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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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2 hours ago, RedRob72 said:

You don’t see a problem with a well known hack publicly taking a cheap shot out of a complete stranger who had passed away recently.
Spiers clearly did, otherwise he wouldn’t have taken it down. Why should the guy’s family and friends be subjected to such callous insensitivity, irrespective of your views on the OO.
Whatever floats your boat I guess.
Bernard Manning made a career out of his intolerance and racism, but was unashamedly, cringingly open about it and played to an eager gallery.
Spiers has done the exact same, only under a thinly disguised cover as a serious scribe. His bigotry and hatred are still in the same vein albeit deliberately concealed and are just as divisively damaging.

Shut up you c**t.

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You don’t see a problem with a well known hack publicly taking a cheap shot out of a complete stranger who had passed away recently.
Spiers clearly did, otherwise he wouldn’t have taken it down. Why should the guy’s family and friends be subjected to such callous insensitivity, irrespective of your views on the OO.
Whatever floats your boat I guess.
Bernard Manning made a career out of his intolerance and racism, but was unashamedly, cringingly open about it and played to an eager gallery.
Spiers has done the exact same, only under a thinly disguised cover as a serious scribe. His bigotry and hatred are still in the same vein albeit deliberately concealed and are just as divisively damaging.

So when people parade down the street in a desperate attempt to court attention controversy and promote bigoted views then we can only comment on it if we’re going to say nice things?lol. People who take part in these parades leave themselves open to criticism. Its a shame for the guys family he’s died but just because someone dies doesnt mean them taking part in what is essentially Scotland’s shame is beyond parody.

Its very noble of you to defend the man’s honour and perhaps yes we should have more respect for the dead, so as soon as the orange lodge apologises to the families of the jewish people killed by the nazis after they awarded a family dressed up in Nazi clothing, or apologises to the family of every black person lynched by the KKK when they allowed people to wear their robes at events then I’ll be the first to join you demanding an apology for that guy.
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6 hours ago, RedRob72 said:

You don’t see a problem with a well known hack publicly taking a cheap shot out of a complete stranger who had passed away recently.
Spiers clearly did, otherwise he wouldn’t have taken it down. Why should the guy’s family and friends be subjected to such callous insensitivity, irrespective of your views on the OO.
Whatever floats your boat I guess.
Bernard Manning made a career out of his intolerance and racism, but was unashamedly, cringingly open about it and played to an eager gallery.
Spiers has done the exact same, only under a thinly disguised cover as a serious scribe. His bigotry and hatred are still in the same vein albeit deliberately concealed and are just as divisively damaging.

How is he bigoted? 

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As I see it Speirs didn’t know he was dead then removed it when he found out in case it upset a grieving family member. PnB’s Orange Walk and Cricket thread is a less likely platform for a orangeman’s grieving family to be on compared to twitter so it’s not worth removing or holding back our comments.

I would also presume followfollow types would have been retweeting Speirs’ tweet  to express their outrage and would’ve increased the likelihood of a grieving family member seeing it exponentially. Such is the irony of social media outrage and witch-hunts.

Edited by The OP
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5 hours ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

Laughing at this random dead fat bloke is as inappropriate and tasteless as laughing at Tommy Burns’ death or Scott Browns’ sister

And almost as funny

Agreed.  Laugh at him for taking part in a stupid Orange march but not for the fact he looks like the product of a forced mating between Charles Laughton and this smiley :1eye. That's not his fault - although the booze-roughened porkitude is.

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