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E cigarettes

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Alright troops? Apologies if there's already an e cig thread on here, but I couldn't see it.

I've been wanting to stop for ages, but have no willpower at all. My mate got a kit from here:


.. and hasn't touched a cigarette in over a month. The main reason I want to stop is for my kids, I don't fancy them having an out of breath Dad who stinks of smoke, plus there's the saving as well. Just ordered the above, plus two refills from their Shisha range, coconut twist and blue crush, for a nudge over 50 bangers.

Has anyone else used e cigs? I'm actually looking forward to stopping. I know it's still nicotine. but all the nasty stuff will be cut out, plus I'll save a packet. Jobs a good un.

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Alright troops? Apologies if there's already an e cig thread on here, but I couldn't see it.

I've been wanting to stop for ages, but have no willpower at all. My mate got a kit from here:


.. and hasn't touched a cigarette in over a month. The main reason I want to stop is for my kids, I don't fancy them having an out of breath Dad who stinks of smoke, plus there's the saving as well. Just ordered the above, plus two refills from their Shisha range, coconut twist and blue crush, for a nudge over 50 bangers.

Has anyone else used e cigs? I'm actually looking forward to stopping. I know it's still nicotine. but all the nasty stuff will be cut out, plus I'll save a packet. Jobs a good un.

Wise move getting it just now.

I shall be getting one soon, before some crackpot tries to ban them.


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I have a friend who uses them, they look really stupid.

Honestly if you want to stop smoking, just stop smoking. It really is as simple as that.

No it's not. In my experience you have to want to stop, it's not as simple as saying "!'ll stop right now." This kit might make him stop.

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I have a friend who uses them, they look really stupid.

Honestly if you want to stop smoking, just stop smoking. It really is as simple as that.

If I could be arsed, I'd post a "cool story bro" pic.

You, my friend, are a simpleton.

Could you give up World of Warcraft? I'll wager no.

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I agree with Ric, if you can't stop its because you don't want to stop.

I know this won't be how you feel but its true. I said I would stop for a long time and never did. Then I really wanted to stop - so I did. I haven't had a cigarette (except for 1/2 of one in Benidorm when drunk) since 8th February 2011.

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The main drawback with the e-cigs is that they do absolutely nothing to get you out of the 'habit' aspect of smoking - you'll still find yourself reaching for a ciggy whether it's a fake one or not. Using patches, you'll find yourself developing new routines which will slowly change that habit.

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I have a friend who uses them, they look really stupid.

Honestly if you want to stop smoking, just stop smoking. It really is as simple as that.

Yeah,whatever happened to good old fashioned willpower,

Man up

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If I could be arsed, I'd post a "cool story bro" pic.

You, my friend, are a simpleton.

Could you give up World of Warcraft? I'll wager no.

:lol::bairn So what you are saying is you don't have enough willpower for you to actually stop smoking without relying on crutches, despite the obvious reasons for doing so.

I smoked for 11 years, then gave up. No patches, no substitutes, just a simple plain desire not to smoke. If I can do it, you can too.

Edit: I am going to amend this post as it's not meant to be a dig at how much you care for your kids, but seriously man, why are you so angry at someone for pointing out the blatantly obvious.

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No it's not. In my experience you have to want to stop.

I'm guessing you missed the first post, the bit where he goes.. "I've been wanting to stop for ages"

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:lol::bairn So what you are saying is you have no willpower and your children don't mean enough to you to actually stop smoking without relying on crutches?

I smoked for 11 years, then gave up. No patches, no substitutes, just a simple plain desire not to smoke. If I can do it, you can too.

Sorry, all I read there was "I'm an arsehole I'm an arsehole I'm an arsehole I'm an arsehole I'm an arsehole I'm an arsehole"

Cool story, though.

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I'm guessing you missed the first post, the bit where he goes.. "I've been wanting to stop for ages"

Guess again. Wanting to stop does not preclude the use of patches, chewing gum and/or e-cigarettes.

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Sorry, all I read there was "I'm an arsehole I'm an arsehole I'm an arsehole I'm an arsehole I'm an arsehole I'm an arsehole"

Cool story, though.

Jesus is this you with fags? Imagine what a whiny bitch you would be without them. Man up, ffs, take control, etc, etc...

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It is true that you really have to want to stop rather than, as was often the case with me, quite liking the idea of stopping, or thinking I wanted to stop.

I had numerous failed attempts over the years, but I smoked so many at a Cup Final about 5/6 years ago that I've never smoked again. The savings have been tremendous, I felt better and it doesn't take that long to get over the grumpy bar steward stage.

One great helpthough been the ban in pubs as, more often than not, that was my downfall.

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It is true that you really have to want to stop rather than, as was often the case with me, quite liking the idea of stopping, or thinking I wanted to stop.

I had numerous failed attempts over the years, but I smoked so many at a Cup Final about 5/6 years ago that I've never smoked again. The savings have been tremendous, I felt better and it doesn't take that long to get over the grumpy bar steward stage.

One great helpthough been the ban in pubs as, more often than not, that was my downfall.

Speak for yourself!

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One thing that did help me giving up was mentally associating fags with that dizzy head rush you get when you smoke for the first time in a while. I presume I am not alone in that experience. So if I thought to myself, "I want a cigarette", I immediately remembered it would make me feel sick which certainly helped with the cravings.

I also found a simple product I could buy from a shop, in my case chewing gum as they are normally in easy view right at the counter. When I had a moment of weakness and thought, "f**k it I'll just get some fags, I can quit later" when I got to the counter I saw the gum it put it in my mind I wanted to buy gum, not fags.

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Jesus is this you with fags? Imagine what a whiny bitch you would be without them. Man up, ffs, take control, etc, etc...

I'm sorry Richard. I usually take insinuations that I don't care for my kids a lot better.

I'll try harder in future, I promise.


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I'm sorry Richard. I usually take insinuations that I don't care for my kids a lot better.

I'll try harder in future, I promise.


I edited my post, but really what sort of reply do you expect when you are a dick to someone just for pointing out the things look stupid (which they do) and that willpower is by far the best way to give up. As for your kids, you were the one who mentioned it first. Up until 20 minutes ago I didn't realise you were of procreating age, let alone capable of siring...

If it's any consolation, my friend who uses them swears by it, even if it looks like he is sucking on a miniature snooker queue. He has got several complaints in bars and restaurants but they are normally cool once they realise what it is. The problem he has is that when he is out he finds it all too easy to grab a packet of fags, as someone said earlier using these things doesn't remove the actual physical actions of smoking so it's easier to fall back to fags.

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