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Few details now remain about the life of British thespian Joss Ackland, other than his relationship to hat model Joss Stone, and the scandalous postmortem discovery that his trademark backpack was (Howard Hughes style) filled with vials of his own seminal fluid.

Rumours persist that starfleet captain Joss Whedon was the product of artificial insemination involving one of Ackland's gooey vials, although Whedon himself has attempted to combat them by travelling back in time and creating a career for himself that started far before the actor's death.

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All electrical toasters have exactly 30 mechanical parts, this is the same number of slices in your average medium sliced loaf.

Sheridan Smith has nothing to do with Nazi Germay desite her initials. Also since 2011 she insists that all her dramatical characters must have the surname Smith, or at the very least the characters maiden name must be Smith. She is not related to Tommy Sheridan.


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Comedian Joe Pasquale is an accomplished chess player and held the title of Greater London Chess Champion for five years in a row until going full time as an entertainer. He still plays in Challenge matches against the top chess players in towns he is appearing at. He was also a founder member of the exclusive Entertainer's Chess Club which unfortunately folded following the deaths of Roy Castle and Steve McQueen, Jonathan King's fall from grace and John Bishop's alleged unsporting behaviour of spitting every time he got beat.

ETA: Gladys Knight was an honorary member but didn't attend many matches as the other members often tried to get near her pips.

Edited by Fae_the_'briggs
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All round entertainer and grannies' favourite John Barrowman invented an early prototype of the GoPro, which he called the Float-O-Vator.

His idea was to have a Saturday evening show to be called 'John Barrowman's Love From Above' where he would use it to drop little gift parcels on unsung heroes of the community (including a small medal and a copy of his latest CD) before interviewing them and ending each show with a song and dance routine.

He abandoned this idea when he lost control of his drone and crashed it into a children's gala day, damaging a bouncy castle, starting a fire, and partially decapitating a passing clown with the resulting debris ricochet.

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In some villages in Nepal it is the custom for couples to call their first-born child by the first name of the mother irrespective of it being a boy or girl. Actors Stacy Keach, John Wayne ( real name Marion Morrison) and wrestler Big Daddy (Shirley Crabtree) were named this way in recognition of their families' Nepalese ancestry.

The kd Lang Wildlife Park in North America only has one type of indigenous creature in captivity and only allows female members of staff to tend to them. This follows research that suggests that the females' treatment of the beaver is gentler and more considerate than the rough handling often demonstrated by men. Some beavers even refused to let a male member near them.

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Countdown's Rachel Riley and Australian singer/actress Holly Vallance are distant relations.

There are actually no Iceland stores in Iceland but there are five Farmfood stores on the Island.

The David Soul hit, Silver Lady, was adopted as the National Anthem for the Pacific Island of Etish-o-Daol, which translated loosely from the Maori means Old Grey Woman.

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Erstwhile entertainer Noel Edmonds is allergic to vinyl, that's why he had to give up his very successful career has a disc jockey & concentrate on third rate daytime tv game shows. Radio 1's loss was Deal or No Deals gain.

He did try medication to cure his vinyl allergy but only crack cocaine seemed to have any noticeable results. Unfortunately the down side to cc was that he invented Mr Blobby. Thankfully he is no longer on medication & Mr Blobby has returned to Noel's innermost compartments.


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Is that what she called Corbyn's cock?

Come on Archer, you know the drill. This is not fiction you made up nor question time.

In the corner, hands on head & don't speak for 15 mins.

Zen Archer once applied to go on mastermind but turned up in a chef's hat & pinny he thought it was masterbake by mistake. The confusion was put down to an over-zealous childhood habit that he practiced alone & may have made him slightly hard of hearing. The rumours about hairy palms were unfounded.


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P&b regular grim o' Grady gets a free fish supper every night if he signs off every post with "grimbo".


Wait, I thought he got a free biscuit from your wife every time he fu...

Shit, forgot I wasn't to mention that :unsure:

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Wait, I thought he got a free biscuit from your wife every time he fu...

Shit, forgot I wasn't to mention that :unsure:

What with all these fish suppers (salt n sauce extra) & the 2 packets of biscuits each week off Philpsy you'd have thought I'd be a right fat c**t.


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