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The first guy to try this hilarious patter was chuckles.

I think that should give pause for thought for the current culprits.

Rather ironic that, when you consider you stole the "kool aid krew" nonsense from the woeful Joozy.

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In that case, if the result is 55% Yes & 45% No on an 80% turnout, will you and Ecto start a campaign to have the result overturned because the Yes vote has been inflated because the non-voters weren't counted?

In Ecto's eyes, that particular result would mean that Yes only gained the votes of 44% of the total electorate, whilst the No vote (36%) and the non-voting 20% would total 56%.

no, will accept the result whatever way it goes and just get on with it, as we all will all have to, but some of us will find it easier than others

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Much like the Tories are running the no show.

Eh no. It's actually nothing like this.

The SNP provided over £300K in start up funds and staffing costs for Yes Scotland. They have also provided other services to Yes Scotland on a non-cash basis. Yes Scotland continually parrots SNP policy, even when that is completely at odds with board members like Patrick Harvie, Colin Kane and Dennis Canavan.

Stan Blackley (former 'Yes Scotland' Director of Communications) :- "In many ways, the Yes Scotland organisation is now redundant.

In my opinion, this is just as well, as that organisation has become little more than an SNP front in recent months, which is ironic given the amount of effort that was put into fighting that perception in the early days"

"So many of these are more interesting, compelling and convincing, more radical and more reasonable, than those set out in the SNP's White Paper, but the SNP's vision of independence is the only one we're hearing from Yes Scotland once again."

"Many will be surprised to learn that Yes Scotland no longer produces its own campaign resources. The Yes-branded newspapers currently dropping through letter boxes are written and produced by the SNP. The only clue to this is the tiny imprint hidden on an inside page. The Yes billboards that have appeared in every town and city in recent weeks were devised by a creative team engaged by the SNP without any input from what remains of the Yes Scotland team, which often only sees these resources well after they've been distributed to SNP members and activists."

Yes Scotland is the SNP plus a couple of tolerated guests.

Please outline, in great detail, how the "Tories are running the No show"? What say do the Conservative Party have in Better Together campaign? What level of funding have the Conservative Party provided to Better Together?

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Wow. H_B quotes FORMER Yes Scotland Director of Communications, who's less than complimentary about the Yes hierarchy!

What next, fire? The wheel?

He won't be the first or last to have a "tantrum" as the Herald called it, about his former employer. The management in my last place of work were dicks. Does this make me an "expert"?

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some of my points to why I'm voting Yes (not to change or influence anyone just a few bits of information that have came out that I think shows Yes is the sensible and best option for oor Scotland)

  1. New investment in North Sea oil, one of the largest and most technically advanced oil rigs has recently been given the green light reflecting in a 1 billion pound investment in North Sea oil (or an investment of £181 per every man woman and child in Scotland) This is one of only three large agreed exploration sites in the North Sea in the last 5 years and more than likely more to come.
  2. Recent discussions about New railway lines and motorways in England that as it stands right now we will have to pay part of the bill for under the unions department of transport authority (I know through devolution as it stands this isn't clear cut but money will come from Scottish incomes and tax payers)
  3. Vast renewable energy sources (24% of European waters in Scottish territory) Even if the oil only has 100 years left would you base a vote on technology of 1914? of course not, we have huge potential to be a green country that creates enormous amount of renewable energy and the oil income if coming just through Scotland could subsidize this.
  4. As above with the European waters in Scottish territory mean our fishing income is greatly higher than the UKs lets not forget tourism income as well.
  5. And probably the simplest of them all, a democratic Scotland where we get the government we vote for. Governments that policies will be for the demography of Scotland not just to pander to London and 'risk share' our tax and other incomes.

I kinda see the vote as a no brainer because of the above. Scotland will be part of the EU as well because of some of the above income sources and in regards to retaining the pound, it wouldn't concern me either way.

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Eh no. It's actually nothing like this.

The SNP provided over £300K in start up funds and staffing costs for Yes Scotland. They have also provided other services to Yes Scotland on a non-cash basis. Yes Scotland continually parrots SNP policy, even when that is completely at odds with board members like Patrick Harvie, Colin Kane and Dennis Canavan.

Stan Blackley (former 'Yes Scotland' Director of Communications) :- "In many ways, the Yes Scotland organisation is now redundant.

In my opinion, this is just as well, as that organisation has become little more than an SNP front in recent months, which is ironic given the amount of effort that was put into fighting that perception in the early days"

"So many of these are more interesting, compelling and convincing, more radical and more reasonable, than those set out in the SNP's White Paper, but the SNP's vision of independence is the only one we're hearing from Yes Scotland once again."

"Many will be surprised to learn that Yes Scotland no longer produces its own campaign resources. The Yes-branded newspapers currently dropping through letter boxes are written and produced by the SNP. The only clue to this is the tiny imprint hidden on an inside page. The Yes billboards that have appeared in every town and city in recent weeks were devised by a creative team engaged by the SNP without any input from what remains of the Yes Scotland team, which often only sees these resources well after they've been distributed to SNP members and activists."

snp snp snp snp

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no, will accept the result whatever way it goes and just get on with it, as we all will all have to, but some of us will find it easier than others

So, as the referendum result will exclude the people who choose not to express their opinion in the voting booth, would you agree that using polling figures that exclude the "don't knows" will produce a result that is likely to be closer to the final result on the 18th September?

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The Yes campaign reminds me of the old Broad Left groups you got in the past - they were nothing more than front organisations for the far left with a few gullible tubes to give them an air of respectibility or non-party alignment.

Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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