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Reasons to be Cheerful

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First day back at work after a fortnight off to find we have changed managers. former manager asks for a quick meeting before I left for the day. Got me a 8% pay rise.


Good stuff. Taking it you ain't doing the pizza deliveries these days then???

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Well done, temporary is always a foot in the door. Best of luck with it :)

Cheers. I've done pretty much the same as something I've done before and hopefully a good reference will make a difference in the future.

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Good stuff. Taking it you ain't doing the pizza deliveries these days then???

not since December. Saving me a small fortune in petrol and having Fridays back to myself is quite good
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Reason #1 - Just remembered Sky are showing all the Star Wars films back to back today.

Reason #2 - I switched over to find that the end credits of Phantom Menace were on, meaning I don't have to sit through that shite before the better ones.

Phantom menace is the best of the new trilogy. Ep 2 is awful and 3 is a bit stupid. Imo they should have made anakin much more creepy and eccentric instead of happy-go-lucky in the first one and bland as f**k in the other two.

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Phantom menace is the best of the new trilogy. Ep 2 is awful and 3 is a bit stupid. Imo they should have made anakin much more creepy and eccentric instead of happy-go-lucky in the first one and bland as f**k in the other two.

phantom menace : good parts. Liam Neeson. double ended light saber. that is all.

attack of the clones: good parts: Jango beheading / Mace windu

revenge of the Sith: good parts: next to no JarJar, chewie appears, Dooku beheading (that look when he realises he has been betrayed)

i would list the bad parts but my lunch is roughly an hour and i aint spending it ripping apart the most godawful prequels i have ever been unfortunate enough to be excited for.

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Friday night I asked 'Our Lass' to marry me and she said Yes!

Had a belting weekend in London on the back of it, too.



Nice one dude! Get saving! They're expensive fuckers :(

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It's painfully obvious to all that all Star Wars films are utter shite.

Got to agree. Once got sent the wrong DVD and it unfortunately happened to be Star Wars, thought I'd at least give it a shot. 45 mins of my life I'll never get back was lost before I had the sense to turn it off.

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The prequels were rather meh.

Phantom Menace:Jar Jar- terrible. Darth Maul- A cool villain who got killed off way to early in the series, they should have kept him alive for the second movie.

Attack of the Clones: Worst of the lot IMO.

Revenge of the Sith: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Not as good as the original three, but the best of the prequels.

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Got to agree. Once got sent the wrong DVD and it unfortunately happened to be Star Wars, thought I'd at least give it a shot. 45 mins of my life I'll never get back was lost before I had the sense to turn it off.

The title was clearly missing 3 X's after "Wars" then aye? ;)


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