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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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Ok so was there a major constitutional change effected by the 1688 revolution or not?

Nobody cares, least of all the shambling, drunken, pig- ignorant mutants who show up for these bigotfests.

Your attempt to turn marching season into an intellectual discussion of parliamentary democracy is just as transparently false and fraudulent as it is pitiful, laughable straw-clutching.

Everybody knows what the Orange walks are. You can't polish that turd, and we can all see you trying to roll it in glitter.

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Ok so was there a major constitutional change effected by the 1688 revolution or not?

Yes. Within a few years parliament was redacting evidence to cover up Williams involvement in the massacre in Glencoe. They've been redacting ever since.

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1, The OO.

I said this before. I joined LOL 328 in Motherwell in 1978 when I was 18. Good guys and lots of laughs. Most lodge member supported Motherwell . A couple supported Airdrie . Me and another member supported Rangers and we’d get the pish taken out of us for being late for lodge meeting after going to Ibox.

I went to Uni in London in 1981 and went to two meeting of the English Lodge “Friends of Ulster LOL No 1688”. They were a right bunch of wee fannies and bigots to boot. I couldn’t thole that so decided to leave.

So I left because I had friends/connections/banter in the Motherwell lodge that wasn’t replicated in the London lodge.

2. Reformation and Enlightenment

For me the essence of Reformation is twofold: independent thought and education. I know that many reformers were less tolerant than I’d like them to be but they did encourage literacy and thinking. This is one of Scotland’s big legacies?

As Joe Devine said about Scotland’s reformation:

Its profound sense of egalitarianism ensured that there would, indeed, be a school in every parish, so that the people would have access to the beauty and the art of the holy texts."

"Complex theological issues were constantly debated in lengthy sermons, learned tracts and public debate."

"Scotland became characterised by fresh and dynamic thinking on law, philosophy and science."

Cheers - interesting,

I can see that The Reformation encouraged advances in education in Scotland - it's too much to conclude that The Reformation was responsible for The Englightenment, or that The Enlightenment couldn't have happened without The Reformation - you probably didn't go as far as to say that, tbh, but I cannae mind. In any case, The Reformation had to happen, and I think it's important that it did - The Catholic Church was undoubtedly corrupt before Luther. Plus ca change, eh? ;)

Regarding your reasons for leaving The Orange Order:

You left because of the people involved - but you still believe in it?

Also, in your experience of The Orange Order, is it fundamentally anti-Catholic, and do OO people believe it's ok to discriminate against people because of their religion?

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Ok so was there a major constitutional change effected by the 1688 revolution or not?

Nobody cares,

And there you go. You're doing the cheap-Charley of using cant instead of proper discussion.

I asked, "Was there a major constitutional change effected by the 1688 revolution or not?"

Your pathetic reply should shame you/

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Right? So again a big dude in sky...... Another dude(the son) died, came back to life, and everyone agrees with this?

Not me. I'd say that there are probably enough historical accounts of the second dude to conclude that he probably existed as a historical figure - a prophet/philosopher. But the son of a big dude in the sky? Did they smoke grass back then?

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To be fair, Kincardine has stated clearly that he has no interest in Freemasonry.

Is this you divulging Masonic secrets, btw?

So, is the big secret behind The Masons really the protection of the bloodline from whatshisname?

"The Orange Order was founded on 21st September 1795 shortly after the 'Battle of the Diamond' outside a small village in Northern Ireland called Loughgall. Three well-known local men of the area, James Wilson, Dan Winter, and James Sloan, formed the Orange institution. History reveals that all three men were dedicated Freemasons and two of the three were local pub owners." - http://www.evangelicaltruth.com/orange.html

The OO has been very profitable for pub owners and the owners of breweries and related establishments...good for the higher ranking profiteers from the misery of others. Whatshisname would certainly be in agreement with their entrepreneurial spirits I am sure. :ph34r:

Edited by Saor Alba
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And there you go. You're doing the cheap-Charley of using cant instead of proper discussion.

No. You're repeatedly making a fvcking stupid and irrelevant point that has been easily dismissed as the obvious ploy it is again and again, then getting a bit tetchy when others won't fall for your risible attempts to make out that shite smells like shampoo.

That's your problem, not mine,

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"The Orange Order was founded on 21st September 1795 shortly after the 'Battle of the Diamond' outside a small village in Northern Ireland called Loughgall. Three well-known local men of the area, James Wilson, Dan Winter, and James Sloan, formed the Orange institution. History reveals that all three men were dedicated Freemasons and two of the three were local pub owners." - http://www.evangelicaltruth.com/orange.html

That's interesting - I'll try to get a good look at that when I'm less tired.

However, given how open Kincardine has been, I think we can believe him when he says that he's not interested in Freemasonry - many others may belong to both 'orders', but not all will belong to both. You probably weren't saying that, though.

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That's interesting - I'll try to get a good look at that when I'm less tired.

However, given how open Kincardine has been, I think we can believe him when he says that he's not interested in Freemasonry - many others may belong to both 'orders', but not all will belong to both. You probably weren't saying that, though.

I have no issues with Kincardine or any OO member or any Freemason. The roots of 95% of the problems on earth are caused by the wealthy global elitists around the globe and their puppet master whatshisname. 5% of the problems are caused by everyone else on earth who unwittingly work for them.

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Regarding your reasons for leaving The Orange Order:

You left because of the people involved - but you still believe in it?

Also, in your experience of The Orange Order, is it fundamentally anti-Catholic, and do OO people believe it's ok to discriminate against people because of their religion?

Again, you asked reasonable questions so I will give as good a reply as I can.

1. I don't have particularly strong views on the OO. Indeed some are bigoted fannies. Shame on those who are.

2, Folk who are ant-Catholic are inimical to me.. I have never once made an anti-Catholic post on P&B and why would I?

3. The idea of discriminating is rubbish. I would never do that.

Let me be clear here:

The OO celebrating William's revolution is a good thing. I mentioned it many times before.

The Reformation was also a good thing. I have no need to apologiise for thinking this.

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I have no issues with Kincardine or any OO member or any Freemason. The roots of 95% of the problems on earth are caused by the wealthy global elitists around the globe and their puppet master whatshisname. 5% of the problems are caused by everyone else on earth who unwittingly work for them.


This nasty piece of work is talking about Jews here, by the way. The imagery is pure Third Reich.

The man has all kinds of wacky theories.

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You'll find the name in the book underlined in my signature.

So, for want of a better name/title, God?

So, the Masonic Lodge protects the secrets of the direct bloodline from Christ?

I agree with your post about a global elite running the show - I'm not sure about them being derived from an ancient sect.

Please tell me you don't think that they're shape-shifting lizzards?

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