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The Star Wars thread (includes spoilers for IX)

Quentin Taranbino

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The main story arc problem with the prequel trilogy is that they should have focused on Obi-Wan - nobody gives a shit about how Darth Vader becomes Darth Vader. Ignoring the obvious racist undertones with the Gungans and the Trade Federation, there was so many needless characters:

Jango Fett (sure he looks cool but he was utterly pointless and his character ruined Boba Fett)

The Gungans in general

General Grievous (yeah, we get it George, he's a man who is now robot with a lightsaber but it isn't comparable to Darth Vader)

Watto (if he can resist the Force why don't the Sith hire a shit load of those guys?)

This guy would have made a good prequel trilogy:

That is actually pretty good! Remake it now!

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How come the entire galaxy can't remember the Jedi? Why do Han Solo and that random Imperial officer who gets choked refer to Obi Wan and Vader's belief in the Force as some ancient religion when it should easily be within living memory for both of them?

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What age is obi wan supposed to be in the prequels, teenager/early 20s in phantom? 30 odd in clones and 40 odd in ROTS.

So 20 years on in ANH he is 60 odd and is frail as.

Would like to see some sort of inbetween series between ep 3 and 4 similar to clone wars

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How come Obi Wan doesn't remember R2 and C3P0.

Any other Lando fans?

Good call. Being a Jedi as well you would have thought he might have recalled them. Perhaps he was too busy with the 'training' Yoda gave him (i.e. watch a baby mature into a handsome young man....).

Lando is quality. He must be lonely though since he's the only black person in the entire galaxy. The only other black person ever seen is Mace Windu. Surely then Lando is Mace Windu's b*****d child that Windu had during his troubled teenage years? So Lando must be proficient in the force? Perhaps the new films will (ignore all the books set after ROTJ and) reveal that Lando is a sith Lord who blew up the second Death Star to depose Palpatine and Vader and will now rise to power, enslaving Chewie, killing Han and using his natural charm to shag Leia to pieces. He could also use R2D2 as a bin and have C3P0 walk around uttering camp 'Carry On'-esque phrases.*

Regarding shite quotes from the prequels:

"Are you an angel?" (Robot Chicken annihilates this line!).

"A Sith Lord?" (Mace Windu disbelieving Anakin despite the masses of overwhelming evidence)

"You were banished because you were clumsy?"

"Anakin, my allegiance to to the Republic, to democracy!" (I thought the Jedi's only allegiance was to peace and justice?)

Two final points for now;

1. Was anyone else just waiting on Mace Windu calling someone a 'motherfucker'? I know I was.

2. I like to pretend I have the force when approaching automatic doors. If no one else is around, I'll make a big waving gesture. If there are others, I'll make a concealed smaller gesture, usually only utilising the fingers as opposed to the whole hand.

*I obviously am joking. I hope such a thing has never even crossed anyone's mind. But if the same folk who did the prequels are involved, nothing can be ruled out.

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2. I like to pretend I have the force when approaching automatic doors. If no one else is around, I'll make a big waving gesture. If there are others, I'll make a concealed smaller gesture, usually only utilising the fingers as opposed to the whole hand.

I do this when waving people across the road when I'm driving.

Usually accompanied by my best Alec Guinness "Move along"

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Anyone else a big Ackbar fan? Granted he's barely in the series, but his big fishy face and his quotes are fantastic. I find 'It's A Trap' really funny for some reason. Even just now thinking about it I'm having a wee chuckle at my desk.

The peripheral characters like Ackbar were so much better in the original trilogiy than the prequels. Guys like Jabba, Boba Fett, Tarkin, Mon Mothma, Wedge etc added something, whereas shite like every single Gungan ever, Watto, Gunray and others were rubbish wee fandans.

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I do this when waving people across the road when I'm driving.

Usually accompanied by my best Alec Guinness "Move along"


Next time I get ID'd somewhere I'm going to try the old 'You don't need to see my identification'.

Edited by DA Baracus
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Two final points for now;

1. Was anyone else just waiting on Mace Windu calling someone a 'motherfucker'? I know I was.

I always saw him more like Jackson's character in A Time to Kill.

"Master Windu, do you believe the younglings deserved to die?"


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2. I like to pretend I have the force when approaching automatic doors. If no one else is around, I'll make a big waving gesture. If there are others, I'll make a concealed smaller gesture, usually only utilising the fingers as opposed to the whole hand.

So it isn't just me who does this :lol:

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I actually thought the phantom menace was the best of the prequels, it does however have some pretty horrendous stuff in it, mainly jar jar and little anakin, who was basically a scrappy doo tribute act.

As for some other star wars related stuff, I was a huge fan of TIE fighter on the pc, where you play an imperial pilot. It starts off just after the battle on Hoth and gives you another perspective from the imperial side that you dont really get in the films. Anyway its a quality game with a good storyline and should be played if you can get it to work (which is difficult these days)

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I think that the minor characters in the Original films were much more believable, and complimented the storyline much better - like Tarkin, Wedge etc. Just made the whole thing seem a little more believeable (is that the right word?). The whole feel of the new films just doesnt fit right - too much politics, not enough Millenium Falcons etc. Just thought the new films were trying a bit too hard.

As for some other star wars related stuff, I was a huge fan of TIE fighter on the pc, where you play an imperial pilot. It starts off just after the battle on Hoth and gives you another perspective from the imperial side that you dont really get in the films. Anyway its a quality game with a good storyline and should be played if you can get it to work (which is difficult these days)

Brilliant game! I had the original X-Wing game too - so many hours spent trying to complete it! I think my game glitched on one of the missions though.. Games for Windows 95 were class!


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Next time I get ID'd somewhere I'm going to try the old 'You don't need to see my identification'.

I tried this once:

Bouncer [to my mate]: ID.

Me [with hand wave]: You don't need to see his identification.

Surprisingly, he didn't get the reference and I didn't get in. Still, I had the last laugh.

As for some other star wars related stuff, I was a huge fan of TIE fighter on the pc, where you play an imperial pilot. It starts off just after the battle on Hoth and gives you another perspective from the imperial side that you dont really get in the films. Anyway its a quality game with a good storyline and should be played if you can get it to work (which is difficult these days)

Loved that game when I was little.

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Would like to see some sort of inbetween series between ep 3 and 4 similar to clone wars

apparently that was planned called star wars: rebels


could be pretty tasty as its an animated series, hopefully the same writers for the clone wars cartoons are involved as they were pretty fucking good

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