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Newpapers do do it. It's a fact. I can't remember individual examples that Private Eye point out (although the Daily Express's Diana conspiracy articles were a regular feature), because oddly I don't catalogue things like that in case I need them for future online arguments, but they do appear in the magazine on a fairly regular basis.

You'd have to be able to remember a specific story from a newspaper to be able to search for it in newspaper archives.

Columnists do it all the time, news stories almost never. Speaking as a Private Eye reader.

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Tbh, I cringe when they all use it. Deetillehdeh I think he's called used it earlier. I cringed.

Though, yeah, it is super-cringey when Scrappy Doo uses it.

Oh Chaka - you've used worse.

Get over yourself.

You and others being deliberately obtuse over a column that I (and others) have read for 30+ years.

Clownism at its worst.

Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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Oh Chaka - you've used worse.

Get over yourself.

You and others being deliberately obtuse over a column that I (and others) have read for 30+ years.

Clownism at its worst.

You've been reading for over 30 years?

Edited by pandarilla
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Oh Chaka - you've used worse.

Get over yourself.

You and others being deliberately obtuse over a column that I (and others) have read for 30+ years.

Clownism at its worst.


After some mastubatory ego-stroking?

Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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Yeah, i think this just reinforces the stagnation of the voting and the massive job Yes have on their hands to even make this close.

That's the key thing now. How respectable can Yes make the defeat.

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