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What have I lost like?

well for a start, "your marbles" :blink:

My you have become a tedious little troll.

I have only one thing to say to you


it would appear your sense of humour has also been lost, pity

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That was already done a few pages ago.

Are we seriously being lead to believe that Yes lost three points as a result of a debate which really didn't have anything out of the ordinary in it? Alex Salmond's assertions that a currency union will definitely happen are nothing new and it has been the same story for the last nine months or so. People who have changed to Yes knew this when they switched.

Simply not having it. I'm fully aware that Yes may not win but that poll is a pisstake.

I'll reserve judgement until the other pollsters publish their latest surveys.

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Funny that isn't it? Same time every NO voter was on saying that this debate won't change anything as we all know darling is a lying d*ckhead .

And here we are now with the NO voters having a " frenzy " over it.

Your trolling is shaming Mr Bairns lack of imagination.

I don't think anyone, not even the most diehard No voter (ie HB), expected Salmond to perform as poorly as he did.

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Haha look at you. Gone from on the fence and wanting to vote YES back into a wee fud trying to get bites off people, f**k happened? :lol:

It's an illness. Trollitis.

Either that or he's a virtual masochist and enjoys people thinking he's a complete and utter weapon.

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Yougov poll due out. Disaster for the NCC.

It was funny when they always used to cite a grand YouGov polling conspiracy.

Now Yes friendly pollsters are returning similar figures, that particular conspiracy seems to have went quiet.

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