen in 20 years - which was a bit rich considering he'd scrapped it for secondary school children in 1968 and had recommended the phasing out of all school milk in a memo to the Treasury just before Labour's shock 1970 General Election defeat...

6. This legend is based on Thatcher's "swamping" speech - in 1976. In fact, the Tories ran a notorious campaign "To Labour He's Black, To The Conservatives He's British" in the fortnight before polling day in 1979 playing on distrust within the Afro Caribbean community towards Labour. The truth was all parties were playing the anti-immigrant card in 1979, just as they'd done many times before (eg. Orpington, the Kenyan Asians passport affair, etc). On playing the race card for electoral gain no party in the UK has clean hands, & no one in the non-white community back then was fooled into thinking otherwise.

The collapse of the NF had more to do with the mass squandering of party funds to stand mostly "paper candidates" (ie. ones who did no electioneering whatsoever) in over 300 seats at the expense of concentrating funds & effort in areas they stood a chance such as Newham, Blackburn and West Brom. There had also been a ceaseless succession in the newspapers & TV of well known former NF committee members such as John O'Brien, John Kingsley Read, Rodney Legg & former Communist starlet Mike Lobb warning of the strong worldwide neo-nazi links of those now running the NF - it was something of a miracle their candidates managed to get more than even Bill Boaks!

Edited by WaffenThinMint
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