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Anybody catch last night's premiere on Sky Living?

It's based on Red Dragon but, for those who haven't read or seen that, Mads Mikkelsen - of Casino Royale fame - plays Lecter whilst Hugh Dancy is an Asperger's suffering, crime-solving genius.

I thought Mikkelsen was quite good as Lecter although I initially found him quite difficult to understand. He doesn't possess the charm of Anthony Hopkins but is generally creepy and a bit edgy.

On the whole, it was a good first episode but I'm interested to see how they develop the story as I wouldn't have thought it lends itself to a series; Dancy has apparently signed on for seven seasons! The fact Bryan Fuller is directing doesn't fill me with much hope either seeing as Heroes descended into complete nonsense by the end.

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It's the same character. Basically, it's Red Dragon as a series, as far as I can tell.

Cheers - I always thought the period leading to Lecter's capture would be a good story - it's really the only piece missing, even if it's alluded to in the books/movies.

The series sounds good.

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I have seen the first few episodes and enjoying it so far, having not seen Red Dragon or read any of the books. In fact I think Silence of the Lambs is the only film I have seen based on the character.

I think that harsh on Bryan Fuller regarding Heroes, I believe he wrote and directed the first season only (the good one) and then left the project

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I have seen the first few episodes and enjoying it so far, having not seen Red Dragon or read any of the books. In fact I think Silence of the Lambs is the only film I have seen based on the character.

I think that harsh on Bryan Fuller regarding Heroes, I believe he wrote and directed the first season only (the good one) and then left the project

Aye, perhaps too harsh on Fuller - I just immediately associate him with Heroes and when I think of that, I think of the mess it became. I think he featured throughout the whole Heroes run but with a decreasing involvement as it wore on.

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Red Dragon is a superb film. Great soundtrack too.

I have high hopes for this show.

Do you mean Manhunter, the 1980s film with CSI Grissom? That was excellent. Red Dragon was a kind of meh later version, as I recall.

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Do you mean Manhunter, the 1980s film with CSI Grissom? That was excellent. Red Dragon was a kind of meh later version, as I recall.

Manhunter was on tv last night. Great film. Tom Noonan as Dollarhyde is exceptional.

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I've seen the first few episodes, it's pretty decent. I agree with the OP about Mikkelsen, I found him a bit difficult to understand (not just his accent but he seems to be a lot quieter than everyone else when speaking).

I think I've seen Red Dragon but can't recall too much about it, Edward Norton being the only thing I remember about it. Looking at its page, Ralph Fiennes and Harvey Keitel were in it too! (I didn't even remember Hopkins in that version).

I'm interested to see where they go with the series though. Obviously we all know Lector is usually the antagonist and I can only assume that'll be the end game but how long can they go before they need to address it.

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Do you mean Manhunter, the 1980s film with CSI Grissom? That was excellent.

Yes, sorry. Manhunter. With Brian Cox.

I haven't even seen Red Dragon.

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Yes, sorry. Manhunter. With Brian Cox.

I haven't even seen Red Dragon.

Yup - Manhunter is excellent - Red Dragon is by far the weakest of the Hannibal movies.

Most of the sountrack is great - the use of Iron Butterfly's In A Gada Da Vida in one of the last scenes is brilliant.

And this:

(The Big Hush by Shriekback)

Here's a wee scene they never used:

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I haven't read or watched anything to do with the Silence of the Lambs stuff. What's the plot for the TV series? Is it a bit like Dexter where he is working with the police and then eating the bad guys that get away or is it a bit more complex? Does the guy he is working with know he likes to nibble on humans?

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Watch the first episode last night and I thought it was excellent. I found it gripping and thought it was styled beautifully.

Stu - judging by the first episode, Will Graham is a FBI investigator with on the autistic spectrum, bit of genius and has a great skill in terms of deduction. Hannibal Lecter is a physco-analyst brought in by the FBI to assess Graham. I looks like Lecter will be probing and prodding Graham to try an break him and he is a physcopath as well. The key dynamic will be the interaction between the cool, clam Lecter and the edgy, socially disfunctional Graham with ulitmately Lecter getting caught.

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  • 1 month later...

Disappointed in this. Really cheap-looking and portentous symbol-heavy, the guy playing Lecter is fine but the rest of the cast are so generic.

Also the killer's motives are fucking ridiculous even for TV and the "manhunter" guy's profiles are crazy accurate.

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