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The Star Wars thread (includes spoilers for IX)

Quentin Taranbino

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wonder how they will write the re-emergence of the sith given that luke all but killed it off in ROTJ, unless they take aspects of the EU storylines

Darth Maul never died. He could start it after the death of Vader.

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Aye but i hardly doubt Disney are going to bring back a character who barely features in one of the poorer trilogy.

Darth Maul should've been crucial to the prequels and had he been, they would've been good. Obi Wan shouldn't have killed him after he killed Qui Gon, and that would've been the story arc.
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Aye but i hardly doubt Disney are going to bring back a character who barely features in one of the poorer trilogy.

As has previously been stated, the only story being used is what occurred in the films and the TV series' Clone Wars and Rebels. Darth Maul was brought back in the final episodes of the Clone Wars. So there would be someone there with knowledge of the Sith to start the Sith. I wouldn't expect to see him in the film, but the story arc of how the Sith could start again is already there.

Bearing in mind that this new films would be set around fifty years after Maul's battle with Obi-Wan.

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ive just realised something, in RotS when Palpatine gives the order 66 to kill all jedi, why didnt the clones try and kill anakin as he made his way to the temple, its not like the order could be changed given it was created and implanted long before anakin was born and trained as a jedi

From the Clone War cartoons we can see that the order isnt a choice, its an inbuilt system to kill any jedi in sight

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Perhaps sidious already knew that anakin would fall to the dark side & had planned for 66 not to include him.

Only explanation I have.

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Yes he was.

The Clone army was created because of the return of the sith during the events of episode one, but Sifo Dyas was murdered by dooku before he could let the council know about them.

yeah i was getting the dates mixed up, still though palpatine surely couldnt have written in the code for anakin to be exempt given he didnt know if anakin was going to be the jedi he became

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I was trying to work out a scale today to work out how big of a Star Wars fan you can be? Does this seem about right?

1. Casual fan. Have seen all 6 films

2. Have seen all the films (some of them numerous times) and can name a few minor characters and species etc

3. Have seen all the films, maybe the clone wars and dabbled a little in the expanded universe. Can hold a decent level of Star Wars chat

4. Have seen all the films, the clone wars and read all or most of the expanded universe. Very knowledgeable about all things Star Wars

5. Has seen and read everything to do with Star Wars. The ultimate Star Wars geek

Where would you put yourself on that scale?

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Yeah I am a 3, possibly a 4. I was a 5 at one point, but the utter trash writing stopped me from reading any more expanded universe stuff.

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