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I'd take on a Mirelurk Queen over a Deathclaw or Behemoth any day. All you have to do is keep moving and hit it from a distance, which isn't really an option with the others (unless there's a nice handy bus to hide in).

Anyway, all this is just distracting from the real issue with Mirelurk Queens and Kings, which is: has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like Rule 34? :o

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Took the advice to down the queen and finally got it. The issue I've got now is I need to power the radio transmitter which needs a generator that can produces 10, I assume, watts. I need to rank up more to get that generator. If I use two 5's will that work? I don't want to waste material building two just in case.

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Took the advice to down the queen and finally got it. The issue I've got now is I need to power the radio transmitter which needs a generator that can produces 10, I assume, watts. I need to rank up more to get that generator. If I use two 5's will that work? I don't want to waste material building two just in case.

Yeah; you can just hook them all together with wire. That's an example of something Bethesda really could have done with making a bit clearer. I think they figured the internet would take up the slack for them when it came to explaining a lot of the game's finer points.

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Yeah; you can just hook them all together with wire. That's an example of something Bethesda really could have done with making a bit clearer. I think they figured the internet would take up the slack for them when it came to explaining a lot of the game's finer points.

Exactly. Fallout is totally different to any kind of 'gaming' I'm used to so this thread has been a god send.

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Just discovered the multi-storey car park between Fallon's and the Milton General Hospital. What the f**k is going on there? :lol:

Looks like post-apocalyptia is going to be pretty dull for some folks if that's the kind of thing they're going to be getting up to.

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Is there more than 1 Swann? I found him on Boston Common by accident and just ran like f**k. Found a safe distance and he decided to stop following me and launch bricks instead.

This allowed me to hit him with bout 10 missles, same amount of frag grenades and molotovs plus pepper him with my 50cal sniper rifle at the same time as ducking in and out of Hubris comics building.

Didn't make him that bad an opposition at all.

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Got this for Christmas, hadn't played any of the previous Fallout games but had played Skyrim so managed to get into it quite quickly after a fairly shaky start where I was killed by molerats and then a Mr Gutsy robot within about the first hour(!)

I'm about level 18 and at the point in the main quest where you have to decide who you're going to side with. My first visit to the Institute ended with me

accidentally shooting my son in the face, I'd got into the bad habit of using R2 to move on lines of dialogue- I play with subtitles on- and just expected him to say something else or there to be a conversation wheel option. Nope, one semi automatic to the heid later I'm hightailing it out of the Institute, presumably for good


Skimming this thread, think I'll try and hold off on the main story for as long as possible now as once that's done I think the side quests get a bit tedious. Although I suppose you can go back and replay it from the point I'm at now but side with a different lot every time.

Re: settlements, does it actually matter how the defences are laid out, I see people talking about walls and making it difficult to get in, I just assumed it was based on your defence score? I've had settlers in Sanctuary ask me to help with raiders, but the raiders were based a small distance away, as per most of the Minuteman missions.

Looking forward to getting a few hours in tonight, only problem is I've had the two bob bits for about the last 24 hours and dry farts are in short supply, some of the scarier stuff might require a change of underwear.

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Is there more than 1 Swann? I found him on Boston Common by accident and just ran like f**k. Found a safe distance and he decided to stop following me and launch bricks instead.

This allowed me to hit him with bout 10 missles, same amount of frag grenades and molotovs plus pepper him with my 50cal sniper rifle at the same time as ducking in and out of Hubris comics building.

Didn't make him that bad an opposition at all.

I guess he respawned, or the game forgot he was dead. It does things like that every now and then.

Re: settlements, does it actually matter how the defences are laid out, I see people talking about walls and making it difficult to get in, I just assumed it was based on your defence score? I've had settlers in Sanctuary ask me to help with raiders, but the raiders were based a small distance away, as per most of the Minuteman missions.

I wouldn't bother walling in your settlements - it makes life a lot harder when they're under attack, as raiders can't get in and sometimes wander off, which means you fail the mission as it can be hard to find and kill them all (not that it seems to matter too much). You'll also start running out of wood after a while.

Just make sure your settlers are well armoured and have a decent weapon, and stick some turrets around the areas where the invaders are likely to come from. Maybe some guard posts at the obvious entrances, like the road entering Sanctuary. Eventually you'll have more than enough junk to put missile turrets everywhere, which just destroy everything in double-quick time. Traps seem utterly pointless, as they only last for a few seconds and only take out one or two bad guys.

Little bit of a spoiler, I suppose, but has anyone else been summoned to an attack on a settlement, only to find that some of your settlers have become synths and have started attacking the others? Only happened to me once, and was a bit of a pisser as the game chose the missile-launcher-carrying guard I placed at the entrance. Absolute mayhem; glad I hadn't given him a Fat Man :mellow:

Edited by BigFatTabbyDave
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Kremvths tooth is the fucking boy. Two legendary raiders swatted away within three swipes

Genuinely tempted to have a pop at the Queen with it, even if it is just once to poisin the cow

Edited by RandomGuy.
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Kremvths tooth is the fucking boy. Two legendary raiders swatted away within three swipes

Genuinely tempted to have a pop at the Queen with it, even if it is just once to poisin the cow

Didnt even get near her :lol:

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Kremvths tooth is the fucking boy. Two legendary raiders swatted away within three swipes

Genuinely tempted to have a pop at the Queen with it, even if it is just once to poisin the cow

I've taken out a Behemoth with it but I think that hoor would be too much.

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I've taken out a Behemoth with it but I think that hoor would be too much.

Yeah she was, by the time you get in close shes already fucked you.

My tactics for her were 12 missiles, power armour, and lots of running into the nearby houses for shelter. Went back in after a run and Preston was standing with a Flamer blasting her :lol: Helped quite a bit tbh

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I hid in one of the castles openings spraying the bitch with a rifle and occasional grenade.

Never again.

Seemingly theres a building somewhere that has a Queen in a darkened room.... Seen a few folk bring it up now.

Sounds like an absolute nightmare

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I guess he respawned, or the game forgot he was dead. It does things like that every now and then.

I wouldn't bother walling in your settlements - it makes life a lot harder when they're under attack, as raiders can't get in and sometimes wander off, which means you fail the mission as it can be hard to find and kill them all (not that it seems to matter too much). You'll also start running out of wood after a while.

Just make sure your settlers are well armoured and have a decent weapon, and stick some turrets around the areas where the invaders are likely to come from. Maybe some guard posts at the obvious entrances, like the road entering Sanctuary. Eventually you'll have more than enough junk to put missile turrets everywhere, which just destroy everything in double-quick time. Traps seem utterly pointless, as they only last for a few seconds and only take out one or two bad guys.

Little bit of a spoiler, I suppose, but has anyone else been summoned to an attack on a settlement, only to find that some of your settlers have become synths and have started attacking the others? Only happened to me once, and was a bit of a pisser as the game chose the missile-launcher-carrying guard I placed at the entrance. Absolute mayhem; glad I hadn't given him a Fat Man :mellow:

Er, walling up your settlements looks cool!

I think the chances of being attacked are based on your defence rating but I would have thought making it as difficult as possible to actually attack work be worth it too

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Er, walling up your settlements looks cool!

I think the chances of being attacked are based on your defence rating but I would have thought making it as difficult as possible to actually attack work be worth it too

That is true, but it's also a time-consuming pain in the arse on the areas with uneven land.

Half of mine are walled, but I just strategically placed missile turrets and stuff on the others. Doesn't seem to make much difference as, between that and my well-armed settlers, everything gets shredded within seconds, including the pack of Deathclaws that arrived at the drive-in cinema while I was building. By the time I got to the entrance gate, everyone was heading back to work, with bits of mutant lizard covering the parking lot :P

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That is true, but it's also a time-consuming pain in the arse on the areas with uneven land.

Half of mine are walled, but I just strategically placed missile turrets and stuff on the others. Doesn't seem to make much difference as, between that and my well-armed settlers, everything gets shredded within seconds, including the pack of Deathclaws that arrived at the drive-in cinema while I was building. By the time I got to the entrance gate, everyone was heading back to work, with bits of mutant lizard covering the parking lot :P

Building foundations fixes the uneven ground.
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Building foundations fixes the uneven ground.

I meant the settlements that have steep rises and falls in the land around the edges, like Greentop Nursery (IIRC). Way too much hassle - wish I hadn't bothered with that one. I ended up just overlapping walls at queer angles in places so nothing could get in. Not as satisfying as somewhere like the Starlight Drive-In, where you can just clip all the walls onto each other.

Anyway, there are monsters out there to kill and ghouls to try and shag! :lol:

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I don't think anyone's mentioned Lynda Carter yet - plays a memorable character and wrote/performed several decent songs for the soundtrack. Impressive work. Shame her character didn't get more to do. DLC, maybe?

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