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Scottish Independence


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Where to start? I know you're intentionally trolling, but jaysus.

Salmond wouldn't debate with Danny Alexander? I'd be confident of my 6 year old son debating with Danny Alexander.

As for the Conservatives, they've a cheek since it was the treasury that fucked up figures given to them, see below:

"A senior academic whose research was “badly misrepresented” by the UK Treasury is demanding an apology after British ministers used his work to falsely claim the start-up costs of an independent Scotland would be £1.5 billion ($2.5 billion), when the real cost is around £250 million ($419 million).

Professor Patrick Dunleavy of the London School for Economics (LSE) told RIA Novosti “the UK Treasury haven’t yet apologised to us for misrepresenting the numbers.”

Dunleavy said he had been in contact with Treasury officials to demand they reveal how they reached the vastly inflated figures on the costs of Scottish independence.

“I have discussed with the UK Treasury about how they got to their numbers and they seem to have done what we thought they had done,” Dunleavy told RIA Novosti.

“We did a study based on the costs of creating UK Whitehall departments,” Dunleavy said. “A Whitehall Department is like the Rolls Royce of a Government administrative regime. It’s top-heavy and has a lot of expensive things in it.”

“Scotland only needs to create a small number of such departments after independence, but what the UK Government have done is to apply the cost of creating a Rolls Royce, big style, department to what they claimed were 180 bodies which the Scottish Government would have to set up,” Dunleavy added.

The LSE Politics Professor told RIA Novosti that the basis of their dissent with the UK Treasury was based on their “bizarrely inaccurate” misrepresentation of “our very impressive and interesting study.”


The "impartial" BBC put their slant on it.

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A Nigel Farage vs Alex Salmond debate would be brilliant. It will never happen. Why? two words - Nick Clegg. :)

Salmond wouldn't even debate Danny Alexander on Sky News yesterday for goodness sakes so he ain't going to accept a challenge from Farage!

Great question from the Conservatives to Salmond today by the way... Asked him to break down the £250m it would cost to set up the infrastructure of an independent Scotland. He obviously did not answer the question. £250m... almost half the cost of the construction of Holyrood. That cheap? Really? Yeah right!.

Alexander did not want to debate Salmond. This has become the tactic of small-fry politicians representing the union in order to portray the First Minister as "scared", and they do it when they now there is a 0% chance of it happening. If Salmond had called his bluff Alexander would have shat himself, because he's an appalling speaker.

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Alexander did not want to debate Salmond. This has become the tactic of small-fry politicians representing the union in order to portray the First Minister as "scared", and they do it when they now there is a 0% chance of it happening. If Salmond had called his bluff Alexander would have shat himself, because he's an appalling speaker.

They had a debate officially booked for yesterday and Salmond cancelled at the last minute, so you are incorrect. Fact.

But well done for not disagreeing with my point about Salmond vs Farage.

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And what's your source?

Alexander holds a press call and expects Salmond to turn up to debate.

Thats how its done in Dannys world.

If Salmond had walked into that room Alexander would have wet himself.

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Have to say I'm getting disillusioned by the level of debate within the Parliament and in the media.

I think the Yes campaign has stalled completely by the repugnant negative No argument. Asking for a specific figure in terms of tens or hundreds of pounds in how better or worse off you will be financially is totally irrelevant. There is a much bigger picture than can I afford an extra couple of pints a week. If any voter is going to vote yes or no on the basis of being better or worse off to the sum of a few hundred pound a year is a total moron.

Why does the SNP engage in this level of debate?

Salmond needs to set his own agenda and expose Labour for what they are. Whatever the outcome most of the better together campaigners need to step away from politics forever. They have shown themselves up in the last year or so as being completely opportunist non entities controlled by Westminster and fear.

Most people I speak are completely clueless about Independence and are simply scared into voting no. I'm more scared of living in Scotland after a no vote and being governed by the Tories or ukip.

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Alexander did not want to debate Salmond. This has become the tactic of small-fry politicians representing the union in order to portray the First Minister as "scared", and they do it when they now there is a 0% chance of it happening. If Salmond had called his bluff Alexander would have shat himself, because he's an appalling speaker.

Salmond all talk, does not want to debate with anybody, he is full of "wind and" well you know the rest

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Have to say I'm getting disillusioned by the level of debate within the Parliament and in the media.

I think the Yes campaign has stalled completely by the repugnant negative No argument. Asking for a specific figure in terms of tens or hundreds of pounds in how better or worse off you will be financially is totally irrelevant. There is a much bigger picture than can I afford an extra couple of pints a week. If any voter is going to vote yes or no on the basis of being better or worse off to the sum of a few hundred pound a year is a total moron.

Why does the SNP engage in this level of debate?

Salmond needs to set his own agenda and expose Labour for what they are. Whatever the outcome most of the better together campaigners need to step away from politics forever. They have shown themselves up in the last year or so as being completely opportunist non entities controlled by Westminster and fear.

Most people I speak are completely clueless about Independence and are simply scared into voting no. I'm more scared of living in Scotland after a no vote and being governed by the Tories or ukip.

Hopefully we will start to get a shift away from cost and affordability.

YES camp have had BT winning them votes with their negative campaign, and have been trying to get as much mileage out of it as they can.

BT and most of the MSM think if they box the YES side in a corner, then they will win, so have stuck with the same old pish for MONTHS now. This is all they have to offer.

Its been drip,drip.

My hope is that the YES campaign when it starts, will be a flood that will wash the NO campaign away.

Maybe it will stay fresher in the minds on the 18th.

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I hope so too, perhaps the SNP should look for inspirational people outside of politics to promote their campaign?

Too many regard a yes vote as one for Alex Salmond. He is an excellent politician and I think he's doing a good job but can come across as arrogant sometimes. Possibly because he knows that he is a big fish in a small pond in Edinburgh?

I'm not sure what it will take for most of the population to pull their heads out of the red tops and poor quality news programs and read up on the pros and cons and make a decision. Most people I speak to seem to think that there is nothing wrong with what we have and just pick up the scare stories.

I really think that as individuals we owe it to future generations to make an informed decision. Whatever the result I believe that Scotland will change dramatically afterwards.

IMO if you look closely at the BT campaign you can spot insecurity and fear, you don't get this from the Yes side.

A great example was the personal attack on Salmond regarding comments made outside parliament about Putin. Labour welcomed him with open arms a few years earlier during the Chechnya conflict and said nothing. Why did Salmond not bring this up? Why doesn't he destroy Labour on the mess they made of the economy or the Iraq war? Is he trying to keep the debate out of the gutter? I don't think it's working.

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