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Monday, September 1, 2014

More poll drama tonight as YouGov look set to report yet another record high for Yes

The referendum polling drought will be abruptly broken at 10pm tonight, when new numbers from YouGov (the pollster notorious for adjusting their results with the No-friendly "Kellner Correction") are released. If a tweet from Nick Robinson and a comment in Brian Taylor's blog are anything to go by, they'll show a further narrowing of the gap - and that's absolutely massive news, because the last YouGov poll already showed a record high for Yes of 43% among the whole sample, and of 44% among definite voters. And it gets even better - our old friend Laurence Janta-Lipinski has been dropping broad hints on Twitter that the shift is significant, so there could well be an increase in the Yes vote of more than 1%. If so, we're getting into territory that would be consistent with a dead heat or a small Yes lead with the more Yes-friendly pollsters.

Stay tuned...

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My own twitter feed

if its 47% in the yougov poll we work harder we canvass harder no slacking we keep talking to the undecideds and the soft no types #indyref

And unionist journo feed

Paul Hutcheon @paulhutcheon 7m

Beginning to sense a change of mood amongst @UK_Together sources #indyref

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I'm glad we're not over reacting on here.

I think it's important that the yes campaigners don't see this as some sort of victory. I still don't believe the polls and wouldn't no matter which side they are showing for.

However, we all have to admit that if YG are showing it within touching distance that is quite a jump.

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Apoligies that the links are from twitter but just posting if people dont have a feed

Mike Smithson @MSmithsonPB 4m

YouGov IndyRef poll for the Times finds NO leads down to just 6%. It was 18% in July. %age of LAB voters supporting YES up from 13% to 30

Mike Smithson @MSmithsonPB 2m

YouGov/Times IndyRef poll finds undecided voters splitting to YES by 2-1.

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I think it's important that the yes campaigners don't see this as some sort of victory. I still don't believe the polls and wouldn't no matter which side they are showing for.

However, we all have to admit that if YG are showing it within touching distance that is quite a jump.

And we still need a really big jump, we'll leave the complacency to UKOK.

Edited by ayrmad
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Paid 50p to tell yougov that I'd vote Labour in a Holyrood election, didn't vote in 2011 and plan to vote No.


YouGov IndyRef poll for the Times finds NO leads down to just 6%. It was 18% in July. %age of LAB voters supporting YES up from 13% to 30


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Assuming this was the poll I took part in the other day.

Congrats guys, it's beginning to look probable.

This isn't some sort of competition, we're voting for this country' future.

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