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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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Political marching is a basic right in the free world, it doesn't make you a terrorist. :rolleyes:

It doesn't: but holding widespread public marches about 17th Century religious nonsense marks you out as bigots, and rioting in the streets about it marks you out as scumbags.

Throw in the peerless record of terrorism relating to the failed statelet and I think we can call full house.

the majority of protestants and catholics,

Laughably false. The Protestant and Catholic communities have had a wholesale role in the harbouring of Republican and Loyalist criminals, in the sheltering, funding and recruitment of their respective paramilitary forces.

This broad support is why terrorism has flourished in the failed statelet, whereas very few such problems can be found anywhere else in the UK. No community shelters terrorists more convincingly than the Norn Irish.

pretty much the entire Chinese community and can't remember too many Asians getting involved in anything,

I asked for statistically significant communities.

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It doesn't: but holding widespread public marches about 17th Century religious nonsense marks you out as bigots, and rioting in the streets about it marks you out as scumbags.

Throw in the peerless record of terrorism relating to the failed statelet and I think we can call full house.

Laughably false. The Protestant and Catholic communities have had a wholesale role in the harbouring of Republican and Loyalist criminals, in the sheltering, funding and recruitment of their respective paramilitary forces.

This broad support is why terrorism has flourished in the failed statelet, whereas very few such problems can be found anywhere else in the UK. No community shelters terrorists more convincingly than the Norn Irish.

I asked for statistically significant communities.

Ah generalising ,the weapon of choice for the ignorant racist bigot, very intersting that you choose to suggest that Asian and Chinese communities as insignifigant.Says it all really.

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It doesn't: but holding widespread public marches about 17th Century religious nonsense marks you out as bigots, and rioting in the streets about it marks you out as scumbags.


Throw in the peerless record of terrorism relating to the failed statelet and I think we can call full house.



Laughably false. The Protestant and Catholic communities have had a wholesale role in the harbouring of Republican and Loyalist criminals, in the sheltering, funding and recruitment of their respective paramilitary forces. 


This broad support is why terrorism has flourished in the failed statelet, whereas very few such problems can be found anywhere else in the UK. No community shelters terrorists more convincingly than the Norn Irish.



I asked for statistically significant communities.

Ah generalising ,the weapon of choice for the ignorant racist bigot, very intersting that you choose to suggest that Asian and Chinese communities as insignifigant.Says it all really.


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Ah generalising ,the weapon of choice for the ignorant racist bigot,

Glass houses, stones etc.

very intersting that you choose to suggest that Asian and Chinese communities as insignifigant.Says it all really.

Clearly you struggle to read as much as in your writing. I said that they were statistically insignificant. Which when discussing Northern Irish society, is absolutely the case.

I'll expect a mewling apology for calling me a racist in due course, you bigoted scumbag.

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Glass houses, stones etc.

Clearly you struggle to read as much as in your writing. I said that they were statistically insignificant. Which when discussing Northern Irish society, is absolutely the case.

I'll expect a mewling apology for calling me a racist in due course, you bigoted scumbag.

To call any community anywhere insignificant shows you for what you are you ignorant shite, and can you please highlight my bigoted posts.

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Glass houses, stones etc.



Clearly you struggle to read as much as in your writing. I said that they were statistically insignificant. Which when discussing Northern Irish society, is absolutely the case.


I'll expect a mewling apology for calling me a racist in due course, you bigoted scumbag.

To call any community anywhere insignificant shows you for what you are you ignorant shite, and can you please highlight my bigoted posts.


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To call any community anywhere insignificant shows you for what you are you ignorant shite, and can you please highlight my bigoted posts.

I still don't think you know what 'statistically insignificant' means, which shows that the only ignorant moron on this thread is you.

Well at least until the Linfield fluffer inevitably crawls out from under his rock.

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I still don't think you know what 'statistically insignificant' means, which shows that the only ignorant moron on this thread is you.

Well at least until the Linfield fluffer inevitably crawls out from under his rock.

Have to go son, need to get a takeaway from an insignificant source.........

you = outed 8)

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Have to go son, need to get a takeaway from an insignificant source.........

you = outed 8)

Oh dear: a humiliating tail between the legs exit from the thread. Try not to embarrass yourself at the adults table in future, though I won't be holding my breath tbh.

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the majority of protestants and catholics,

The problem here isn't overt scumbaggery. That is indeed a relatively small minority. But these people can only be hidden from justive by the community at large.

People always knew who these vermin were and where they lived. But they were allowed to rape and pillage with impunity because they were harboured by their own community, because let's face it at least they weren't "one of them".

Violence and bigotry in NI couldn't have survived the decades without both funding and protection from the so called upstanding members of the community not actively involved in the violence and hatred.

I am willing to bet there isn't anyone who grew up in NI between say 1960 and 1990 who wasn't aware of at least one criminal, bigot, or terrorist, that they did nothing about.

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I am willing to bet there isn't anyone who grew up in NI between say 1960 and 1990 who wasn't aware of at least one criminal, bigot, or terrorist, that they did nothing about.

what are you going to do?

look at jean mcconville, murdered with impunity on the basis of a rumour on the order of gerry adams. anyone with any sense would keep their head down.

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The problem here isn't overt scumbaggery. That is indeed a relatively small minority. But these people can only be hidden from justive by the community at large.

People always knew who these vermin were and where they lived. But they were allowed to rape and pillage with impunity because they were harboured by their own community, because let's face it at least they weren't "one of them".

Violence and bigotry in NI couldn't have survived the decades without both funding and protection from the so called upstanding members of the community not actively involved in the violence and hatred.

I am willing to bet there isn't anyone who grew up in NI between say 1960 and 1990 who wasn't aware of at least one criminal, bigot, or terrorist, that they did nothing about.

Utter tosh!

Growing up in the Ballysillan area of Belfast at those times I knew of several people who were most likely involved in paramilitary organisations but, without proof, what on earth would you have me do? Tell the police and then wait for the inevitable beating/kneecapping? The key is that they were most likely involved.

People like my mother went about her daily business and didn't even have the faintest idea who any paramilitaries were, now would she have wanted to, and she certainly didn't support them.

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I still don't think you know what 'statistically insignificant' means, which shows that the only ignorant moron on this thread is you.

Well at least until the Linfield fluffer inevitably crawls out from under his rock.

Aaaaaaaaaaah, have you been missing me petal?

An insult from you is like being savaged by a blancmange as your patter is stolen from Family Guy, meaning you have none of your own whatsoever, and your posts revolve around an obsession with my country which you keep deeming to have "failed" despite the fact that this is only your opinion.

Please feel free to boast about all the oil you have and the number of Scots achievers you know of to back up your non-existent argument. I'll chuckle to myself as I think of you boasting about a country where 21% of people surveyed think a jammy piece constitutes one of their "five a day".

A fluffer? As they say in Belfast, "Ask yer ma"?

Cue a response of clichéd sh1te like "Thanks for playing", "Swing and a miss" or "Mewling apology" from the set repertoire of the Greenock Goliath and most influential poster ever.

As for statistically significant, Chinese is the second most spoken language in Norn Iron, ahead of Irish. They make up a large part of the population and, unlike you, have a positive side.

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Utter tosh!

Growing up in the Ballysillan area of Belfast at those times I knew of several people who were most likely involved in paramilitary organisations but, without proof, what on earth would you have me do? Tell the police and then wait for the inevitable beating/kneecapping? The key is that they were most likely involved.

People like my mother went about her daily business and didn't even have the faintest idea who any paramilitaries were, now would she have wanted to, and she certainly didn't support them.

It's not just the terrorists tho, I can to an extent understand why you didn't tell the police about them. It's the environment that allowed them to flourish.

You don't just become a terrorist from being a civilised person.

If the communities called up those that mark terroitries by painting everything in their colours and writing kah/kat everywhere they can then they are much less likely to want to actually follow through on those slogans.

If those chucking stones/bottles at the other side are pulled up for it and punished. Then they aren't as likely to move from bottles to bombs.

If people don't hand over the sides of their houses to become memorials to terrorists, if the likes of the OO(unfortunitly I can't equal this up as seems necessary sometimes by naming the republican equivalent as I simply don't know who they are) marching through your streets whilst celebrating killing the other side are shunned rather than treated as a celebration like normal towns would their gala days(and even these are mocked as seen recently on here). Then signing up for your local division of whatever terrorist group becomes a lot less tempting.

The support of these kind of things I mentioned helps recruitment massively for your various murdering groups, that is pretty obvious.

And that's not mentioning the direct support that happens.

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Utter tosh!

Growing up in the Ballysillan area of Belfast at those times I knew of several people who were most likely involved in paramilitary organisations but, without proof, what on earth would you have me do? Tell the police and then wait for the inevitable beating/kneecapping? The key is that they were most likely involved.

People like my mother went about her daily business and didn't even have the faintest idea who any paramilitaries were, now would she have wanted to, and she certainly didn't support them.

It's not just the terrorists tho, I can to an extent understand why you didn't tell the police about them. It's the environment that allowed them to flourish.

You don't just become a terrorist from being a civilised person.

If the communities called up those that mark terroitries by painting everything in their colours and writing kah/kat everywhere they can then they are much less likely to want to actually follow through on those slogans.

If those chucking stones/bottles at the other side are pulled up for it and punished. Then they aren't as likely to move from bottles to bombs.

If people don't hand over the sides of their houses to become memorials to terrorists, if the likes of the OO(unfortunitly I can't equal this up as seems necessary sometimes by naming the republican equivalent as I simply don't know who they are) marching through your streets whilst celebrating killing the other side are shunned rather than treated as a celebration like normal towns would their gala days(and even these are mocked as seen recently on here). Then signing up for your local division of whatever terrorist group becomes a lot less tempting.

The support of these kind of things I mentioned helps recruitment massively for your various murdering groups, that is pretty obvious.

And that's not mentioning the direct support that happens.

I'd have thought that electing murderous gangsters into public office is probably the most obvious example.

In doing so they may have given them some "respectability" but only at the expense of some of their own.

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I'd have thought that electing murderous gangsters into public office is probably the most obvious example.

In doing so they may have given them some "respectability" but only at the expense of some of their own.

Well yes, but that was already mentioned. The % of votes that go to absolute scum is shocking, I know that a lot of votes here also go on lowlife politicians but even the worst of them are shining examples of morality in comparison to large amounts of those in NI.

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The problem here isn't overt scumbaggery. That is indeed a relatively small minority. But these people can only be hidden from justive by the community at large.

People always knew who these vermin were and where they lived. But they were allowed to rape and pillage with impunity because they were harboured by their own community, because let's face it at least they weren't "one of them".

Violence and bigotry in NI couldn't have survived the decades without both funding and protection from the so called upstanding members of the community not actively involved in the violence and hatred.

I am willing to bet there isn't anyone who grew up in NI between say 1960 and 1990 who wasn't aware of at least one criminal, bigot, or terrorist, that they did nothing about.

As AVF has already pointed out yes people knew who the paramilitries were usually within certain communities but you would have been mad to go to the police about them when they were at there peak.As for funding, yes no question there were people who did willingly give money to them but the majority came from organised crime and the majority of people who gave to the paramilitiries did so because of protection rackets, not voluntarily.

It is very easy to sit in front of a keyboard and be the upstanding moral objector but actually living through it would have been a different ball game.

Edited by Co.Down Hibee
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