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Oh my sweet fucking Jesus, that is cool. SpaceX testing their crewed vehicle fits the launch pad before an uncrerwed test flight to ISS either later this month or early the next. If all goes well, there is a follow up abort test that will be pretty awesome to watch and US astronauts to the ISS mid year.
Would have been this month if most of NASA weren't on unpaid leave.because Donny want's his Wall.
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1 hour ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Further Chinese moon photos.  The backgrounds look remarkable similar to those "made up photos from 1969 onwards" dont they?

Chang'e-4 lander


Lunar rover

No danger that those will be captured by Jawas.

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On 11/01/2019 at 17:26, welshbairn said:
On 11/01/2019 at 17:16, Melanius Mullarkey said:
I doubt a shark is going to swim to the moon, m8.

Heard the Chinese have discovered a shark fanny on the dark side.

Apologies, I meant to get back to on this one earlier. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Sky at Night about to start on BBC4. Big disputes about the expansion rate of the Universe and whether we've been wrong about absolutely everything. Then tea and biscuits.

If you don't want see a large woman lighting candles in a shed that gave me no insight, here's my uneducated take. Hubble estimated the expansion rate at 500 km/sec over a mega parsec, which, is a fucking long way so it's fairly slow. Now there are some people basing their evidence on the background radiation of the very moments after the big bang saying its more like 68 km/sec, and others using space telescopes on closer observable stuff saying its about 72 km/sec over a megaparsec. So Hubble was an idiot and dark matter might be even weirder than we thought. if it exists. And had a small penis and compensated by wildly exaggerating. 

Edited by welshbairn
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Hubble was clearly not an idiot, but the methods back in the 20s were somewhat less advanced.

When I was at uni there were two camps: those who thought H0 was about 100 km/s/Mpc, and those that reckoned it at about 50. It was a genuinely furious debate. I remember jokingly saying they should just split the difference and state it as 75. Of course, as measurements have improved, it's got closer to the values you state.

Dark Matter does exist, we just don't know what it is. WIMP or MACHO. Probably some form of WIMP. Its abundance has been recently mapped. Dark Energy is the weird one, seemingly pushing the expansion rate at large distances and we have no idea why or what it is.



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The end of an era today as NASA call an end to attempts to contact the Opportunity rover which hasn't been in touch since June last year.  A huge sandstorm finally ended the mission which was originally planned to last just over 90 days but lasted an incredible 5498 days.


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