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Thew shittier the area you live in the the more inclined to a yes vote probably.

It tends to be poor folk and general dole fodder voting yes as can be seen in the likes of this place. <_<

Doubt it, exhibit A: Cowdenbeath. If there is a yes voter there they were most likely hunted down and sacrificed to the gods a long time ago.

I reckon the rural farming communities are stick on Nos as well, regardless of income. If Yes Scotland can get to the ol' labour heartlands then it will be interesting though.

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A lot of what it boils down to in the south is this:

1) Do you want to be governed by a parliament that gives not a hoot for your region? If so, vote yes.

2) Same as above. If so, vote no.

Based on that, most of us will just take what's on offer right now.

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Doubt it, exhibit A: Cowdenbeath. If there is a yes voter there they were most likely hunted down and sacrificed to the gods a long time ago.

I reckon the rural farming communities are stick on Nos as well, regardless of income. If Yes Scotland can get to the ol' labour heartlands then it will be interesting though.

I doubt it. Your mob are getting an utter doing here and you know it.

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Another poll just in covering the south of Scotland/Borders regions showing 59% voting no 24% voting yes and 17% don't know. Falling pretty much into line with what we already know.

The nationalists are being drubbed.

It's hardly surprising in areas where the SNP polled considerably less than their overall % in 2011.

What next, are we just going to poll blue rinsers in Tory areas.

SNP polled 76% of their national average in those regions,34.6% against 45.4%.

Tories polled more than twice their national average in those regions,28.6% against 13.9%

A wee rejig has it 48.09% NO, 33.75% YES, 18.17% DON'T KNOW


Of those that showed a preference

58.76% NO, 41.24% YES

Nowt to get your hopes up about.


Edited by ayrmad
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I doubt it. Your mob are getting an utter doing here and you know it.

I'm afraid I don't. For every bad poll for Yes, there will be a good one. Of course, the polls show No in the lead, but any poll that reckons Joanne Lamont is first minister is bound to be suspect. I think the Times/PB polls are probably closest, but will be the hardest to move - as they already account for pretty much all the SNP/Yes support, it's moving chunks of the Labour support that is the key, and you'd need to move a lot to move those PB polls.

I think, honestly that in the west central belt it's pretty much up in the air, the north east cities will proably vote Yes, Angus and the south, will vote No. Highlands is anyone's guess, Fife will be close (the rural parts and St Andrews are stick on Nos, the three big towns will be closer), Falkirk will be No, not sure about Stirling or the wider central area. Edinburgh I reckon will vote yes - it will be who controls those Labour heartlands that really swing it. There is nothing hugely scientific about all this, just a gut prediction from me.

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I'm afraid I don't. For every bad poll for Yes, there will be a good one. Of course, the polls show No in the lead, but any poll that reckons Joanne Lamont is first minister is bound to be suspect. I think the Times/PB polls are probably closest, but will be the hardest to move - as they already account for pretty much all the SNP/Yes support, it's moving chunks of the Labour support that is the key, and you'd need to move a lot to move those PB polls.

I think, honestly that in the west central belt it's pretty much up in the air, the north east cities will proably vote Yes, Angus and the south, will vote No. Highlands is anyone's guess, Fife will be close (the rural parts and St Andrews are stick on Nos, the three big towns will be closer), Falkirk will be No, not sure about Stirling or the wider central area. Edinburgh I reckon will vote yes - it will be who controls those Labour heartlands that really swing it. There is nothing hugely scientific about all this, just a gut prediction from me.

Aye OK. <_<

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I'm afraid I don't. For every bad poll for Yes, there will be a good one. Of course, the polls show No in the lead, but any poll that reckons Joanne Lamont is first minister is bound to be suspect. I think the Times/PB polls are probably closest, but will be the hardest to move - as they already account for pretty much all the SNP/Yes support, it's moving chunks of the Labour support that is the key, and you'd need to move a lot to move those PB polls.

I think, honestly that in the west central belt it's pretty much up in the air, the north east cities will proably vote Yes, Angus and the south, will vote No. Highlands is anyone's guess, Fife will be close (the rural parts and St Andrews are stick on Nos, the three big towns will be closer), Falkirk will be No, not sure about Stirling or the wider central area. Edinburgh I reckon will vote yes - it will be who controls those Labour heartlands that really swing it. There is nothing hugely scientific about all this, just a gut prediction from me.

No, it's simply your wishlist.

There is zero chance of a yes win. Not a hope in hell.

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Your opening gambit was a total fantasy.

The rest of it is economic illiteracy. Do you advise shovel ready, lever pulling Swinney by any chance?

You're scrambling and showing classic signs of illusory superiority. Although I will admit I incorrectly used the term money instead of currency in the last paragraph. That's assuming you know the difference between the two.

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You're scrambling and showing classic signs of illusory superiority. Although I will admit I incorrectly used the term money instead of currency in the last paragraph. That's assuming you know the difference between the two.

Is that so?

I assume that your last sentence was in a similar vein?<_<

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which ones, blue or red...Labour have agreed cuts need to happen, its the torries fault but cuts need to happen.

Labour won in 97 by sticking with Tory spending plans.

I dunno how much a prospective PM Miliband will help No,but i doubt it will have any significant postive impact on Yes.

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There just isn't going to be a majority for separation in Scotland. It's not going to happen.

Absolutely no chance whatsoever. None. Zilch.

It's quite telling that this is all the Britnats have to say on this subject.

Sadly, I agree with you there. Would still rather be on the side of a debate which I actually believe in, as opposed to trumpeting something because of bitterness and the chance to say I told you so. What a sad way to live.

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It's quite telling that this is all the Britnats have to say on this subject.

Sadly, I agree with you there. Would still rather be on the side of a debate which I actually believe in, as opposed to trumpeting something because of bitterness and the chance to say I told you so. What a sad way to live.

It's not going to affect the result one way or another as you know. I've gone into plenty of elections knowing that I am going to lose. Like you, I'm glad I was on the side of righteousness and I held my head high in spite of , at times, catastrophic gubbings.

As far as being able to tell folk "I told you so", yeah, I'm going to thoroughly enjoy getting up a few peoples noses if I don't already manage it, in September. Are you telling me it wouldn't be the same the other way around if yes pull off a spectacular win from nowhere? Its the nature of this sort of a forum. The reality is that no matter what happens, we will all just plough on regardless getting on with life as best we can.

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I'm quite negative about the whole thing at the moment.

While it won't be the trouncing that HB and Reynard have been w*nking themselves into a frenzy about, the general feeling I've got recently is that most people are just too set in their ways and absolutely shit scared of change.

The No vote is soft in that a lot of people who say they are a No may not bother their arses to turn up and vote.

99% of the Yes vote will show up and cast their vote.

Apathy on the No side is the only shot we have but I doubt it will be enough.

Hope I'm wrong.

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It's not going to affect the result one way or another as you know. I've gone into plenty of elections knowing that I am going to lose. Like you, I'm glad I was on the side of righteousness and I held my head high in spite of , at times, catastrophic gubbings.

As far as being able to tell folk "I told you so", yeah, I'm going to thoroughly enjoy getting up a few peoples noses if I don't already manage it, in September. Are you telling me it wouldn't be the same the other way around if yes pull off a spectacular win from nowhere? Its the nature of this sort of a forum. The reality is that no matter what happens, we will all just plough on regardless getting on with life as best we can.

I can say categorically that gloating will be the furthest thing from my mind if Yes somehow win this.

Can't speak for everyone though. I'm pretty sure that there will be a fair bit of that going on, either way. My point is that seems to be the main bulk of the dialogue from Unionists in here - which as you say is the nature of a forum, so fair enough - and in the public debate. "It won't be happening anyway, Disaster for SNP!!!111" seems to be all we have on offer from No. I don't understand how people* aren't embarrassed to support that.

*More people - Every No voter I've spoken to sounds utterly ashamed of their lack of conviction.

Edited by SodjesSixteenIncher
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It's quite telling that this is all the Britnats have to say on this subject.

Sadly, I agree with you there. Would still rather be on the side of a debate which I actually believe in, as opposed to trumpeting something because of bitterness and the chance to say I told you so. What a sad way to live.

Well that's simply the perspective of someone that has hung their hat in the camp that is losing/going to lose. That cant really be helpd and it's fairly natural to get a little uptight when things don't go your way. In fact it's just human nature. Part of the grieving process if you like.

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I can say categorically that gloating will be the furthest thing from my mind if Yes somehow win this.

Can't speak for everyone though. I'm pretty sure that there will be a fair bit of that going on, either way. My point is that seems to be the main bulk of the dialogue from Unionists in here

By the same token, the No voters on here have been by far the most placid about the result and in letting democracy decide.

From Yes voters we've had furious demands for No voters to leave the country and suggestions that once democracy fails it will be time to take things to the next level.

It is also the Yes camp who resort to "quisling" and "traitors" and accusations that No voters are betraying their country blah blah blah. Childish nonsense that No voters on here haven't resorted to.

No voters are the more mature responsible camp.

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By the same token, the No voters on here have been by far the most placid about the result and in letting democracy decide.

From Yes voters we've had furious demands for No voters to leave the country and suggestions that once democracy fails it will be time to take things to the next level.

It is also the Yes camp who resort to "quisling" and "traitors" and accusations that No voters are betraying their country blah blah blah. Childish nonsense that No voters on here haven't resorted to.

No voters are the more mature responsible camp.


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