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dundeebarry's book (No spoilers please!)


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It couldn't be simpler. You've got the academic who survived the Stalinist purges and is now having flashbacks to that time. There's his daughter whose long bitter marriage is falling apart around her and the journalist who's investigating the academic because he suspects he was never in Russia at the time and then he falls obsessively in love with the daughter and sacrifices his career to become a lense grinder in Omsk.

Why has your writing covered in yellow? Have you pished your computer?

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Ordered! I reckon this book will go down very well with the locals here in the rural alps. How do you say teckle in German?

Firstly I'm surprised that Google Translate recognised "Teckle" as English! Secondly it appears to be a universal word!


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Firstly I'm surprised that Google Translate recognised "Teckle" as English! Secondly it appears to be a universal word!


Well that was easy, I'll slip that into conversation with the wife tonight and see how it goes.

"Also, wie war dein Tag?"

"Völlig teckle, cunto!"

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On the subject of "Teckle" I googled it just to see if it only mentioned DB and the blog. This is pretty high in the search results. A man named Teckle who went to Hairy Twat Uni?!


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Well that was easy, I'll slip that into conversation with the wife tonight and see how it goes.

"Also, wie war dein Tag?"

"Völlig teckle, cunto!"

Hure teckle, surely? Or perhaps that's just a colloquialism of this particular corner of the Alps. Ich weiß es nicht.

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Never heard that before, must be Schwiizerdütsch.

Probably. For the most part you can say just about anything in German and irrespecitve of how little sense it makes they'll interpret it as you coming from a small town on the mountains that they've never visited.

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Aye, but it's a bit of a harder sell telling pals, "he's a funny guy, buy his book, he wrote the Real Leigh Griffiths Blog". Cause they'll be like, "aye, did he? What's that and where can I read it?" Me - stumped.

I'll just give a couple of them a loan of the book after I get it.

Nah, I'll spread the word. It will be a harder sell now though.

Fair point, SB.

The blog was taken down on the advice of the book's publisher. The P&B thread in which the blog started can be viewed in P&B's Gold Forum.

Will this book be serialised on P&B?

The publisher and I met with Div a few months back and we're going to do something in conjunction with P&B. I'm going to try and get hold of the man himself later today to discuss the matter. Watch this space.

Will the book be available in arthurstone library?

They want three copies, one of which will be in that giant font old people dig.

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How many you sold then? We want a running total

Don't have an exact figure but pre-orders are going very well. Orders are in from around Europe and as far afield as Australia and Japan. It's an international teckle seller.

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Don't have an exact figure but pre-orders are going very well. Orders are in from around Europe and as far afield as Australia and Japan. It's an international teckle seller.

G'day mate! ^_^

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G'day mate! ^_^

Hiya Swarley! :thumsup2

Get a wee excerpt up, Barry.

I'm keen on this but I must admit that I'm a wee bit worried that it doesn't live up to expectations.

That's a compliment btw.

I'll have to speak to Div and the publisher before anything like that happens, but we'll be doing something to tie in with its release.

Compliment taken, cheers Andy. It was a concern of mine too, as it happens. Feedback from the publisher, who was a big fan of the blog, is that it's every bit as funny as the blog was and much better written. I'm inclined to agree, I was really happy with the end product.

Buy my book, Andy. :P

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Hiya Swarley! :thumsup2

I'll have to speak to Div and the publisher before anything like that happens, but we'll be doing something to tie in with its release.

Compliment taken, cheers Andy. It was a concern of mine too, as it happens. Feedback from the publisher, who was a big fan of the blog, is that it's every bit as funny as the blog was and much better written. I'm inclined to agree, I was really happy with the end product.

Buy my book, Andy. :P

I'll get it after finishing The Last Godfather and 'Garrincha'.

Thinking of it, you could have written Garrincha what with him losing his virginity to a goat and that.

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