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The Star Wars thread (includes spoilers for IX)

Quentin Taranbino

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I fucking loved Phantom Menace. It was my first Star Wars film at the cinema though. I was Darth Maul'd oot my nut and convinced he'd smash Vader as Vader had an embarrassing battle with an old man. (You can tell I took little interest in the plot at the time).


Also, Liam Neeson was cool as f**k in it.


ETA: I've never watched it since and I'm now scared to watch it based on the judgements made on here.



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At least we can all agree that AOTC is easily the worst. What a dreadful piece of shit it is, not to mention incredibly boring

Considering the clone army is the republics army the name makes no sense.

Surely they should have been the separatists army.

Also, as a young kid I got excited by the name and thought we’d seen Anakin fight a clone of himself at some point.
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2 hours ago, Widge said:


Which is probably the best lightsaber battle in the whole of the 8 films so far, it’s brilliant.


Accepting I'm very much in the minority with this opinion but I don't think much of the actual fight or any of the prequel saber fights for that matter. All of them just come across as over choreographed dance moves than an actual sword fight.

Much prefer the saber fights in Empire, ROTJ and TFA.

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2 minutes ago, Sir Peh McBridie said:

Accepting I'm very much in the minority with this opinion but I don't think much of the actual fight or any of the prequel saber fights for that matter. All of them just come across as over choreographed dance moves than an actual sword fight.

Much prefer the saber fights in Empire, ROTJ and TFA.

Given the force powers the jedi and sith had, the original trilogy saber battles look dead clunky and strained, not like you'd expect from people with partial precognition abilities, 

The prequels definitely had better saber combat scenes, as widge says anything with maul was actually good due to both the actor playing him and that damned doubled edged blade, and as much as the stadium scene in AOTC was a cheese fest, when all the undercover jedi sparked up their sabers it looked fucking awesome lol

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I may be looking at the fight through slightly rose tinted glasses given Maul is my favourite character in the whole Star Wars franchise, followed by Obi Wan. Whilst he was criminally underused in TPM the scenes he was in were great. They should be expanding on Maul at any opportunity, I know The animation series have done this and put a really good ending to the whole Maul arc, but when you get into the nitty gritty he’s a brilliant character, not simply the unbelievable fighter with a dual saber, which the film portrays him as.

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The lightsaber fights in TPM are good. I hate the ones in AOTC though, especially the one with Yoda. Fucking nonsense. 

In ROTS when Palpatine easily destroys a load of Jedi, who don't even move for f**k sake, I just sighed. Pointless pish. Then Anakin, possibly the dumbest man in the galaxy ("hey, murder a load of children and Padme won't die!") gets fucked up by Obi Wan, despite Obi Wan telling him that he has the high ground and Anakin's move won't end well.

Bleurgh. No idea why so many folk seem to think ROTS is the best of the prequels.

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I think it’s the case that the majority of people simply remember TPM for the pointless trade negotiations and the pod race which went on far too long, ohh plus the Gungans. But you can pick fault with them all. Personally I think AoTC is so much worse than the other 2, whereas RoTS is probably the best film to watch if you ignore the plot holes.

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I re-watched all 7 films in anticipation of The Last Jedi. All three prequels are differing shades of dreadful*. I understand that opinions are subjective but anyone who even remotely considers TLJ to be anywhere near the same quality as the prequels needs their human rights revoked. 

*That's not to say that each film doesn't have their respective 'moments' but that's all they are: moments. There's, collectively, less than a dozen good moments in the entire prequel trilogy.

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Best to worst:

Empire Strikes Back

Rogue 1

The Last Jedi

Star Wars

Return of the Jedi

The Force Awakens

Revenge of the Sith

Attack of the Clones

Phantom Menace

Guess I honestly prefer the darker tones of ESB, Rogue and TLJ - granted the mid section in the casino drags like f**k, but the rest of the movie is very engaging, Hamill is excellent and I like the course steer it does on Lucas' previous "special one" story type. The original is lower down because while it is ground breaking within the context of it's time, looking at it at a remove, it's kinda weightless. Return is disjointed, the pacing is way off and the ewoks fucking awful. The prequels are all fucking awful, but I despise everything about Phantom Menace and ended up hating Liam Neeson as a result.

Edited by renton
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My list:

Empire Strikes Back

Return of the Jedi

A New Hope

The Phantom Menace

Revenge of the Sith

Rogue One

The Last Jedi

The Force Awakens

Attack of the Clones


I expect The Last Jedi will bump up a couple of places depending on rewatches. I know it has plenty of flaws but I love the Phantom Menace. Most likely because it was the first Star Wars film I saw in the cinema, it was out at a time when I still bought Star Wars toys and gave me so much more to buy and, the PS1 game was awesome.

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For me


Star Wars

Force Awakens

Return of the Jedi

Last Jedi

Rogue One

Revenge of the Sith

Phantom Menace

Attack of the Clones


Agree with the point above that Last Jedi may rise after get a chance to watch it again. Out of all these I would say Clones is the only one I don't think is a good movie. Even Phantom Menace has a lot of parts I like. Clones is the only one I really struggle to rewatch.

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5 hours ago, renton said:

Guess I honestly prefer the darker tones of ESB, Rogue and TLJ

i agree about darker tones, didnt think TLJ had that many though, you never got the feeling that someone unexpected would croak it etc, thats one of the best aspects about rogue one, the end, especially when vader is going to town, the rebel soldiers trapped in that airlock with him, the tone when the soldier passed it through the small gap in the door knowing full well vader was going to kill him was outstanding, even to a point ESB didnt have anything like that (probably harder to obtain that in a trilogy given you tend to know who's in the sequels etc)

that was one of the things i loved about the clone wars animated series, it didnt hold back in showing you some devastating losses resulting from the war

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