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NFL London

Sloop John B

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Complaining about some British union jack royalist bullshit seems particularly strange when you support a tram called "The Patriots" who have the stars and stripes blended into there badge.

Maybe it's just because I live quite near to London but if they were to get a team I'd go along to a few games and support them, while I "support" the Skins it's a pretty tenuous link and I've never been to a game, it'd be good to support a team that I could go to most weeks.

Well it's pretty simple. I have an extreme dislike of the UK and the UK establishment and don't want to support/ buy into anything that promotes it. That my politics. Take it or leave it. It's not that I'm against patriotism per se, just British patriotism.

From a sporting POV I'm not saying there shouldn't/ couldn't be a UK team and if you want to support them then fair enough. But I'll thoroughly dislike them.

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We were truly garbage yesterday, and even then, there was that teeny tiny glimmer of hope when we were 1st & Goal at the 4. Punch that in and it's a 1 TD game...but no, we royally ballsed that up.

Jets opening drive and that drive mentioned above pretty much summed up the game.

Jets never got, or needed to get, out of 3rd gear. Miami huffed and puffed and struggled with very little successful outcome.

Still, enjoyable day out, felt weird leaving in daylight, even thought it was an insanely long game...over 3 and a half hours?

We missed the Fan Rally on Saturday due to delays in travel, the pre-game stuff was a pretty timid affair, that was definitely better when it was the "tailgate" for ticket holders only.

How did everyone else get on?

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We were truly garbage yesterday, and even then, there was that teeny tiny glimmer of hope when we were 1st & Goal at the 4. Punch that in and it's a 1 TD game...but no, we royally ballsed that up.

Jets opening drive and that drive mentioned above pretty much summed up the game.

Jets never got, or needed to get, out of 3rd gear. Miami huffed and puffed and struggled with very little successful outcome.

Still, enjoyable day out, felt weird leaving in daylight, even thought it was an insanely long game...over 3 and a half hours?

We missed the Fan Rally on Saturday due to delays in travel, the pre-game stuff was a pretty timid affair, that was definitely better when it was the "tailgate" for ticket holders only.

How did everyone else get on?

Thoroughly enjoyed myself :) Maybe naivety on my part or the fact I'd only seen Jets tops all weekend, but I was extremely shocked at how outnumbered we were! I don't know if this is because The Dolphins have a big UK fan base or if it was just that the neutrals were comfier being in the majority rather than a minority and it made it feel worse. But for me, I love supporting the underdog and being in the minority and the fact I was surrounded by Dolphins fans made it so much sweeter when we got points on the board :D

On that front, what a great sport it really is. For me to feel comfortable (or any surrounded fan for that matter) jumping up and celebrating in that situation demonstrates the nature of the sport IMO. If I was to do that at a Fitba much there's a fair chance I'd get a slap. I love Fitba and I'm not slating it. Merely demonstrating a cracking side to Football :)

Having said that, there was a complete fuckwit sat across and just down from me who was an utter embarrassment. I got into the game and did my fair bit of shouting but at no point did l have the urge to shout things to the opposition such as "You're a f£cking c&nt" or have a pop at my own team with stuff such as "This is f£cking shit, come on ya useless b£stards!". I'm in no way a prude and at a Fitba match I can give it some when the notion takes me, but again I got very much a family feel from the Football and didn't think that kind of language was necessary. Just my opinion of course. This guy was an absolute mess and was steaming long before kick off. On top of his language his behaviour was embarrassing all around. Gubby p***k. I keep using the word embarrassing because he was of course Scottish! I always take it personally when I see these buffoons when I'm 'abroad'. It's knobs like him that give us a bad name :(

Anyway, back to the Football and I had a great time. I thought it flew by and for £45 it was excellent value for money. If they do those entertainment skits at all games it's easy to see how they keep the crowd engaged. The time absolutely flew by for me and I'd love to see The Jets back here. I'm planning to go to NYC next year and would be over the moon to go the MetLife, though I'm guessing tickets will be like hot cakes.

From The Jets point of view I thought Ivory was really good yesterday and Stacy didn't do too shabbily either. Personally, every time I watch Fitzpatrick I start to like him more and more :)

Getting to and especially from Wembley was really well done and we got away surprisingly sharp. They have a good operation going on there and should be commended for it. Overall I've had a great weekend and the whole NFL experience topped it off beautifully :)

Edited by 19QOS19
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My guess would be one major consideration would be transport links.

It's a craps idea but the NFL have it in their heads its a good yin so unless something changes it could happen.

The other thing is, is it going to be a Franchise move or Expansion team. If the latter how will the realignment work. Move back to 5 team league? One of the AFC East sides move (as I doubt they will touch the NFC East - maybe, at a push Philly)

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With the likelihood of LA getting two teams next season, I reckon the cities the franchises leave behind will be granted expansion franchises just as Cleveland and Houston were. So I could see more than one division with at least five teams in it.

They could maybe add another expansion team to make it six divisions of six in time.

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Rams, Raiders and Chargers are all competing to move there for next season. By all accounts they're going to allow two to move.

It's far from confirmed but I reckon it'll happen whether it's next year or a bit later.

Aye? Superb. Can't believe LA hasn't got a franchise to be honest. Would like to see the Raiders back.

Why do all 3 want to go to LA out of interest? I haven't heard anything about this, just properly got into the sport the last 6 month.

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They think they'll make more money there, that's it.

Every year there are LA relocation rumours and, often, owners use them as a means to blackmail their respective local councils (or whatever the American equivalent of councils are) into paying for them to having a bigger and better stadium.

This just feels a bit different, and the league seems keen.

I think LA will have two NFL teams between 2016 and 2020.

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