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Celtic v Morton


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The service is aimed at Celtic fans. I enjoy the commentary. Why should they tone it down for 3 Morton fans and 23 various other diddys watching it on a dodgy stream?

From the chap who believes that Belfast is in Eire, and thus lives in a fantasy world.

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Celtic commentary = deluded.

I've just watched the clip and it didn't look like deliberate handball to me. Or even a case of leaving your arm where it shouldn't be.

I can understand (and participate in) the glee of seeing Celtic ejected from the cup but I'm not going to don blinkers concerning refereeing decisions. Having said that, the ref has to call it instantly, he doesn't have tv replay.

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Is it still fashionable to laugh at Celtic?

I loved the way we gave it big cheers when we scored. Then when we won.


Words just can't quite describe it. I'll just say this, I think it's something every fan of a club outside of the OF knows; at some point we all sit through months or years of shite performances, baffling tactics, humiliating results and you question why you bother. Nights like tonight, that's fucking why. There was not a single bad performance from a Morton player tonight, every one of them defended superbly and I'm going to single out Tomas Peciar who was truly outstanding.

I fucking love football and I love Greenock Morton.

We're better than you.


This above all else.

29 Celts, 2000 tons

Is there an obesity problem at Celtic Park?

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It wasn't so much that it was deliberate, but that it took the ball away from Campbell, who had just turned him and was heading towards goal.

Clear penalty, and no complaints from the Celtic players at the time.

Are there any referees on this site who could comment? Perhaps my understanding of the rules is flawed. I know that refs are given advice on how to deal with certain situations and maybe this falls into that category.

BUT if a handball IS accidental, it shouldn't matter what happens to the ball afterwards.

Now, I really don't want to hijack this thread away from the celebratory feel so will simply say "That's fitba' ".

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For me it's never a penalty, because it isn't deliberate. However that makes it even better.

Edit- Celtic got a dodgy one against us last year when a shot hit Goodwin on the chest and bounced onto his arm. Swings and roundabouts.

Edited by flyingscot
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Oooft...Belfast Tim in the midst of an epic breakdown.

The bigots are not dealing with this at all :lol:

Is it possible they're coming to the realisation that even though Lennon's skin is the right colour and his religion isn't an issue he might not be the best man for the job?

Should we not be discouraging this line of thought? Lennon must stay! McCoist must stay! :)

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For me it's never a penalty, because it isn't deliberate. However that makes it even better.

Edit- Celtic got a dodgy one against us last year when a shot hit Goodwin on the chest and bounced onto his arm. Swings and roundabouts.

Agreed! But I genuinely don't understand how two people can honestly see the same incident differently (and I'm generalising, not talking about this specific instance) I suppose this is one factor which caused football to be so popular in the days before video relpays. Pub 'arguments' going round and round all night.

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Agreed! But I genuinely don't understand how two people can honestly see the same incident differently (and I'm generalising, not talking about this specific instance) I suppose this is one factor which caused football to be so popular in the days before video relpays. Pub 'arguments' going round and round all night.

Rules do state it has to be deliberate so, if the defender genuinely slipped and couldn't get his arm out the way, you may be correct.

However, now that Rangers are dead, laughing at Celtic is all the funnier.

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Well done Morton. Great result. That's why we support our teams cos just every now and then something like that happens.

And surely now time for the Celtic fans to remove their tricolour tinted specs and see Lennon for what he is - a tactically inept clueless manager.

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If the hand is in an unnatural position then it's deemed 'deliberate' until referees gain the power of mind-reading. Stonewall penalty.

Everyone knew a dumpling like Ambrose would provide at least one chance and he didn't disappoint.

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Fully expecting another game to be added to the list of utter pumpings against SPL teams in the Cup, but hopefully a combination of complacency and having Champions League games in the midweeks either side of this game lead Lennon to put out a weakened team which gives us a better chance of an upset.

Well done on the analysis and the result!

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