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By the same token, the No voters on here have been by far the most placid about the result and in letting democracy decide.

From Yes voters we've had furious demands for No voters to leave the country and suggestions that once democracy fails it will be time to take things to the next level.

It is also the Yes camp who resort to "quisling" and "traitors" and accusations that No voters are betraying their country blah blah blah. Childish nonsense that No voters on here haven't resorted to.

No voters are the more mature responsible camp.

Going to need to see a few examples of this HB :lol:

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Going to need to see a few examples of this HB :lol:

A few examples of what? Are you denying that the Yes side regularly throw out allegations of being "quislings" and "traitors" at No voters?

Have you failed to see the demands for No voters to leave the country, from such as Jamaldo? And the toys out of the pram "If there is a No vote I am finished with this place" posts?

What both Reynard and I and others have said is that we are happy to let the people decide this referendum and we will accept the results with equanimity. If it's Yes so be it. We will carry on with our lives and shrug our shoulders. No tantrums, no tears. If it's No, again so be it.

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I've never seen furious demands for No voters to leave the country or anyone wanting to 'take things to the next level', whatever that means, you'll need to enlighten me.

Anything else you mention (quislings/finished with this place etc) is very tame and is certainly not a patch on what Reynard slings in the opposite direction.

I tend not to give much regard to the bile on either side to be honest, it really undermines the bigger picture.

So I suppose I must be in a minority of Yes people that I too will accept whatever happens with good grace and carry on with life as normal.

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By the same token, the No voters on here have been by far the most placid about the result and in letting democracy decide.

From Yes voters we've had furious demands for No voters to leave the country and suggestions that once democracy fails it will be time to take things to the next level.

It is also the Yes camp who resort to "quisling" and "traitors" and accusations that No voters are betraying their country blah blah blah. Childish nonsense that No voters on here haven't resorted to.

No voters are the more mature responsible camp.

That post is utter ridiculous and shows you up to be the fanny you are!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by 1320Lichtie
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I've never seen furious demands for No voters to leave the country or anyone wanting to 'take things to the next level', whatever that means, you'll need to enlighten me.

Anything else you mention (quislings/finished with this place etc) is very tame and is certainly not a patch on what Reynard slings in the opposite direction.

I tend not to give much regard to the bile on either side to be honest, it really undermines the bigger picture.

So I suppose I must be in a minority of Yes people that I too will accept whatever happens with good grace and carry on with life as normal.

XBL claimed things would need to be taken to the next level. Which he was laughed out of town about, but he still said it. HB reckons Jamalda or however you spell it said the other thing, I dinno. I reckon if anyone could be bothered they would find plenty opf stupid things people have said in here.

As for me, I'm quite willing to abide by whatever result comes in, accept it and move on. Just as I did with the devolution referendum which I voted no in in spite of knowing full well I was pissing in the wind.

The bile is all over the internet and not confined to a few mediocre nonentities in a dark corner of a football forum. It's hard to avoid it really.

Edited by Reynard
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XBL claimed things would need to be taken to the next level. Which he was laughed out of town about, but he still said it. HB reckons Jamalda or however you spell it said the other thing, I dinno. I reckon if anyone could be bothered they would find plenty opf stupid things people have said in here.

As for me, I'm quite willing to abide by whatever result comes in, accept it and move on. Just as I did with the devolution referendum which I voted no in in spite of knowing full well I was pissing in the wind.

The bile is all over the internet and not confined to a few mediocre nonentities in a dark corner of a football forum. It's hard to avoid it really.

What made you vote no?

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I've never seen furious demands for No voters to leave the country or anyone wanting to 'take things to the next level', whatever that means, you'll need to enlighten me.

Anything else you mention (quislings/finished with this place etc) is very tame and is certainly not a patch on what Reynard slings in the opposite direction.

As Reynard says Jamaldo (and another poster whose name escapes me at the moment) has demanded No voters "f**k off to rUK if they like it so much". This is pretty typical of the Yes campaign on here.

I'm not sure what you find more objectionable from Reynard than quislings and traitors? Perhaps you can outline.

I don't get bothered by any name calling - I find it quite amusing to be honest. And the rhetoric from the Yes folk on here is just botter and disappointed. I get that. If you've dead set on something that is ultimately going to fail because you are a minority, I'm sure it can be frustrating and it's why they lash out.

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What made you vote no?

mainly the unnecessary creation of an extra tier of politicians. I'd have rather seen the power going to the fairly newly formed councils instead of back to "regional" level.

I'd fought hard enough to try and split the regional councils up and get as small a format local local council thing on the go with increased power. Devolution wiped that out. I think it made for a worse deal

We had gone in the late 80s from having an MP, an MEP a regional councillor and a local councillor to a stage after the ridding of the abysmal regional councils where we had one MP, one MEP and one local councillor.

Devolution and also the method of carving up votes at local level meant I had an extra local councillor for my ward area as well as a constituency MSP and the 7 list efforts for the region that do precisely f**k all of any use to anyone. Which gives me a grand total of 12 I think.


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The funnelling of power towards the centre under devolution hasn't been very good for locals either. It was going on under Labour but it's possibly even more obvious under this present administration who seem to want to remove as much power from local level as possible.

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As Reynard says Jamaldo (and another poster whose name escapes me at the moment) has demanded No voters "f**k off to rUK if they like it so much". This is pretty typical of the Yes campaign on here.

I'm not sure what you find more objectionable from Reynard than quislings and traitors? Perhaps you can outline.

I don't get bothered by any name calling - I find it quite amusing to be honest. And the rhetoric from the Yes folk on here is just botter and disappointed. I get that. If you've dead set on something that is ultimately going to fail because you are a minority, I'm sure it can be frustrating and it's why they lash out.

Define typical.

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Define typical.

Well, we've had posts like this - "What I'll say to unionists is; If the UK is so great, go fucking live there after a Yes vote." and a lot of more general We're fucked if we vote No, How can anyone look at themselves in the mirror if they vote against their country, No one can posssibly vote No if they want the best for Scotland etc etc.

That's very typical of the Yes posters on here, which as I've said before bears little or no resemblance to the "real" Yes campaigners, who in my experience have been very pleasant and genuine on the occasions I've been accosted by them in Stirling or Falkirk.

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Well, we've had posts like this - "What I'll say to unionists is; If the UK is so great, go fucking live there after a Yes vote." and a lot of more general We're fucked if we vote No, How can anyone look at themselves in the mirror if they vote against their country, No one can posssibly vote No if they want the best for Scotland etc etc.

That's very typical of the Yes posters on here, which as I've said before bears little or no resemblance to the "real" Yes campaigners, who in my experience have been very pleasant and genuine on the occasions I've been accosted by them in Stirling or Falkirk.

How is that typical of the Yes voters, are we talking typical as in a statistical value, and if so, are we talking about the number of different posters or is by number of posts, agnostic of source? I would argue that the likes of the now departed Swampy, Vikington, Mr Rational, even ymself - is that typical of the language we use? And bare in mind, your side had DeeGas.

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How is that typical of the Yes voters, are we talking typical as in a statistical value, and if so, are we talking about the number of different posters or is by number of posts, agnostic of source? I would argue that the likes of the now departed Swampy, Vikington, Mr Rational, even ymself - is that typical of the language we use? And bare in mind, your side had DeeGas.

Well, DeeGas wasn't a real person though - it was an alias.

You also have amongst others xbl, Jamaldo, that ICTJohnboy character amongst others. I could provide you with many more, or you could read the "If Scotland Votes No" thread.

The rhetoric from Yes voters on here has been pretty consistent. There are always exceptions to this - it's a broad generalisation.

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Like your pal? :P

Aye two of them worked for MSPs. One of them in Holyrood itself working for Murray Tosh and the other one has been the busty secretary type thing for John Scott for donkeys.

I think the John Scott type one wanted to be a constituency agent at Parliamentary level and did all the stuff necessary but his faither was long term ill and it meant he could end up in any constituency in the UK potentially and he didnt want to leave the home area at the time. He's more or less pissing about now as he is independently wealthy.

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sorry for my ignorance Reynard - what does "constiuency agent" mean?

Election agent even.. does all the legal stuff during an election and whatnot and basically runs the constituency office during peacetime.

Basically a secretary but politically involved usually.

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