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Anecdotally, my wife is a Scottish born Chinese, and her parents have intimated that a lot of the Chinese community are voting no. The conversation she had convincing them to vote yes was hilarious; the main concern was the rise in cooking oil, meat and groceries in general (lots of takeaway owners).

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Anecdotally, my wife is a Scottish born Chinese, and her parents have intimated that a lot of the Chinese community are voting no. The conversation she had convincing them to vote yes was hilarious; the main concern was the rise in cooking oil, meat and groceries in general (lots of takeaway owners).

Just tell them to tell their friends to switch to Morrison's.
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That would be made a lot easier if the one side hadn't spent 2 years lying, misleading, threatening, intimidating, bullying and constantly talking down the other.

We could also do with a bit less of the smug, arrogant, pompous, condescending and patronising bollox from No voters on this forum and others.

You are asking a lot of people to simply forget all of that overnight.

The entire No campaign has been a disgrace and there will be peaceful consequences after the vote for those who have betrayed their country and their people.

Some may find they will need to seek out new friends. Some companies may find their products are no longer wanted by Scots. Some newspapers (like the Scotsman) may lose their readership for their smug presumptiousness in trying to influence the vote directly rather than simply report the news and some political parties such as Labour will possibly die as a result of their betrayal.

For me, the hardest thing to cope with is the utter betrayal I feel from so many people.

It's their smugness and glee at displaying that betrayal which is worse.

This isn't just another vote. This is about personal freedom.

In other countries people have died to get days like this and people like you have simply dismissed us out of hand as being dreamers.

You have seriously underestimated the level of emotional investment Yes voters have made in this campaign and it's that lack of respect which is causing problems.


The behaviour of Yes supporters on here has been absolutely shameful.

Some of the posts over the last couple of weeks have been beyond disgrace. The lies, the scaremongering... the horrendous bias and campaign of negativity and fear.

The good thing for Scotland as a wider consideration is that thus cesspit of a sub forum is not at all representative of the wider debate.

The disgusting posts from Yes supporters on here should not reflect on the main Yes campaign which has i think been largely good and well meaning.

After the No vote I'd like to think many if the shrill disgraces on here will feel ashamed of themselves though perhaps not.

In a crowd like situation as the Yes circle jerk on here is it encourages this sort of descent into stupidity.

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The behaviour of Yes supporters on here has been absolutely shameful.

Some of the posts over the last couple of weeks have been beyond disgrace. The lies, the scaremongering... the horrendous bias and campaign of negativity and fear.

The good thing for Scotland as a wider consideration is that thus cesspit of a sub forum is not at all representative of the wider debate.

The disgusting posts from Yes supporters on here should not reflect on the main Yes campaign which has i think been largely good and well meaning.

After the No vote I'd like to think many if the shrill disgraces on here will feel ashamed of themselves though perhaps not.

In a crowd like situation as the Yes circle jerk on here is it encourages this sort of descent into stupidity.

Pot calling the kettle....Mr Pick

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The behaviour of Yes supporters on here has been absolutely shameful.

Some of the posts over the last couple of weeks have been beyond disgrace. The lies, the scaremongering... the horrendous bias and campaign of negativity and fear.

The good thing for Scotland as a wider consideration is that thus cesspit of a sub forum is not at all representative of the wider debate.

The disgusting posts from Yes supporters on here should not reflect on the main Yes campaign which has i think been largely good and well meaning.

After the No vote I'd like to think many if the shrill disgraces on here will feel ashamed of themselves though perhaps not.

In a crowd like situation as the Yes circle jerk on here is it encourages this sort of descent into stupidity.

Uh oh. Another weekend I.T. meltdown at H_B's work.

You must be dreadful at your job.


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The behaviour of No supporters on here has been absolutely shameful.

Some of the posts over the last couple of weeks have been beyond disgrace. The lies, the scaremongering... the horrendous bias and campaign of negativity and fear.


The disgusting posts from No supporters on here reflects the main No campaign which has i think been largely fear mongering and threats.

After the Yes vote I'd like to think many if the shrill disgraces on here will feel ashamed of themselves though perhaps not.

In a crowd like situation as the No circle jerk on here is it encourages this sort of descent into stupidity.

Sorted that for you as the vast majority of posters will now identify and agree with

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The behaviour of Yes supporters on here has been absolutely shameful.

Some of the posts over the last couple of weeks have been beyond disgrace. The lies, the scaremongering... the horrendous bias and campaign of negativity and fear.

The good thing for Scotland as a wider consideration is that thus cesspit of a sub forum is not at all representative of the wider debate.

The disgusting posts from Yes supporters on here should not reflect on the main Yes campaign which has i think been largely good and well meaning.

After the No vote I'd like to think many if the shrill disgraces on here will feel ashamed of themselves though perhaps not.

In a crowd like situation as the Yes circle jerk on here is it encourages this sort of descent into stupidity.

Your such a rUKer H_B.

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The behaviour of Yes supporters on here has been absolutely shameful.

Some of the posts over the last couple of weeks have been beyond disgrace. The lies, the scaremongering... the horrendous bias and campaign of negativity and fear.

The good thing for Scotland as a wider consideration is that thus cesspit of a sub forum is not at all representative of the wider debate.

The disgusting posts from Yes supporters on here should not reflect on the main Yes campaign which has i think been largely good and well meaning.

After the No vote I'd like to think many if the shrill disgraces on here will feel ashamed of themselves though perhaps not.

In a crowd like situation as the Yes circle jerk on here is it encourages this sort of descent into stupidity.

Landmark post. Utterly reeks of you realising that No are in deep shit.

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That would be made a lot easier if the one side hadn't spent 2 years lying, misleading, threatening, intimidating, bullying and constantly talking down the other.

We could also do with a bit less of the smug, arrogant, pompous, condescending and patronising bollox from No voters on this forum and others.

You are asking a lot of people to simply forget all of that overnight.

The entire No campaign has been a disgrace and there will be peaceful consequences after the vote for those who have betrayed their country and their people.

Some may find they will need to seek out new friends. Some companies may find their products are no longer wanted by Scots. Some newspapers (like the Scotsman) may lose their readership for their smug presumptiousness in trying to influence the vote directly rather than simply report the news and some political parties such as Labour will possibly die as a result of their betrayal.

For me, the hardest thing to cope with is the utter betrayal I feel from so many people.

It's their smugness and glee at displaying that betrayal which is worse.

This isn't just another vote. This is about personal freedom.

In other countries people have died to get days like this and people like you have simply dismissed us out of hand as being dreamers.

You have seriously underestimated the level of emotional investment Yes voters have made in this campaign and it's that lack of respect which is causing problems.

I don't agree, I don't want an Independant Scotland to make the same mistakes as our past, an Independant Scotland should start with a clean slate for all so that we don't have any seperation anywhere, so that we can all get on with the task at hand, WORLD DOMINATION. j/k and start to look after the peolple rather than the profits.

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Yes polling on ground using weighting and demographics are saying today that they have this by a landslide. .. biased obviously but that is the feeling on ground.. expect a major incident by wastemonster this wk...

If I'm reading it right, these polls are horrific. Check this out: http://radicalindependence.org/2014/08/19/radical-independence-campaign-18k-canvass-sample-released/

63/37 in favour of Yes.

Places polled - Dundee, Clydebank, Easterhouse, Greenock, Hamilton, etc etc etc.

Places not polled - any No stronghold.

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If I'm reading it right, these polls are horrific. Check this out: http://radicalindependence.org/2014/08/19/radical-independence-campaign-18k-canvass-sample-released/

63/37 in favour of Yes.

Places polled - Dundee, Clydebank, Easterhouse, Greenock, Hamilton, etc etc etc.

Places not polled - any No stronghold.

Thats encouraging, looking at the areas covered as well it looks they have polling the lesser off rather than the better off.

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The RIC poll can't be seen to be entirely reliable however you do have to accept that support for independence is high in areas of high population inc housing estates are largely yes, given the population density in these places I'd rather have a scheme of yes voters than 5 rich farmers voting no.

As someone who has canvassed before and poll done by the individual parties are very dodgy.

Some canvassers accept face value, even when its obvious the person at the door will say anything to get rid of you. Others will mark a household down for their side even if they only speak to one person.

In short dont trust a poll published by no or yes.

However, we can do this. This is the chance for our generation to build a new Scotland. A just Scotland, a Scotland that can take its place on the world stage and not be seen as a region. A Scotland that can look to solve the issues of poverty and inequality.

Thats what this is about, vote no and stay as a region with no ablility to change the things that matter. Vote yes and empower your people, have the opportunity to change things.

It wont be the land of honey, but if we get it wrong it will be us, not mistakes enforced on us by others.

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Interestingly Yes is shortest price 3/1 and can still get 7/2 in some places. Absolutely crazy given how tight the polls are. Get lumping it.

Possibly a bit late now but worth keeping an eye on Betfair... I got effective odds of just under 4.4/1 yesterday afternoon which seemed crazy.

Wouldn't usually bet on the result I want to happen... but in this case it was too good value to pass up.

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