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Got this for christmas but only started into it couple of weeks ago. I can see many hours of my life going into this in a Skyrim/Oblivion sort of way.

Theres so much to it.

Can you actually complete this 100% or is it like skyrim where missions regenerate?

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One of the mods for the helmet shows u (by highlighting) anything you have designated as containing a material you have designated as needed.

Might help a bit.

Yeah the tag system is pretty useful when you need specific parts to build stuff.

I've pretty much always got adhesive and aluminium tagged.

Strangely I'm now running out of wood and steel for expanding my settlements. I've got 14 on the go, probably just need to concentrate on one to get the achievement for full happiness.

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Got this for christmas but only started into it couple of weeks ago. I can see many hours of my life going into this in a Skyrim/Oblivion sort of way.

Theres so much to it.

Can you actually complete this 100% or is it like skyrim where missions regenerate?

Some do, some dont. Some will also depend on the choices you make, without giving too much away

Yeah the tag system is pretty useful when you need specific parts to build stuff.

I've pretty much always got adhesive and aluminium tagged.

Strangely I'm now running out of wood and steel for expanding my settlements. I've got 14 on the go, probably just need to concentrate on one to get the achievement for full happiness.

I also ran out of wood! Very embarrasing! I think Im going to back to my plan of linking as many settlements as possible but leaving a lot of them empty, then scrapping everything at the empty ones

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WTF is the point of the Boston Airport settlement? You can hardly build a single shack before hitting the maximum settlement size, and there's no way of growing crops. Well worthwhile :rolleyes:

What the f**k is the glowing sea all about. I just got fucked up by some flying shit. How did that happen, I'm a wrecking machine.

Flying shit? You sure you're not playing Skyrim? :huh:

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It was some shite little bug. It leathered me.

Oh, bloodbugs? What a pain in the arse they are. Practically VATS or use up a million bullets trying to hit them.

The Glowing Sea in general is purely for double-hard, heavy metal Bruce Lee b*****ds who drink radiation and pish rainbows. Hazmat suits and power armour required.

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Should I wear a haz mat under my power armour?

I did. Think someone said that your clothing bonuses don't count once you put power armour on, though.

Just don't go in a Hazmat Suit alone. Might be a little tricky.

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Should I wear a haz mat under my power armour?

I did. Think someone said that your clothing bonuses don't count once you put power armour on, though.

Just don't go in a Hazmat Suit alone. Might be a little tricky.

Correct. Naff all difference once you're in a power suit. Power Armour even at basic levels is great for rad resistance anyway so as long as you have a few rad x and radaway to with it you should be fine for a wee excursion.

As for flying shit, bloodbugs and stingwings are the most terrifying enemies in the game. Trying a melee build sounds like a really fun idea until you need to get in striking distance of the little fucks.

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Those Cazador fucks from New Vegas were even worse. My first attempt at the game finished about half an hour in, as I discovered a trench full of them near the starting town. Pegged it back to the village to try and escape, only for them to follow me and turn the place into a bloodbath. :wacko:

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Those Cazador fucks from New Vegas were even worse. My first attempt at the game finished about half an hour in, as I discovered a trench full of them near the starting town. Pegged it back to the village to try and escape, only for them to follow me and turn the place into a bloodbath. :wacko:

Yup, you went up a hill to a cemetery and there they were, a whole posse of Cazadors. Running into a pack of Bloodbugs is similar, especially in the Glowing Sea where theres Legendary Vampiric ones mixed with Glowers. Power Armour makes it easier, but even still its a c**t when theres about eight swarming.

I found a mine filled with them once, and managed to get lost in there, the tensest moments of my life. Someone made a Mod where they merge a Cazador and a Deathclaw in a Cazaclaw :green

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Apologies for the upcoming multiposts but I wanted to show you some of my building skills. On my phone so not sure what I can attach to each post. I also have no idea how to screen grab etc on Xbox so pictures possibly not the best.


Here is what I've been doing at Sanctuary, I originally wanted to do one huge floor right across the settlement but wood and steel proved to be difficult for a project of that size, so I went for a condensed 2 floors. The outside picture doesn't really show both floors well, and the other picture is the inside of my first floor/bedroom space.



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Then my next floor is a similar sized space, one hallway has a couple of turrets so won't bore you with that but here is the 2 main rooms upstairs, one for pool and one for tv.

And my outside basketball court on the first floor roof.




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Then out from the second floor I've built a large platform with machine gun turrets covering both directions. You'll see at the left hand side of the picture a stairway down to another room, have only just put that up but no idea what to do with it yet.



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I did. Think someone said that your clothing bonuses don't count once you put power armour on, though.

Just don't go in a Hazmat Suit alone. Might be a little tricky.

I make a point of traversing the Glowing Sea in only a hazmat suit. Works perfectly well for me.


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Tried to take the castle and some legendary glowing mirelurk appeared and absolutely destroyed me. Every type of ammo barely scratched it. Anyone beat it? Only level 14 at the moment, gonna head back  to it after some easier missions.

The mirelurk Queen? Most people struggle with that, particularly at lower levels. Mines, big guns and running away are your friends.

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